Texas sending illegal immigrants to Washington DC by bus, has plans for chartered planes next

in #politics2 years ago

Normally I focus on dumb reporting but that is not the case this time. This time I am going to focus on how the political divide in the United States is getting worse, not better like some politicians - especially at the Federal level - would like to have the public deceived into believing.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced some time in the past week that because the Federal government is doing very little to assist with the border, that he was going to give migrants - which is mostly just a friendly word for "illegal immigrant" - the option of getting on a bus for free and send them over to Washington D.C. where the Biden administration can “immediately address the needs of the people that they are allowing to come across our border.”

I don't find this dumb, I find it very clever but it also disappoints me that our state and federal governments seem to be actively working against one another.


The first of these buses arrived in Washington D.C. on Wednesday, April 13th in the morning, showing that Abbott was not making an idle threat and to me, this is probably a very effective way to show the federal government, and one of the most liberal areas in the United States what an issue this can actually be for their communities.

For years Texas has been complaining to the federal government that the border issue with "migrants" is a very real problem that plagues their border communities, but it all has seemed to fall on deaf ears to every President other than the Orange one who at least from where I am standing, appeared to genuinely try to put a stop to it.

I do not live in Texas so I can't say first-hand, but it is kind of easy to understand how thousands upon thousands of people just illegally entering an area could possibly be a problem for the communities that they enter. Now it remains to be seen what sort of impact this has on Washington D.C. For those of you that don't already know, Washington D.C. is already one of the most crime-addled and poverty-stricken parts of the United States and I'm not suggesting that this is a racial or migrant thing, but the addition of a bunch of mostly unskilled "migrants" certainly isn't going to improve things.


Jen Psaki, who has a job that I can't imagine anyone wanting of answering questions to the press about what Biden and his administration are doing had this to say about Abbott's actions.

“I think it’s pretty clear this is a publicity stunt. His own office admits that a migrant would need to voluntarily be transported, and he can’t compel them to because, again, enforcement of our country’s immigration laws lies with the federal government, not a state.”

Even though I don't really like this woman and feel as though she lies and distracts with almost every breath that she takes I think that she is largely correct with the statement about this being a publicity stunt. However, I can only think of a few politicians that don't pull publicity stunts on a regular basis so even if she is correct, this is in no way surprising.

But then she went and did what we expect her and every other press secretary to do: She changed the subject to be about something else. Instead of talking about what the Federal government is actually going to do to help Texas and the border problems she instead slammed the Texas governor for slowing down supply chains of food and automobile parts by having increased security at border crossings.

A little misdirection is expected of these people and all the ones that I am familiar with in the past would do the same thing as Psaki. She is attempting to change the conversation away from immigration and instead try to imply that food-shortages and rising prices in general are somehow Abbott's fault because of border policies that the Texas governor utilizes - which is of course a completely absurd statement to make for anyone with even a modicum of brain activity.

She is doing this because Texas has a governor's election coming up and she wants to try to attribute any problem that she can to Abbott in order to cause people in Texas to dislike him - which almost certainly isn't going to happen because his opponent is likely going to be Beto O’Rourke and honestly, outside of a few big cities in Texas, this guy has very limited support. Also, Texas is a very red state and is likely even moreso after a couple of years of Biden.


When the bus arrived in DC it was swamped by the press and a bunch of lookie-loo's with their camera phones to fully document it. In the press the usual stuff is happening with the liberal networks talking about how awful and inhumane this is and the conservative ones calling it an intelligent power play on the part of Abbott.

I suppose it is just par for the course in politics and while I am quite certain that Abbott is using this as a publicity stunt, it could very well end up being a very effective one. Will it impact Biden's border policy? I will go out on a limb here and say almost certainly not. The suffering or well-being of the country doesn't seem to be a very big priority for politicians and I don't think it has been for a hundred years.



This is a good post dood. I live in Texas, and proximity to immigration makes immigration that much more real.

As you pointed out in the post, the politics of this is pretty normal. But politics is not reality. Politics is used as persuasive leverage to increase the popularity of elected representatives, so they can affect their own policy, which may or may not be good for the majority of people.

And when people are too busy discussing politics, not reality, they can't put reality in context, and when bad policy is formed because of this, and they feel it a decade later, that pisses a lot of people off, and that's when you end up with polarization, expensive wars, government deficits, sluggish economic growth, inflation, high debt burdens, and a lot of other shit that people don't like too much.

I didn't know that about Abbot, but that's pretty funny. But I have noticed in American history, when people go to DC, whether meeting with politicians, protests, demonstrations, riots, etc…it seems to foster more attention by national politicians because it's closer.

But policy takes time, years and decades, and it's rarely ever finished, because times change constantly. And even if we see laws enacted, the implementation of those laws are grindingly slow.

And since we are a nation of immigrants, we will probably never figure out the right mix of the quantity and quality of our immigration.

But in my opinion, in order to have a prosperous society, because that is really the end game to all of these issues, we need two things…

We (as a nation) need to earn more than we spend, and we need to treat each other kindly.

There needs to be the right proportion of skilled and unskilled immigration. Too much of either can cause problems. And there needs to be a system that incentivizes useful work, rather than reliance on debt and social infrastructure to support people.

Anyway, I enjoyed your post @dumb-news.

What a fantastic response. I would say it is arguably better than my original post. It's nice to get a perspective from a Texan on this issue. I wonder why they don't talk about Abbott? Is he generally popular there? I don't trust polls.

Texas is obviously a Republican state. And in the last couple of elections, Abbott won with a decent margin.

As far as people I personally know that talk about Texas politics, it's what you would expect, my friends that live in rural areas voted for him, and my friends that live in the city voted for the Democratic candidate (I think Valdez ran last time).

But usually the talk is at a name recognition and political party level, and doesn't really go beyond that. Which is pretty typical to how people think about politics I think. For my Democratic friends, if the candidate is not affiliated with their party, they generally don't like them, and then make up reasons why they don't like them, rather than the other way around…lol. And vice versa for my Republican friends.

Abbott is definitely not loathed by dems… so I think he grasps a lot of middle-ground people.

If you want to alleviate "illegal" immigration "problem", stop making "legal" immigration so difficult. I've lived it, and that's literally what it looks like:

Have a few friends that met their spouses overseas and you are correct, becoming a legal citizen of USA is extremely difficult. However, to be fair, it is extremely difficult the other way around as well unless you are extremely wealthy and well-connected.

It's not like Americans can just walk into Colombia and be like "I want to be Colombian, where is my new passport?"

I don't know about Colombia, but certain countries ARE easier. Like Estonia

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