Only The Wall Street Journal is viewed favorably by both D's and R's

in #politics4 years ago

While it is very well known that basically every source of news is biased and manipulates data and / or creates a slant on the "news" to suit their own internal agenda, there is only ONE news outlet in existence the polled favorably among both Democrats and Republicans. It also happens to be one of the most boring news outlets in existence - perhaps there is a correlation there.


I first became familiar with the Wall Street Journal when I was in college because I double majored in Business and Journalism. People in either one of these categories were entitled to a subscription to WSJ for "free" and I put that in parenthesis because college is so absurdly overpriced that anything you are getting for free was probably already covered many times over in your tuition.

In the past 4 years people have become less and less trusting of any media source and not without good reason: Unless you have recently suffered a head injury you are very aware that all of the major players in the game, on a global scale, have and agenda and that agenda is unfortunately not about having the public be informed.

It's not just Americans

The Wall Street Journal arrived at my doorstep in college every day and try as I may to be interested in what was contained inside this was a dreadfully boring collection of stories. However, it is worth noting that I didn't just recently graduate from college and back in those days WSJ was almost entirely financial news - they hadn't yet attempted to reach a broader audience by throwing their hat into politics, pop culture, music, technology, and other topics.

The fact that there was a 20 page or so printout of the current values of thousands of stocks seems ridiculous these days but you have to keep in mind that the internet was a relatively new thing back in the early 90s and while it did exist, we didn't use it for very much other than email and slowly downloading pictures of boobies.

In a survey, that in itself may have been biased to begin with, came to some obvious conclusions such as the fact that conservatives overwhelmingly believed that CNN, MSNBC, ABC, HuffPo, WaPo, NYT (the list goes on and on) were not reliable sources of news and the reverse was true with liberals in regards to Fox, Breitbart, OANN, NY Post, etc.

There are 50 or so sources in the list in this survey and there was only ONE media outlet that was viewed favorably by both groups and that was The Wall Street Journal. This has a great deal to do with the fact that conservatives barely gave it a positive rating then it reached a whopping +4 rating (on a scale of -100 to +100)

Take this poll with a grain of salt though because WSJ, like any other news outlet in the world is struggling to remain profitable and relevant. News organizations thrive on partisanship and there really isn't any money in being objective anymore - you have to get your userbase worked up with sensationalism it seems and while I have not paid much attention to any of the MSM in the past in any capacity other than to make fun of them, I have paid probably less attention to WSJ except for that one time they tried to go to war with Pewdiepie and lost.

So I guess I'll go and peruse their articles for a bit and see if there is any truth to this talk of objectivity. I would be willing to bet that it is unfounded but there's always hope I suppose!



lol about getting WSJ for free in college. I did as well in business school. What a waste of paper that was for me. I became somewhat environmentally concerned about the massive amount of paper that was coming to my doorstep every day and ended up cancelling the "free" subscription as well.

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