Alternatives to Capitalism and the Building of Resilience

in #politics7 years ago


The 20th century saw the proliferation of a number of alternative economies, both in theory and in practice. The main differences in these economic systems are between capitalism and communism. This is unlike the situation in the 21st century where capitalism has become the dominant economic form across the globe.

Communism hit its epoch at the height of Soviet power and in the Soviet satellite states of the Eastern European bloc, Cuba, and a number of other Communist experiments in other Latin and Central American states, most notably in Nicaragua. The essence of the Communist system is its emphasis on equality rather than on freedom. The idea is to redistribute the wealth generated by the economy to the people in the form of wages and welfare services. This system proved to be very successful by the late 1950s in the Soviet Union but from this point onwards, did not prove to be very resilient to the enormous economic pressures from outside of the nation. The crucial point here is that the emphasis of the economy was on equality for all rather than freedom for all. This is in contrast to Capitalism in which the emphasis is (or was until the advent of the neoliberal ideology from the mid-1970s onwards) on freedom rather than on equality. Thus, Capitalism is a system that encourages competition and self-reliance in which people reap the benefits according to their efforts (theoretically). Hence, we see huge disparities in wealth and in equality in capitalist societies while in communist societies, we see a lack of freedom. This is quite intriguing because history shows that, in terms of the ideas underpinning both systems, they stem from the same root, that of the western Enlightenment where freedom and equality and two of the core principles of Enlightenment thought.

There are large-scale alternatives to these main systems, the most notable being the social democratic, or social welfare state. This form of economic system is now prevalent in the Scandinavian countries and in fluctuating pockets of Western Europe. As well, countries such as Australia, New Zealand, most of Western Europe, and of course, the Scandinavian countries were the model social democratic nations in the 1960s and into the 1970s. Basically, the underlying principle of such economies is to tax the population and business heavily, but then to redistribute the tax revenue back to the people in the best possible social and welfare services. What this meant that there was an emphasis on equality (through redistribution) AND freedom because they were also model democracies. This is not to say that they were perfect nations by any means, but they were vibrant, wealthy, democratic nations. It was a system that took the best of both major Enlightenment ideologies and made them very successful.

There have been other alternatives (in practice) such as the kibbutz system in Israel, and the cooperative based systems of Nicaragua and current-day Venezuela. However, these have been fairly isolated examples. For the purposes of this discussion, the three main economic systems outlined above will be analysed below.

So, where do these three economic systems stand in relation to resilience?

Let’s start with Capitalism. It appears that current-day neoliberal capitalism provides all the mental ammunition for the individual to achieve high levels of resilience. The emphasis on self-regulation and the psychological sciences, particularly positive psychology, means that the sheer amount of self-help paraphernalia that has proliferated in the neoliberal era (the last 40 or so years) has been massive. So, the self-help groups, the self-help media, the messages that come through from the huge amount of personal development coaches, and so on, send positive messages such as “if you think you can, you will”, “think positive and you will achieve success”, and so on. The psychology is there; however, the economic system is not available to facilitate this. So, for example, employment opportunities become eroded to the point where wen the unemployment rate is 6%, there are not enough meaningful and fulfilling jobs to go around. Casualisation has become a major factor in today’s job market. The taxation system is regressive and does little to incentivize workers. And so on and on. Finally, there is a rapidly eroding welfare system that is not even assisting those in genuine need. This is a global phenomenon in all western democracies. Ultimately, what this means in terms of resilience is that Capitalism actually eats away at the resilience of the majority of people, and then when they fall the cracks, it seeks to label them as losers who do not deserve to be supported by the system or even to regain any form of resilience. Anything vaguely resembling community or collective help is shunned, so it is very difficult for the individual without resilience to stay afloat.

Communism appears to have an ideal system of redistribution that can serve to support people when and as they need it because the wealth generated by society is redistributed evenly across the population. As well, collective and community efforts are encouraged so this provides a ‘natural’ support system for the population. The psychological ammunition for resilience appears to be quite strong in these societies as the competition to be better than everyone else is absent. This ensures that the resilience that does exist is not eroded, particularly because of the ‘natural’ support system of the community. The problem for Communism may well be its lack of freedom for the people. Freedom of thought, expression, choice, and so on are fundamental bases of resilience, as they tend to boost resilience.

The social democratic system appears to hold within it a very positive recipe for resilience. The key here is that it is a capitalist system that generates tremendous wealth. These economies also appear to have found the answer to being able to provide meaningful work for a large part of the population, through high-tech industry and lots of work generated in the arts, and in quality manufacturing. As well, the massive redistribution of wealth through the tax system means that everyone is looked after through the best social welfare system on earth. This is affordable because of the high-wage, high-tax system and the very healthy economies of these countries. This provides the ideal environment for the nurturing of the individual within community and when help is needed, it is always there. In such an environment, resilience can be greatly enhanced.


The debate that will never stop... here we go!
First of all, the main attribute of communism is that there is no private property. Everything is owned by the state and there is no redistribution of wealth, because...well....there is no wealth. I am Romanian and my country has been a prisoner of communism for 45 years and I could see what it was like. Yes, you are right about the lack of freedom, but the redistribution of wealth is the definition of socialism, rather than communism.
Secondly, you said under communism the focus is on equality. I will have to disagree again. Intelectuals, political dissidents and rich people have all been discriminated against, imprisoned and treated as sh*t. Where is the equality in that?
When it comes to the social democratic system, again, there is no equality! I start a business, work hard to develop it, create jobs, etc and the state will penalize me through increased taxation and incentivize people who don't work hard, who don't create jobs through lower taxes and welfare. Now, I know there are disabled people, veterans etc who need welfare, but if you don't suffer from anything, go to work! You don't need welfare, that will always keep you poor.
Both communism and socialism are marxist theories, that have never been about equality, but only "mob rules" ideologies.
Lastly, you said capitalism is all about self-help and all that, but the economic system cannot facilitate it. A relaxed fiscal system and as few regulations as possible will always facilitate entrepreneurship. Free markets and reduced taxes & regulations will always incentivize people to start businesses and employ others. Also, a flat tax means everybody gives the same percentage of their wealth back to the state, and that my friend, is called equality.
My suggestion is that instead of being jealous on the rich for having money and trying to take their money as if it was ours, we should ask ourselves how we can help the poor become rich (or prosperous) as well .
Good day!

Hi extramile. Thanks for your reply and for your very good points.

My argument is basically an academic or theoretical one.

Let me address some of your points.

Firstly, I dispute that there is no wealth under a Communist system. By the late 1950s, the Soviet system elevated the USSR to world leaders in space exploration, military hardware, and in fact, in terms of GDP. So, to suggest that there is no wealth generated by a Communist system is quite simply wrong. But ... and this is the crunch of the matter ... from the 1960s onwards, the Soviet state changed quite dramatically attempting to expand it's empire. This was the start of the problems. Basically, they overspent their wealth and over-reached their power. 30 years later, it was all gone.

Your point about equality is a fair one. However, in terms of the 'design' of the system, this is philosophically what Communism is about.

Your point about the social democratic system is simply biased. You make the claim that there are many people who don't want to 'work hard'. The Scandinavian social democratic systems have generally had lower unemployment rates than the rest of Europe, so how do you explain this?

Your argument about capitalism is again biased because it is simply based on a free market argument. And a flat tax? Which country has a flat tax? None. I actually agree that a flat tax (based on a percentage) is a great idea, but so far, not a single capitalist country has implemented this. Why? Because it would penalise large corporations because they pay almost no tax in the current system.

On your final point - this is not an issue of jealousy. It is a matter of the support that a whole society actually provides for the corporate sector in terms of tax breaks for big business (which costs the taxpayer money), the consumption of the goods and services they produce by the consumers, and I could go on. Surely, the corporate sector should give back to the society that supports them.

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