Kamala Harris is a terrible candidate

in #politics6 years ago

Kamala Harris. Yuck.

Her solution for students not going to school?

Prosecuting the parents for truancy.

She is a terrible candidate. She is a pretty face placed over the prison industrial complex.

Her solutions to Amerikkka's problems are just more neoliberalism. In this case, the diversity she represents is diverse punishment.

She has already caved on her positions for universal healthcare, siding instead with insurance companies.

If she is chosen as the opposition to Trump, we will see the cheeto win in 2020.

This woman built her career on putting black and poor people in jail.

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor has a great quote on what she represents.

There are those who claim that Kamala Harris' "had" to pursue a law-and-order agenda as a prosecutor because as a black woman she did not have the "luxury" of being lenient. Some have gone so far as to claim that it is racist and sexist to criticize Harris because "what else was she supposed to do." My favorite explanation has been that Harris had career aspirations and had to be tough on crime so she would not be "Willie Hortoned"--as if Harris just "had" to be a prosecutor.
If your job requires that you destroy the lives of young black and brown people, then maybe you need to reevaluate your life choices or do your job differently. We literally built a whole ass movement where the central slogan was "Black Lives Matter". It seems strange to have to say in this point moment that the lives of poor and working class black people are not expendable. they are not the kindling for the career aspirations of middle class people trying to live their best lives. they are not the stepping stones for those who wish to fulfill their life dream of being the president of the United States. Indeed, Black Lives Matter. the voices of those targeted by DA Harris are erased while some try to scrub her' record clean by minimizing what it actually meant for her to have targeted black mothers and their children as the low hanging fruit in the criminal justice system. The cheap and easy goods that operatives within the Democratic Party have used for a generation to build their careers and rebrand the party as "tough". The ease with which Harris has done this is alarming.
The pleasure she seems to get from it in this video below is frightening. Finally, the notion that these criticisms are misogynoir is to make a joke of the concept. Criticizing a black woman from the political class endowed with the powers of a racist and exploitative state who then used those powers to harass, humiliate (watch the video), imprison and thus forever degrade the life chances of poor and working class black women, children, and men is not holding her to a different standard. These are the new standards created by a movement whose ranks were made up of the people Kamala Harris put in prison. If you don't like these standards take it up with tens of thousands of ordinary black people who filled the streets imploring, demanding, "Black Lives Matter." You don't get to twist that history now because you like the candidate. Black feminism is ultimately a politics of liberation because it puts at its center poor and working class Black women whose "lived experience" tell us all that we need to know about the cruelty of capitalism and the need to build the movement to destroy it. Misplaced demands for "nuance" reinforce the invisibility of poor black women--those Harris went out of her way to attack--and that invisibility predisposes them to disposability. Harris doesn't even say she has changed.
She defends her pathetic and racist record. We would do well to remember that Harris stands in a long and sullied tradition of Democratic Party politicians building their careers on the backs of poor black people for whom they believe the general public cares so little about that the electeds can continue to subject them to arrest, subsistence wages, and a life banished on the margins. Harris stands in this tradition. Thankfully, I'm old enough to remember when politicians would literally say anything to curry favor with voters. But in this day and age, people have records, have made videos that leave clear the contrast between what they claim to believe and what they actually have done.

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