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RE: Police Commissioner Calls For The Legalization of All Drugs

in #politics7 years ago

This has been a fairly unpopular opinion of mine for years. Just the other day I was at a social gathering where I overheard someone say "How is it that someone gets caught with a bag of heroin and only spends one night in jail, while another gets caught for petty larceny and gets three to six months?" To which I replied "One might argue that in the first case they are only hurting themselves, while in the second they caused harm to someone else." Several heads turned to me, a couple nodding absently, before they want on to discuss this "injustice." Thanks for this @doitvoluntarily. I am new to steemit and am adding you to my follow list ;)


wow! you took the plunge and you tried! i know how unnerving it can be in those situations.. i am thankful for every person who takes the time and effort to try and promote liberty in any way that they can. Even if it's just in passing discussion.. so thank you.

Ron Paul! My husband and I campaigned tirelessly for him, so much so that my son (five at the time) called him GrandPaul, haha!

now that is one of the best things i've heard today! :) does your son still remember him/does he like him?


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