Sh**hole countries beware... Trump decries "We don't want your immigrants"...

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

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Our dear leader let show his true feelings (and intentions) today as it relates to immigrants - at least non white immigrants. You know those dam brown people who are destroying America - making life difficult for white people.

Donald Trump has made many racist comments in the past, so its not too much of a surprise that he did it again. I guess he feels there’s really no need to hide his racism and bigotry anymore, you know because he’s so popular with most of America right now.

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In a meeting to discuss immigration policy, the “Clown In Chief” let slip some of his most racist and ignorant comments yet. With a mostly Republican audience, Trump vomited out future evidentiary quotes like:

“Why do we want all these people from SHITHOLE countries coming here”


“Why do we need more Haitians? They all have AIDS and should be taken out of any immigration deal”

And... Referring to Nigerian immigrants he said...

"Nigerians - Once they get here, they'll never wanna go back to their huts"

He finished up by declaring…

“We should get people from countries like Norway”

The only thing I can think to say, and it falls short in so many ways, but does somewhat expresses my feelings on the matter…


Think about this for a minute my dear Trump supporters – and take it for what it's worth…

I’m not mad that Clinton lost the election, in fact our political differences are irrelevant, and I don’t think less of you because you voted one way and I voted another.

No… I think less of you because you watched a candidate for President of The United States mock a disabled person in front of a crowd and still supported him.

I think less of you because you see a man spouting blatant racism and continue to back him.

I think less of you because you listened to him advocate war crimes, and still thought he should become Commander in Chief.

I think less of you because you watched him equate a woman’s worth to her appearance – and agreed.

It isn’t your politics that I find repulsive and vile, It’s your personal willingness to support racism, sexism, bigotry, ignorance, and cruelty.

You sided with an ignorant piece of shit bully, gave him your vote, and justified it by saying he doesn’t mean it, and it’s just an act.

This is something I can never forget…

So no… You and I won’t be coming together, moving forward, or anything else.

Donald Trump disgusts me, and it’s the fact that he doesn’t disgust you that will always be remembered…

I didn’t write this (italicized), and have no clue who did to credit them, but it clearly and accurately expresses how I feel…

So to everyone who has finally woke from their daze…

Let’s do something to really Make America Great Again – Call your Representatives and tell them to…

Impeach This Asshole

Thanks for reading…


Quote trump “best post ever”

I'm not sure if I would say "best post ever", but it's dam close... Thank you...

Reason I canceled my trip to London is that I am not a big fan of the Obama Administration having sold perhaps the best located and finest embassy in London for “peanuts,” only to build a new one in an off location for 1.2 billion dollars. Bad deal. Wanted me to cut ribbon-NO.........


You canceled your London trip because you know you are one of the most hated people on the planet and would be very poorly received. They would humiliate you....

All of this is not original material by me, wish I could write like that.. But I haven't been at the best Colleges...

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Trump is destroying the very foundation of this country. We are a country built by immigrants. To have our leader make racist remarks like he is known for is sad and dangerous. I welcome anyone to our country who will help strengthen it.

Wholeheartedly, completely, and without reservation, I second that...

Thanks for the comment @whats-up... Most appreciated...

OMG! This is such an great post! Thank you for sharing! I gave you a vote!!

Thanks for the compliment, the comment, and the vote... Most Appreciared...

U vote back and follow me thanks

Thanks for the vote u r a great man thanks again

Trump is just somehow, he open his month and say words anyhow not considering the aftermath what I know is that he's just an outspoken type, he won't do most of the things he claim to do.

Unfortunately if you look at policy and actual actions taken - the racism, bigotry, and outright ignorance of this POS are plainly evident... It's apparent that he has a deep rooted racism toward non white people only considering his comments on our former president, and if today is any indication of where we're heading - Oden help us...

I understand you. These are unacceptable things. I think racism is the greatest crime of mankind..

"To see a wrong and not expose it, is to become a silent partner to it continuance." Dr. John Raymond Baker

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