Wasting Your Valuable Life On Political Speculation?

in #politics8 years ago

I've come to the point recently where I truly cannot wait for the election to come and go, just so I can have it be over and watch the endless speculations in my Facebook News Feed finally go away.

One of the largest and most grotesque traps that the politicians seem to get people to repeatedly fall into, is listening to their words and claims as though they mean something.

"Trump wants to do X, he will do X, he says X, and that therefore means X will happen, which is less evil than this other thing over here."

The same goes for Hillary and any other I've seen, over and over again people are listening to the words of people motivated by the drive to rule others' lives by force, to control the lives of millions of people. Anyone who understands even a scintilla about human psychology ought to know better than to trust the words and claims of anyone whose agenda is to rule others.

There Is No Good Politician

History is rife with hundreds and thousands of politicians over and over again proving that their words and actions do not and cannot ever align. You cannot both be about freedom, and "live and let live", or about human rights, while seeking the power to control through deadly force how millions of human beings simply live life. The two are mutually exclusive.

An anarchist has no agenda, because an anarchist (like myself) only believes in entering into agreements based on mutual respect and consent. There is no desire in me to coerce anyone to live how I believe they should, not via scribbles on paper called laws, not via threats of using the power of the gang in blue, not via my own personal violence. It's rather simple, I live and let live and if someone threatens me directly with deadly force I will defend myself if I must, and that is all.

Beyond all of that, I have no direct tie to what a bunch of power-hungry sociopaths who don't know anything about my life are choosing to do to manipulate the masses with their agendas. Rulers will try to rule, it is all they know, and the best message I can send is that I will do everything I can to live as though my life is mine, and I will make choices I want to make and go around their barriers or laws as best as I can in order to live in freedom and harmony with my fellow man. Every day I live in anarchy in that I live without coercion, without a desire to coerce, and without participating actively in the world's largest violent gang -- the United States government.

It is true that when millions around you want what you do not want, it behooves you to talk about it, if only to say: "Stop attacking each other! Stop trying to force your agenda on anyone! Leave me and others alone!"

"Leave Me Alone-ism" Is Not An Answer to The Rest of Life, It's Not Meant To Be

I have said it and lived it a thousand times -- you get more in life of what you focus on, so it's also important to focus on what you do want out of life. A life without coercion, and a philosophy that just says "leave me alone and don't attack anyone or force them to live your way", is not the answer for who you are, it says nothing of your hobbies or interests or what you'd want out of life without the oppressive existence of rulers.

So, in the last year, while my passion has been to speak out against injustice, against war and the threat of deadly force against innocent and peaceful people, I have also been careful not to focus on only that. To focus only on what I do not want is to ignore all the power and beauty in all the things I do want.

Live, as best as you can, as though there are no politicians. I realize that's almost impossible in many ways -- gas, food, cosmetics, clothing, income and everything under the sun is taxed, and we are tracked and numbered everywhere we go, required to request permission just to travel over lines on earth.

But in every day life I can live doing things I love and want to do, live spreading the truth of love and happiness and freedom, and I can live without talking about strangers in suits who want to control me as though they matter.

The more you live as though something matters, the more it will matter in your life. Live as though what you want to matter matters, and live as though the things you don't want to exist do not matter.

Think of who you love, what you love, and focus on that today. Live and let live, and stop speculating about how some control freak parasites will or won't rule. For now, they're gonna do what they're gonna do, they are employees for a higher power of families and that has been openly written about through decades.


Ideas take the longest to take effect, but ideas are all that ever changed the world, so stick to the ideas you believe in, spread them far and wide, and live as best as you can until you take your final breath.


The man who ignores politics is doomed to be governed by his lesser.

yeah, but the man who doesn't ignore politics becomes involved in it - doesn't matter if (s)he is pro or against, involvement occurs, and if you are involved in politics it means you are using your time and energy on.. not what you would rather do instead. And politicians just can't stand if people are not involved in politics, because it threatens their feeling of importance. What do you mean you prefer gardening instead of listening to ME? :)
Ignoring politics as pretending it doesn't exist is of course not the smartest move, but there is a vast difference between getting involved in fighting he monster and simply acknowledging its existence, just so you can figure out smartest ways of avoiding meeting it. Avoid contact, fighting gives it strength and wastes your time...

Very inspiring post that rings true. Im tuning my focus to what you're saying. Upvoted and you have a new follower.

Thank you. The encouragement and positive thoughts are appreciated.

Truthful words good sir. 🖖

Err.. Madam, or Miss.

now this has to be the best thing i've read in some time........bravo!

Most folks do not understand that the popular vote is not what "(s)elects" the POTUS. Only the Electoral College (Definition of College: a group of people with a particular job, purpose, duty, or power who are organized into a group for sharing ideas, making decisions, etc.) can select the President. Usually this is done using a popularity contest (a campaign and election process) where The Powers That Be have their two opposing "gladiators" (other candidates are not part of this club) spar for the "peoples vote." The "winner" of this popularity contest is usually, but not always, installed as POTUS by the "Electoral College" (a group of minions controlled by the powered "Elite"). So "voting" is futile. However, watching what is going on, as an observer, might help one understand how bad things might get for them...IMHO ~Cheers~

Great post! Very well said and I agree 100% 🍀

Totally need to be reminded of this sometimes - thanks.

I agree with much of this post but some of the phraseology strikes me as a bit of a performative contradiction. If speculating about politics is a waste of life, does that mean that speculating about people who speculate about politics is a waste of life by extension? If so, given the implications of the action axiom (all purposeful action is undertaken to reduce felt uneasiness), wouldn't the act of making the claim demonstrate a preference contrary to the content of the claim? It seems to be implied here that all political speculation is necessarily prescriptive despite the fact that "political speculation is a waste of life" presupposes that one has already arrived at a preferred position on politics through speculation, and despite the fact that your own speculative analysis of politics appears to be both prescriptive and descriptive.

Good post, otherwise.

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