
Aww how cute, you're reduced to using semantics against me.

Sure, a single prominent Muslim who made a couple pro-Sharia law comments is totally the same as "the left" advocating Sharia law.

In exactly the same way you're a Nazi because Richard Spencer gives speeches about how we need to cleanse non-whites from the United States.

Her name is Chebly and she was working in Germany's foreign ministery under a social democrat minister who is now Germany's president. Currently Chebly works for the city of Berlin on I believe Integration matters. Get it? In Berlin the left made a Sharia supremacist boss of the integration department .

And then there is Frau Özguz. Ever heard of her? Also Social Democrat who is Merkels Integration boss. According to her there is no such thing as a German culture and she thinks it's Germans fault when migrants rape their women. She also has twin brothers who are known Islamists and who run the Islamist website Muslim-Markt.

Do you need more?

No, I don't need more propaganda or attempts to blow things out of proportion.

Literally the only thing holding the Right together is a manufactured hatred of liberals. So of course you have a couple cherry picked examples, but one idiot saying Sharia law is compatible with Germany's existing laws is not "Liberals supporting Sharia law."

Do you want to do a comparison of Conservatives espousing white supremacy for comparison? Because we both know that list would be much longer.

Or do you define "freedom" as "the freedom to get rid of an entire race of people?"

In fact, looking into it more it sounds like she received a lot of criticism from within her party for her remarks. It's almost like the left doesn't like the idea of Sharia law.

which is why she got sacked.. oh no, wait. She got promoted to a position with less public exposure.

here's another one: Federica Mogherini from the Italian PD (sic!) who is currently running the foreign affairs bueraucrazy in Brussels and who once actually said:

"I am not afraid to say that political Islam should be part of the picture." and just in case you like "context", here's the rest of the paragraph (I added the bold stuff):

"Religion plays a role in politics – not always for good, not always for bad. Religion can be part of the process. What makes the difference is whether the process is democratic or not."

I'll leave the interpretation to you. Just so much: When 51% of the population are in favor of Sharia for everyone, then there will be Sharia for everyone.

So what you're saying is you're against the freedom for people to choose what laws they live under?


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