What is Freedom of Speech?

in #politics7 years ago

I think that when most people talk about freedom of speech, they do so under the misconception that this freedom is only applicable in situations regarding the government censoring and/or punishing someone for their speech. Not only do think this is completely incorrect, I also think its harmful. Freedom of speech doesn't limit its own underlying concept to the government. If you say you believe in freedom of speech and then go on to get someone fired for a tweet they made, you don't believe in freedom of speech. You believe in freedom of YOUR speech.

I think that most people when asked if they believed in the right to free speech, would say that they do. however, when asked about specific circumstances I fully believe that the initial statement agreeing with the right, would quickly crumble.
I don't think people really that freedom of speech is something thats there to protect those who's opinions you abhor not the opinions and ideas that you relish in. The reason why we let KKK members march is not because we agree with them, but for a few reasons: because if we don't then they can play the victim card, lets us know who they are, and maybe if we can get them to engage in dialogue we can change their ideas. which leads me to my next major point, if you'r ideas are good enough, then you won't need to censor other peoples ideas to change their minds.

Freedom of speech isn't just there to protect those who have shitty ideas, its also the means in which we exchange ideas and argue them. Arguing ideas is how we separate the wheat from the chaff and go on to better our society. We implement the good ideas and toss out the bad. If your ideas are the good ideas, then they will be implemented without the need for censoring dissenting points of view. The open and free exchange of ideas is a GOOD thing, lets not shut each others out based on their race, skin color, or religious affiliations. Lets all talk about whatever needs to be talked about civilly, from rational and evidence based points of view. Remember that your interpretation of the world and what should happen may not work so well with someone else's idea of how the world should be run. So lets say this is a call to all those who support the free and open exchange of ideas without censorship of opinions that may be regarded as heinous or otherwise.