Ross Ulbricht's Defense Team Fighting To Appeal

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

The Ross Ulbricht defense team continues to dispute the fairness of Ulbricht's trial and they are planning to continue the fight and see the appeal process through to the end.

Ulbricht was sentenced to two life sentences in prison without the chance of parole, for his alleged guilt in operating the online website Silk Road. The defense team maintains that the convictions for Ulbricht should be vacated and that a new trial should be ordered or that he receive re-sentencing before a different judge.

There have been accusations of evidence tampering and more associated with this trial and there is good enough reason to want to see the matter cleared-up in a courtroom. Unsurprisingly, the prosecution has said that Ulbricht 'doesn't deserve' an appeal or new trial. Unfortunately for them though, they don't get to cherry-pick who deserves to exercise their legal rights, whether or not someone 'deserves' a trial isn't a requirement that needs to be met, because the appeal process is a part of the procedure of due process of law and foundation of the rule of law.

Everyone is meant to be equal before the law and therefore every single person is equally entitled to taking advantage of the appeal process.

Ulbricht's sentencing seems a bit draconian considering that there are literally child rapists and other very violent individuals who often get much less sentencing time in prison than we saw Ulbricht get. It's clear that they wanted to make an example out of him. Despite the problems surrounding the case and questions about corruption, his legal team is hopefully pressing forward with his appeal process.

The defense team believes that Ulbricht's Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights were violated and denied to Ulbricht.

Evidence relating to possibly corrupt agents involved in the case was not allowed to be brought forth to trial. In fact, two agents actually confessed to the corruption and are both currently serving prison sentences. From problems with evidence being left out of the case, to allegations of the state not issuing the proper warrant, it's clear that there are a number of problems related to this case.

The double life sentence that Ulbricht received dwarfs not only the recommended sentence by the government, but it also exceeds the bounds of reasonableness his lawyers argue. His family has been raising funds for his continued legal battles and if you'd like to look into supporting him you can view his official site at

Elizabeth Wlliams/AP
Huff post/AP



The American judicial system, while looking fairly good "on paper," in practice simply stinks to high heaven. The bad actors - notoriously prosecutors and judges - have entirely too much sway and can produce directed outcomes pretty much at will. It's "rule of man" v "rule of law," and I have seen it again and again all my life. Disgusting.

A few recent articles on Steemit about jury nullification have been helpful and encouraging.

Thanks for reminding us of Ross's plight.

Fully agree! and this perfect quote comes to mind ----: “When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law.” ― Frédéric Bastiat, The Law

"The Law" by Bastiat is a seminal work. Though I'm a voluntaryist, it comes close to being a book I would consider "required reading" universally! ;)

There is no better example of how destructive government can be than Ross' case. He never stood a chance against the prosecution. No evidence presented by the defense ever had a chance. During his original trial the defense was not even able to bring up the two crooked government agents on the silk road, who were both found guilty. The whole case in general has been extremely one-sided and unjust so far. He was a man with an idea, not a serious criminal. Instead of discussing the impact of trust less drug markets on society, they make Ross out to be a murderer and dangerous criminal in the news, to the jury, ect.

I hope this changes drasticly in the next few years. We need a big win for this guy.

I only know about this guy recently when I reading this book
Not a fantastic but it's good learning on history.

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