
Why thanks for positive comment lol ! I think this claim I make is a plausible possibilty ! I mean its could be the only real explanation for such an awful plan to kill off humanity slowly and without their knowledge by a hidden weapon that clearly nobody sees or even suspects ! Millions, no Billions will die from this thing called 5G Internet of Things, its so evil it just defys imagination and even reason !1 Like you say total madness or maybe like I say an invading force to this planet with knowledge and time to wait for their plan to give its fruit !

that is why i'm considering moving far out into the forest and getting me an old dumb-phone, living of the land. But i feel I have a duty to let others know about the madness going on in the world. they call it fakenews, I call it truth! we need to stand up together and say enough is enough!

Yes we do indeed @deeprabbithole, its indeed time to Stand Up before its too late !

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