Politically Correct : The Puppet MasterssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics7 years ago

Who Are The Puppet Masters?

The “spontaneous” protestors of Ferguson, Cleveland, and now Charlottesville are another example of useful idiots being used as puppets… Who are the puppet masters? Well you may assume that they are the usual suspects- the Washington DC elite and the Lame stream media, but all those people are themselves puppets to an even higher ultra world elite… There are 150 people who control the other 7 billion people on the planet, by controlling the political elite worldwide…Find out more on this edition of Politically Correct.

Constitutionally Conservative Viewpoints in a Liberal World Gone Mad.

We are just three guys who like to talk about current events, politics and self-reliance. Each week we pick a topic and try to stick to it in the main show. In the After Show, we like to go a little deeper and are more conspiracy minded. We aren't professional pundits, just some guys having a good time shooting the breeze.

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Very straitforward.

  • At the tippy top, the Prison Warden consiousness (4th dimension) - Satan essentially
  • At the very top, the black nobility, the 13 families, descendants of Cain.
  • Below them, the vatican.. Then the queen of england, and other public royalty.
  • below them are the Rothschilds, bilderburg, george soros, etc. These are your operational leaders.
  • Then it's council on foreign relations, bilderburg, etc.
  • International bankers - IMF, world bank, etc
  • UN
  • Governments
  • Military /Police
  • Entertainment Industry/News Media
  • You

Unfortunately you are right in your statements. They are trying to polarize the people of the world to keep us busy fighting between us. Here in Spain and in Europe as well. But it seems that where else they are striving is in the USA. On the other hand normal since it still remains the reference at world level.
The positive reading is that it seems that more and more people are seeing the complete picture and being able to stay out of that polarization and think clearly.

The problem is, only a small minority will see it for what it is, the masses will still be manipulated against that minority of free thinkers.

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