Is Ben Shapiro "Alt-Right?"

in #politics5 years ago

Is Ben Shapiro "Alt-Right?"

Audience Question: Is Ben Shapiro alt-right?

Do you agree?


What you said is pretty much it.

"Alt-right" as a label is quickly losing all meaning. Those of us on the left side of things are called "alt-right" by what many are calling "the regressive left" for any disagreement whatsoever. Basically, if you don't identify as a Feminist, LGBT or otherwise Social Justice Warrior, you're labeled "alt-right."

I wish it wasn't the case, but being left-leaning myself, I get called alt-right just for asking questions.

thanks for the feedback!

Alt-right doesn't mean anything.

Ben Shapiro is plain old conservative and in no way extreme. Most who use the term "alt-right" are only close-minded people who would never consider actually listening to the ideas of the people they are labelling.

alt right has meaning, and I disagree with your assessment (respectfully)

Shapiro is far from being "radical" or "reactionary." None of these silly labels are coming from a place of reason. People who label others are doing so for psychological reasons.

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