A Letter I have Written to my MP about UK Immigration and Islam

in #politics7 years ago


This is a letter I have written to my local MP in the UK about my concerns over immigration and Islam. I would be interested to hear your thoughts, and if you are also concerned, to hear what action you have taken?

I am writing this letter as a very concerned citizen on the subject of immigration and the gradual Islamification of the UK. I write this in the knowledge that I maybe labelled as an Islamophobe, racist (although Islam is not even a race), Nazi or fascist. Name calling and political correctness has been used for years to silence people who have genuine concerns and criticism and is what led to the Rotherham sex gangs going unchallenged.

Firstly, I would like to state that I do support immigration when kept to low levels, if the vetting process is much stricter, when the system cannot be abused so easily, where people don’t come for free stuff, when illegal immigrants are quickly deported and where people who show a rejection of British laws, values and culture are removed and sent back home. I really don’t object to people who are different to myself as long as other people do not try to impose their religion or foreign culture on myself or society in general, which I am afraid is what is happening. I am opposed to a foreign ideology and religion, namely Islam, that has no history in Britain and is largely incompatible with everything we stand for, from being allowed to continuously grow with no end in sight to the point where it will eventually take over areas and the country itself. When does it stop and has anybody discussed a limit? Whole parts of towns across the country have already been taken over by Islam and migrants who recreate their home country within them removing whatever British culture was there before. I have read the Koran, the Hadith’s, studied Islamic history and modern day Islam, which is more than most of the ‘Islam is a religion of peace advocates have done’ and I am quite disturbed by what I learned.

Islam aside, UK net migration has been far too high for the last 20 years and does not show any signs of any dramatic decrease happening soon. This is also a matter of resources, population control, food supply, NHS, housing, economics, schools, traffic congestion, abuse of taxpayers money and the aesthetics of the UK landscape. We also have an estimated one million or more illegal immigrants who are not being deported and we are not addressing the problem of how easy it is for them to get here and remain here.

As a native British resident I am, just like many others, a concerned citizen, proud and happy to have grown up and be living in one of the safest, most peaceful, tolerant, free, highly secular, non Islamic and culturally advanced civilisations in the world. We have a deep connection to our British upbringing, culture and history and our only concern is to preserve and further enhance what has been created here over the generations and what our grandfathers fought to save. The civilisation that we have now in the UK was forged over time by Europeans and does not exist to the same standards in the middle eastern and African countries that we are importing people from. Not in Pakistan, India, Syria, Sudan, Eritrea, Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey or Albania. As such it is both a dangerous and possibly suicidal policy to bring millions of people here from these places who will then have children, further increasing the numbers, as it is not just people you are bringing here but also their culture, their attitudes, their religion, their ideology, their morals, their superstitions, their laws and their ways of life. It is absolutely foolish to assume that once someone steps upon the shores of the UK then they will fall into line with our own culture or even want to. In fact, they do not need to because they can stay within their own communities and get access to everything that their own culture provided for them at home here. There is in fact no need to assimilate.

We have a woefully inadequate vetting process for those coming here from these countries which is further compounded by an almost non existent assertion that a person must be educated on British values and to check whether the person actually shows an enthusiasm and willingness to adopt them. In reality, we do not really know who we are letting in, how many, what they think of us and what they intend to do. Islamic fundamentalist groups are already using the migration system as a way of getting their people in and many people are coming for economic reasons and free stuff but claiming to be refugees. Have you noticed that a large proportion of these migrants are young single Muslim men. Why aren’t these men staying to defend their families or working to improve their own country? They don’t want to stay and change their own country yet they are quite willing to change this one. It seems like the stream of people coming is never ending.

This situation is also disastrous for the countries they are coming from. First, we take their most educated, skilled and intelligent people and give them jobs here which in turn leaves their own country short of the very people they need to improve it. Then, as their own country does not improve because their best people are not staying, a tidal wave of anyone, regardless of education, skills and willingness to adopt British values follows. The emphasis has to be on these countries improving themselves and people remaining there to do just that. The solution can certainly not be to import the middle east and Africa into Europe. If they love Europe and the UK so much then they are free to replicate how we do things here in their own country, it’s not a copyrighted system.

When you take a slice of other cultures and countries and try to slot it into your own you will get a proportional representation of everything that the incoming cultures and religion have to offer and you will see an introduction and rise of all those things in the host country. So now in the UK we have violent Jihad to the level where it has become ‘normal’ committed by people born in the UK, living in the UK or given refugee status. We have thousands of Mosques, hate preachers on the streets, in schools and Universities, over 3000 Islamic terrorists on MI5 watchlist walking amongst us and approx a further 23,000 on the periphery as people of interest, Islamic organisations pushing Islamic agendas, Muslims protesting in the streets for Islamic rights, female genital mutilation, rape of white only young girls by Asian sex gangs nationwide, honour killings, sharia courts and communities that do not share the same views on rights and equality that people have fought so hard to gain in regards to women and homosexuality etc. And we see an Islam that mainly sticks to their own and ever so subtly and increasingly is forming Islamic dominant areas throughout the UK. Just recently in a Northern town we had 5000 Muslims marching through the street waving green Islamic flags, playing the Koran through loud speakers on top of cars, taking off their tops and beating their chests in the streets as some sort of Islamic ceremony. Look at somewhere like Japan for example, they do not have any of these problems because they are not afraid to put there own people and culture first.

As far as I am aware, there was never a movement or call from the ordinary British public to change the culture, religion and demographics of the UK. To the contrary, opinion polls have always shown that the majority of people as being in support of of immigration but never in support of mass immigration or mass importation of Islam. If you were to ask a native British person – do you want to become a Muslim? The answer would almost always be no. If you were to ask – would you like to emigrate to a Muslim majority country – again the answer would almost always be no. Yet, for some unfathomable reason the powers that be have decided that is a good idea to bring it here instead.

Did anybody pushing this agenda stop to think as to whether Islam or any other culture would share this ideal and be reciprocal? Based on the Koran, Hadith, history and how Islam functions in the world today, I would argue that it will not return the favour once the Muslim population reaches a certain level. It is clear to see that the Muslim population of the UK as a percentage of the overall population is increasing every year more than any other demographic. If this continues, then mathematically speaking, it is not a question of if the UK becomes Islamic, but when. I would fear that as the percentage increases so will the push for British life to become more in line with Islam and so will the push back from non-muslims, resulting in greater conflict. This is already happening and if we do not nip it in the bud now I think things will get worse, not better. But one major problem is that most people are afraid to speak out for fear of having their careers derailed or the aggressive backlash from the Islamic community or the left wing. Strange isn’t it how such a tolerant religion has the most intolerant people in the world when it comes to criticism and rejection of its own self. People in the UK and Europe are already cowering unofficially under Islamic blasphemy laws and live in fear of offending them. This all seems very one sided. Have you stopped to consider the offensiveness and criticism that Islam shows for western life and non believers. The Koran itself states that non believers are the vilest of creatures, that believers are superior people, a Muslims allegiance is primarily to Allah and it is the duty of all Muslims to spread Islam around the world. What about infadelophobia, Islamic supremacy, apostateophobia, homophobia, sexism and the hate speech of the Koran?

Contrary to popular belief Islam is not a religion, it is a totalitarian, authoritarian, expansionist, socio-political regime which seeks to have complete authority over all aspects of an individuals life and society as a whole. Mohammed is seen as the perfect example of a human being which one should try model one’s self on, but in fact he was a warlord with expansionist ambitions, a thief, a slave trader, a murderer, a liar, possibly had sex with a very young girl and thought he had special access to conversations with a God which everybody should obey for eternity. At best the author of the Koran is a confused, deluded, schizophrenic, hypocritical, contradictory, psychopathic, untrustworthy, mentally unstable egotistical megalomaniac madman who gradually descended into deep depravity. It is absolute lunacy that 21st Century Britain should be giving way to such a person and his ideology.

An important point to understand is that Koran is not written is chronological order and has the principle of abrogation written into it. When put into chronological order the peaceful verses are earlier ones which are often abrogated by latter violent and intolerant ones. The Koran and Mohammed over time became more and more violent and intolerant towards non-believers. When read correctly, Mohammed wanted his lasting legacy to be one of worldwide Islamic domination and either death, conversion or subjugation of non believers. Since the time of Mohammed wherever Islam has spread there has usually also been wars and a trail of dead bodies. In fact Islam would have already taken over Europe if it wasn’t for the battles of Tours in 732 and the battle of Vienna on Sept 11 1683. Note the significance of September 11. The conquest of Europe is something that Islam has wanted from the beginning and still does today, however now it will be done through immigration, reproduction and the suicide of the UK itself.

I feel completely let down by the current and previous governments of this country. I have serious concerns as to whether or not I should have children in regards to the direction the UK is heading and the quite possible increase in civil unrest, cultural and religious conflict. We have known convicted terrorists who are not UK born allowed to stay in this country at the tax payers expense, we have large families of migrants who have been in the country several years continuing to have more children whilst claiming benefits, getting free houses and not working, our prisons are Islamic breeding grounds, we have a shortage of housing yet we bring more in, we have one million plus illegal immigrants not being deported, we have 3000 Islamic people on MI5 watchlist and a further 23,000 on a people of interest list who should be deported or detained, we have people pretending to be refugees when they are economic migrants who don’t want to apply through the legal channel, we have Islamists using the soft immigration system to get into this country just to destroy it, we have discrimination towards people who do not belong to BAME, we have hundreds of thousands who hold conservative Islamic views. We have so many things happening in this country now and being supported by Government that are just utter madness. We are given the black and white impression that Muslims are either with Isis and waging violent Jihad or they are peaceful and just like any other native UK citizen who do not pose a threat. This is misleading. We have hundreds of thousands of Muslims in the UK who, although not actually directly causing violence, do hold fundamentalist and conservative Islamic views. They may agree with Isis, give support to them, sympathise in some way with them, are indifferent to them, refuse to condemn them, want Sharia law, think homosexuality should be illegal, want women’s rights to be stripped away and think that Islam is superior to anything else and is the best way to run a country. The actual number of Muslims who really don’t want to impose Islam on Britain is far less than we are told.

But is this part of the plan? Divide and conquer. Create divisions within society so that the Government can create new laws and powers for themselves in response the civil conflict, to import in people who will generally vote for a bigger government. Or just foolish Globalism?

Sometimes I have an optimistic view and think that this will all turn out well and we will all live in peace together, but frankly, looking at Islamic countries around the world, I don’t think it is worth taking the risk because if it doesn’t turn out well then the UK is going to be a very unpleasant place to live and Enoch Powell’s river of blood speech may well turn out to be an underestimate.

A concerned citizen

David Michael


If they don't like the culture and follow the laws of the country they go to, they need to go back to their own countries.

I agree, diversity is good up to a certain level as long as it does not cause too much conflict with the original culture and people.
I myself am from Japan, and for me to be able to live here I had to go through incredible amount of checks and prove that I had enough fund to sustain myself without relying on this country's benefit. This vetting system is becoming harder each year for Japanese and I guess for a lot of other countries. It is hard to understand that the country who has done such strict check on me is accepting immigrants so freely, knowing that it is obviously increasing the danger for the life of British people, and even offering houses, living expenses etc to them. If it was the case in Japan, I would hate it. Britain should select who it welcomes to the country and who can integrate to British society.

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