Russian Collusion

in #politics7 years ago

well I got to watch and listen to much of the Session interview on June 13th, 2017 and this sure seems like a waste of time. When you look back on the entire situation they have been spying on people going back to the early days of the Obama administration and his way of minimizing the was to allow for many others to get in on the data that was collected.
I think Clinton, Obama and Lynch were digging on anyone that was anyone and this data is still coming to light and after continuing to clean out the "Deep State" more will come to light.
We did learn a lot about Comey and it's my view that everything he did now has a political reason behind it. I mean if they are so interested in Russian Collusion why was there no interest in the Pay for Play when Hillary scheme that pretty much played for anyone with the money via the Clinton Foundation. This had ties to many countries as outlined in several documentaries last year. Interesting how after she lost the election they ended up stopping the same donations they were giving prior to it when you don't have anything to sell and also laying off many of her foundation employees.
I am just glad the American people stepped up to take her out. The corruption will be investigated to the entire elections and what transpired now and I hope we get to the bottom of it. The DNC was so corrupt and fixated on getting Hillary in when she was no way the best candidate in that party but it was rigged. I think the FBI and Comey probably destroyed much of the evidence and it might be the end of this if they don't have back ups somewhere.
Sessions all but stated that these leakers will be sorry for what they did, meaning they are going to be throwing them in jail when it's all done.
The various nations are always looking to sell to the highest bidder and most of it is arms deals. I think selling arms is a lot better then buying our troops in a police state.
Looking forward to more information coming out on this Deep State...

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