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RE: Trump must get "the rich" to pay more taxes. They aren't paying their "fair share"

in #politics7 years ago

Actually the point my 6th grader was making - why doesn't everyone just pay 10%? That would be fair.

He has many group projects at school, and he observes that when doing a group project one or two in the group end up doing most of the work and some do nothing, yet everyone gets the same grade.

And his view is that is unfair.

In grade 6 your world view is still innocent enough to be able to recognize lack of fairness when it hits you in the face.

But today, if you believe the Liberal leftist socialist media, it is "unfair" that the 50% making lowest income pay nothing in federal income taxes. That is the new definition of "unfair".

Careful what you ask for if you ever vote in Socialists. Eventually the definition of "unfair" will turn against you and everything you thought was yours will be taken away from you in the name of "fairness"


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