New Orleans is a cesspool of Democratic corruption. $175,000 per year pension for incompetence and deceit

in #politics7 years ago

New Orleans Executive Director Cedric Grant, will earn $175,400 a year through his pension, according to the city.  Despite gross incompetence and deceit.

From Aug 9, 2017.   

New Orleans Sewerage & Water Board Executive Director Cedric Grant, announced Tuesday he would retire this fall amid mounting criticism of his agency’s handling of Saturday’s floods.  He will earn $175,400 a year through his pension, according to the city.

Grant announced his retirement just before a hearing at which members of the City Council tore into his agency for making misleading statements to the public about the state of the city's drainage pumps during the storm. Though officials had insisted for three days that the pumps were operating at their full capacity, they eventually conceded that two critical pumping stations were operating at between 52 percent and 63 of their full capacity. 

Thursday morning, after the city again raised the number of pumps that had been offline Saturday, two more resignations were announced: Joe Becker, the S&WB's general superintendent, and Lisa Martin, the agency's communications director. 

Mayor Mitch Landrieu had already said that he wanted the agency's board to fire all these officials. 

Grant has long been a fixture in city government and was a key member of Landrieu’s staff, serving as both head of the S&WB and deputy mayor overseeing capital and infrastructure work, coordinating all construction work for the city and the water board.

I'm sure there will be some who claim I am not being fair in "picking" on the Democrats and calling New Orleans a cesspool of Democratic corruption.  Well, let's look at recent history of the Mayor's of New Orleans. How about going back to 1882 and finding 100% of Mayors of New Orleans have been Democratic?

When history gives you that clear of a trend, with 100% Democratic trend, it makes it hard to argue that New Orleans hasn't been controlled and mismanaged by the Democrats for more than a century.

Luckily Hurricane Harvey didn't hit New Orleans.  

It would have been another Katrina.  It would have been worse than Katrina if it hit as a Category 4 hurricane. The city was completely unprepared for a storm of that magnitude, with a lot of critical infrastructure in non-functioning status.  Nice work Democrats !!!  Much to be proud of in your stewardship of tax payers dollars.

Please upvote if corruption in the political class has you angry and upset. 



Some material in post from


$175,400 dammmmmmm


That's one big ole fat pension plan, that will have to be paid out of taxing the citizens of New Orleans

And who said crime doesn't pay?

And in this case the criminal was caught, and he still gets paid.

The best kinda crime to get paid for is to work in government and "rape" the taxpayers.

If you can live with yourself and sleep at night after wards

"If you can live with yourself and sleep at night afterwards." That is the price you have to pay ;)

it's very good post, thx for sharing!

I would say, welcome to the world of incompetand servants

wow that is very much.. If i only had 1/10 of it :)

Money has always been the root to all evil

New Orleans, Chicago, Detroit....they keep voting for Democrats and their cities are a mess....and they keep voting for Democrats. Definition of insanity.

When corruption is burned in all areas of the state is like a cancer impossible to cure, because people are so hopeless that it changes so that it does not try, then everyone who wants to try is crushed by politicians and the media Of communication partners. Very interesting your note, thanks for sharing.

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