Colleges that condone left wing violence are having funding pulled and are facing financial hardship

in #politics7 years ago

Some colleges are struggling after their implicit support of left wing violence. Colleges that won't promote free speech are seeing funding pulled.

Violence is coming from antifa group on campus. Now they control administrators and shut out competing ideas they disagree with or don’t like.    - Sterling Beard, editor of Campus Reform

Both the University of Missouri and Evergreen State College have been rocked by left-wing demonstrations, some of which administrators in both schools allowed. Now both have had to deal with falling enrollment and a decline in funding.

At Evergreen State College in Olympia, Wash., last year left-wing students called for a day for whites to stay off campus. But a professor -- well known as a progressive -- publicly criticized the move. The response was threats and physical intimidation by students. Administrators decided to suspend classes for several days. 

Now Evergreen State has experienced a decline in enrollment that has resulted in a $2.1 million budget shortfall, forcing the liberal arts school to announce layoffs.  

In 2015, the University of Missouri’s main campus, which is in Columbia, experienced escalating tensions over allegations of racism at the school – and protests became violent. School officials were widely criticized for not gaining control over the protests, which grew in size and tension, even resulting in some demonstrators lashing out at reporters who were trying to cover their message. Since then, freshman enrollment has plunged by 35 percent, and donations to the athletic department have dropped 72 percent over the year before, according to published reports.

The University of Missouri had to close seven dormitories and now plans to cut 400 jobs.

“The general consensus was that [declining enrollment] was because of the aftermath of what happened in November 2015,” the  New York Times  quoted Mun Choi, the new system president, as saying. 

When you stand by and say nothing, and do nothing, and don't stop violence from engulfing your campus, you can't expect people to send their children into that environment.

When you don't enforce a policy on your campus supporting freedom of speech for all points of view, and you allow a violent few to shut down speech they don't like, then don't expect on-going support of your school or your campus by the people that pay your salaries - your customers - your students and their parents.

The situation will return to normal in these universities, when they stop giving in to the wishes of a few snowflakes and stop allowing the violent Antifa to set campus policy.

We need to put adults with common sense in charge again.

Education is too important to trust to the left wing professors that control too much of academia.

The great thing about a free market, the market can speak.   The invisible hand will sweep in and shut down the institutions that are no longer providing value consistent with society preferences and needs.

That is how capitalism works.

Please upvote if you believe in capitalism.  As a system that will help to shut down Antifa violence and left wing extremism.




I believe in capitalism

Upvoted and resteemed

that was an easy full upvote for the reply

Can't believe even in the 21st century , racism and rights being taken away from indivuals still exist. Very disappointed

I hope both sides of the aisle can agree on that.

Someone needs to. Beyond what I can achieve I am afraid.

How interesting that you mention left-wing violence as it if it solely a left wing thing. Violence on campus has been sourced from both left and the right ends of the political spectrum.

I notice that you criticize colleges that do not support open discourse "from all points of view", and that snowflakes should not be setting policy on campus. I agree with you on that point, however, it's important to remember that there are snowflakes on both the left and the right who would like to shut down discourse.

On the following link, you will find a list of organizations identified as terrorists in the United States, a list that spans the political spectrum.

As to the wisdom of the free market, well, one look at the impulse buying opportunities at the checkout stand of any supermarket suggest that the market can be anything but rational.

I agree with the spirit of your article. I suggest that you buttress your points with examples of both left and right wing violence to provide some balance to your presentation.

Fair point about left and right. Violence from either side is unacceptable. We agree.


This is a good sign but we still have this lost generation victimized by the 'Military University Complex'. Half of the population of millennials will need to be deprogrammed. THANKS A BUNCH "PROFESSORS" ....

Agreed. Full population of millenials are going to need to be deprogrammed.

Thanks for reading and commenting

I definitely believe in Capitalism and it's regulatory Power. But there are as well some points you might want to criticize on the system. But is there anything not having a bad side?...

Sure. Unfettered capitalism usually leads to monopolies, that need to be controlled and broken up, since monopolies are in general evil.

Current most evil monopoly that needs to get broken apart is ..... GOOGLE

The thing is it doesn't really help to brake them up as it will continue like usual, just with some new companies in the group... It still belongs to the same guys...

Dear ANTIFA....

America has raised the alarm on you finally...

giphy (28).gif

Time to go back to mommy's basement and collect welfare....before you get stomped....

giphy (29).gif

Antifa aren't the communist's useful idiots. They're useless idiots.

Good comment. You must have been fighting/flagging with someone, to have reputation below 25

Yup, I made a similar comment, but directly to someone, who was supporting political violence again nationalists so I assumed they were antifa, about how antifa are nothing but useful idiots or controlled opposition to the capitalist elite they are supposed to be against.

and did they have an argument? did they even reply? nope they downvoted every single post I made since I had joined the website only a few days ago making a lot of my posts hidden. I wasn't even mad I found it funny I triggered some communist larper to be that petty. 😂

Wonderful post @davebrewer ...upvoted...blessings

Liberalism ,,,, yeah like steem

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