
Really sad story.

How bad was the condition at border crossing? Were US agents denying help and water or did they try to help but were no longer able to save the child?

There's nothing to save in the minds of the people trained to dehumanize brown folks, which is the root issue at play.

Absolutely. Dehumanisation is a crucial psychological tool to make people commit these crimes. If they would perceive the others as a human being they would not be able to do what they are being told.

The nazis referred to Jews as vermin, the US called the resistance in vietnam cockroaches. It is extremely important to refuse this language and perception and see every person as a member of the human family . A family that the authoritarians try to split to be able to controll us better.


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I love white supremacy and murder. God bless America!

What connection does this have with white supremacy? Are you being ironic or making jokes about this girls death? I don't understand... Why would you even say stuff like this? None of this makes any sense.

People not valuing non-whites enough to let them die of dehydration in the richest country in the world is one of many examples of white supremacy. I don't understand how you can't see that lmfao

I don't understand how you can't see that lmfao

Because its completely disjointed from any form of reality imaginable? So starving children in Africa is white supremacy by that logic?

edit : What about starving Chinese children? is that white supremacy?

edit : What about the growing suicide rate of white people. Is that White supremacy?

Not all issues are white supremacy, dude. But when you train border agents to hate brown people this is what happens.

Nobody is training anyone to hate brown people.

Read the news dude lmfao. Ever been to a trump rally?

Posted using Partiko Android

You are living in an alternate reality lol

pain body :)

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I like white supremacy really much. White people are my favorites, tbh.

Why don’t you move to Africa? You clearly hate us whites.

Go to Africa. Problem solved.

It's a tragedy and a crime that people willfully and negligently allowed that girl to die needlessly (assuming the story/allegation is factually correct).

That said, considering that border patrol and INS are staffed by a significant percentage of Mexican-Americans (speaking Spanish is almost a guaranteed hire) as well as blacks and asians... the fallacy of grooming "anti-brown" sentiment doesn't stand.

So in effect, what you're doing with this post is "virtue signalling" against a straw man opponent of your creation ("white supremacy") while ignoring any real social activism and responsibility. You could advocate for (or yourself go about) giving a thirsty person something to drink, regardless of color... there are plenty of thirsty (and hungry) white homeless people here in my town who would marvel at your belief in naive "white privilege."

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