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RE: The Social Justice Movement is Its Own Worst Enemy

in #politics7 years ago

When I left the states, ca. 2000, the social justice movement had not as yet revealed itself as the Trojan Horse for social division, it was a bit over the top at times, but nothing like we see today. And as you noted, it has already invaded (infected may be a better term) the anglophone academic sphere and is now an epidemic sweeping the European continent as well.

Many of my colleagues though the European scene would be a rational bulwark against the madness up until around the year 2010, but today they recognize they underestimated its virulence and many are resigned to things going the way of the states. "It will take a crisis to reset the system, and we aren't there yet," is how one of them summarized the situation. It looks like the States went over the precipice with the Evergreen State College debacle, at least I hope it did, but even if it did the climax of the crisis is going to take a very long time to manifest.

For my part, I haven't given in to despair, if anything the bullshit I have had to deal with made me reevaluate my approach and redouble my efforts in a (hopefully) more effective way. I have seen that I am making inroads among my students today, but it is like trying to dance in a minefield, you have to watch your step.

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