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RE: Even good politicians can't represent the people

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

It is simple, decades ago people had to travel to meet and greet each other, to endorse candidates etc. Today all those functions can be done online or via a conference call.

Today the words a candidate speak in 2011 will be recorded and re-surface via a recording in 2017; sometimes in a completely different context. Is it any wonder politicians refuse to declare policies or answer questions . . .

However politicians are simply scum. This is not because they are bad people but simply they have chosen to enter an evil profession. Never was it envisaged that a person would enter politics and remain there for decade after decade.

The system was supposed to allow ordinary or skilled persons with real life knowledge and skills a forum where sensible common sense debate could ensue so rational compromises could ensure laws were passed to give society the framework to prosper. Now let us consider not ancient history but the modern reality of politics.

The world is rapidly changing and even small events have sometimes unseen huge consequences. Add in in the information age everyone has an opinion the variables of being able to decide a sensible course of action is further diminished. So now that we understand a little of why many sensible decisions cannot occur, let us consider other factors that make modern Congress unworkable.

Who or what sort of person becomes a modern politicians; well anyone can, but reality says " lawyers ", Well over 40 percent of Congress are from this one single silly profession. Why silly firstly mainly law school is something 99 % of the population cannot consider nor afford; unless they want to incur hundreds of thousands of student loan debt. This means mainly spoilt little rich trust fund babies or bitter entitled persons mainly get into and out of law school.

Add to this these lawyers are mainly ex professional students who could not change a car tyre if their life depended upon it; by this I mean they were living in the vacuum of professional full time study. Mainly politicians once out of law school get government jobs, where rational efficient independent thought has no place.

So firstly our modern politician is simply someone who has never had to learn to think just soak up enough subject material to pass their boards. Then they often take career pathways where they are not allowed to think.

Once getting elected by saying nothing controversial nor meaningful they are surrounded by paid lackeys or fanatical volunteers whose sole function is to make them feel important. Since politicians have no ability for independent rational thought they are supplied with lobbyists to convince them what the lobbyists employer wants is the best outcome for everyone.

Put another way, having trillions of dollars of governmental contracts being decided by a subcontractor earning less than a quarter of a million dollars is ridiculous. The Contractor being either the Republican Party or the Democratic Party and the sub-contractor is the public orator speaker who is elected for four years and paid for their 185 days of yearly service.

Since the modern politician has never had to experience anything worse in life than spending half the week at mommy's place and half the week at daddy's place and being protected to the extent of never learning to think. Then gaining a career where they are not encouraged to think until they enter Congress where allowing them to think is just pure bad big business, is it any wonder the professional politician is worthless.

So we have a system that is so broken it cannot be fixed, if somehow fifty honest politicians were elected come November that is only nine percent of Congress; so no matter how you vote come November make sure you at least vote.

If you cannot find someone worth voting for then say to your sitting Representative " Your Fired ! ! ! " , if not then at least use your vote to stop some scumbag from getting elected.

But at least Be A Patriot and cast an official vote : )

/ hugz ; )

Every Public Official probably utters these words to themselves before every media conference; " the Truth ? you cannot handle the truth ! ! ! "

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