Presenting the 44th President of The United States of America; President " Barry " . . .

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

It is a pretty amazing story how an almost parentless kid grows up to become the first ever African-America President of the United States of America . . .

His most enduring legacy to the World will be the legalization of marijuana :)

You gotta Love politicians ! ! !

Why was weed ever legalized ?

I Believe ex-President " Barry " has plans on SELLiNG " weed " = ' Pot ' :)

You gotta Love American ingenuity ;)

Yep; as an Aussie, I believe their is an Entrepreneur inside every American; LoL , (whatever )...

I Believe it is simple the States got sick of giving " Free-Room and Board " to a ' Lost ' Generation of American Youth . . .

Today kids want to be Vets or Dentists, or Lawyers or Doctors; almost anything that involves not to much effort for a huge pay packet !

Forget the YEARS of Study, after that is smooth sailing to a yacht and THREE houses right ?

Wrong, today Airline Pilots and Doctors and many Lawyers etc. are very lowly paid.

So lowly paid and under - contract for so long after Graduation many cannot even meet their College Loans obligations.

In fact today so many Students have found that the job-market is NOT what they were lead to believe when they signed up for their Educations and Loan Agreements.

Today these former Students are launching Class - Actions, AGAINST their former Colleges ! ! !

Simply on the basis of why pay for a college education when no jobs exist after you graduate.

Meanwhile the Legal System has given Millions of young people Criminal Records simply to ensure they can never apply into these higher paying professions and ensure they WiLL be satisfied with " minimum - wage " jobs, forever . . .

Checked out Down-Town Detroit lately ?

But you have to admire those small towns who are Literally SELLiNG their " old " Bridges simply to pay the interest on Loans they have borrowed against tax-payers property taxes...

Guess how many Dams or Bridges or Nuclear facilities are currently " up - to - code " ?

Than after all that you can check out the Shipping Ports and National Railways Network . . .

( The more you look the more you find )...

/ Hugz ;)

I Believe those articles vary very differently to the " official " stories published during other years of his life :) LOL ;)

LoL; I Believe many of these Journalists really WiSH THEY had of written " Harry Potter " instead of the fantasy they publish LoL :)

/ Hugz ;)


Thank you for information

My Pleasure ; " may the Weed be with you Always ! " :)

/ Hugz ;)

I think it takes certain personality to want to be a politician. I think Barack is a good politician, he does exactly what a politician would do. How you interpret this is up to you :-)

Oh absolutely , it takes a certain type of mentality to be a politician . . .

That is WHY so FEW " people " try and enter politics ! ! !

Yep ; you have to have a very unique set of personality traits to be a professional politician :)

/ Hugz ;)

Almost " all " ' good ' people do not possess those " defects "; I believe . . .

Have a Nice Day...

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