NOBODY FOR PRESIDENT: A guide to the 2016 U.S. election, and five reasons why we dont need a president to thrive in democracy.

in #politics8 years ago

It is the most robust and offending alignment of stars regarding political elections in the history of the United States.

You have heard correctly.

This election offends me; and I live in Canada.

Why does it offend me?

It is a discombobulated assault on my intelligence and wisdom.

And yours as well.

Mainstream media and radio parade the airwaves with the falsified notion that there is some ethical sense of REALITY to this (and all) election (s).

Clearly there is not.

If you cannot already see this - if you do not already know - then I will have to swallow my pride and explain it to you.

The two party system

The two party system works like this:

It is composed of two powerful political parties, usually the main focus of the media and the only real choice in any given election.

These two parties, being the most powerful, are mutually funded by the same or similar corporations through the legal act of LOBBYING.

In the United States, these two "opposing" (not opposing) parties are REPUBLICAN and DEMOCRAT.

These labels do not mean that the political parties are truly democratic, nor that they serve any republic that is not corporate interest.

Rather, these parties come into power through funding by corporate and banking cartels, and the members of these parties know very well who their masters are...that is to say, they know better than to oppose them.

unlike this man....

These political members of cabinet have no REAL power and can be taken out of position in the snap of a wrist by the corporate entities that fund them.

With all the involved funneled money and extortion in politics is it really that hard to imagine that blackmail could exist?

Everyone has desires and/or something to hide - and this can be taken advantage of.

And so, if this is the case - that the president doesn't really have any IMPACTFUL authority - then why do we need a person to occupy that position?

Why do we need a president ?

The short answer is; We don't.

In fact, we as the people could actually truly thrive, innovate and create impactful change if we did not allow a group or groups of people "higher" than us to rule over us and decide which laws we are bound to obey, and the ones they dont have to.

Here are five reasons why we do not need a president to truly thrive in democracy.

1.) No president will ever be a Messiah

It is impossible for the president to ever be a messiah.

This is because in order to become a president, you have to be selected as a candidate by the ruling elite (who truly control the world), and they are not dumb enough to allow anybody capable or willing to destroy their dynasty to sit on THEIR throne, and claim the potentially powerful title as president.

If this was the case, why wasn't Garry Johnson allowed to participate in the election debates?

Furthermore, why would we still have only three parties if that was the case?

If politics were truly democratic (not corporate machines) then me and my kin or you and yours could band together to create a new party and force the others off the world stage.

But obviously this just isn't the case.

2.) The president doesn't actually DO anything

Let me correct that statement. The president is not ALLOWED to do anything.

It is in his/her job description.

If the president has done something that causes a chain reaction or movement, if the president has created and funded a revolution, then the president has failed.

The presidents job is public speaking.

If the president signs executive orders and bills, it is not because he agrees with or has drafted them; but because his job is to submit himself unto his superiors - those truly in control.

3.) Any one individual can be easily corrupted

Any individual can be corrupted; but an entire council cannot EASILY be corrupted....furthermore a system of councils within councils CANNOT be corrupted; if one group begins to become corrupted, members from another group will surely notice and act swiftly to re-course the situation.

If any individual can become corrupted, then why dose our system rely on maintaining its current power structure of having one person at the top of a pyramid?

Have you even thought about this?

I believe that the system is this way because it is intentionally designed for broken democracy: it is a false system, planted so that we will never see who is really behind the curtain, just like the "great and powerful" in the wizard of oz.

Think about it; did anybody living in the emerald city ever question whether or not their ruler was authentic and actually a wizard?

NO, they did not. Because they wanted to believe that their system worked.

We have a similar need to believe that the system is authentic and works in our favour, and we hold onto that belief even when it becomes inevitably clear that our system is useless.

4.) The president has a career in lying

The president has a career in lying.

Everything that they say is designed to be said in a way that it is taken as truth.

The presidents voice has to be so powerful that even if he is contradicting himself it will go unnoticed due to his powerful conviction and tone.

The president will talk and talk for hours - but you get nothing out of it.

They are talking in circles: using Orwellian double-speak to distract you from their true intent of serving their masters with zeal.

5) No one Shepard can maintain an increasingly diverse flock

The population of the united states is 324 million.

Within this population there are many people and groups who each have their own ideas and values - their own strengths and weaknesses.

How can they be satisfied in all being led in the same direction?

What happens when they decide to lead themselves?

How can one president decide what is best for all of them?

I believe that we have grown out of our current system.

Many people have become aware of this fact - but not many are willing to do anything about it.

I think the most effective way to change the world is by owning our own authority as individuals and not checking to see rather something we know to be morally right is lawfully correct - but rather follow our instincts regardless of the consequences.

I believe that we can override this system, and that we can effect change without directly overthrowing it.

I want to make clear the difference.

Overthrowing the system is a potentially violent solution that will most likley lead to a just-as-corrupt system of government.

OVER_RIDING the system however, is when we can directly go above and beyond their authority without consequence and without asking their permission.

I believe that is where we are heading - and I don't believe we have to lift a finger.

The system lacks the skill to assume formlessness, and in the lacking of this skill it is hard like stone - it will eventually crack and decay into nothingness.

Yet the people of civilian status have the skill to assume formlessness. We are like water, and we go with the flow, the law of least resistance.

I am not proposing that anything radical be done to aid in the systems destruction: their time for controlling us is over - we will not be governed.

We are awakening.


_ This article was created with the help of @keithwillshine - a brother and a friend to those in deep water, he will teach you how to breath submerged.

I thank you for reading this article and wish you blessings on your dharmic path of enlightenment


I agree totally. #5 especially makes a very convincing argument to me, and it is often, not mentioned. I dont see why we cannot choose our own government, individually.
I vote Nature For President!

Then things will make a lot more sense, and the world would be back in harmony. Maybe even let the birds and bees interests be taken into consideration. We have done enough damage.... or have we?

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