
Good question. First, all uninvited foreign armies need to leave the country. Meaning the US takes back all of its military personnel and closes the 10+military bases it established in the country and GOES HOME. Secondly, all funding to armed factions needs to end. Completely stopped and yes this very much does include the Kurdish factions. They have cooperated with Daesh, FSA, and other terrorist factions which puts them in the same category morally speaking.

Therefore in steps 1 and 2. All illegal uninvited foreign armies are to leave the sovereign country of Syria.
This will then allow the Syrian Arab Army along with their allies (Russia, Hezbollah, Iran) to wipe out the remaining pockets of Daesh and other opposition groups.

While writing my response to you I realized this would be a great question to post on my Facebook and as expected there were many responses.. at this moment 144 comments. I would love for you to see them, you are welcome to add or follow me on Facebook in order to see them. My name is the same there Sarah Abed.

Good discussion, thanks for your response. It seems at times that things are so twisted the knot is impossible to untangle.

Yeah.. definitely makes for a good discussion. There are about 350 comments now just in response to this one question on my FB. The war on Syria has been fueled by a propaganda war of monstrous proportions, that's why it may seem confusing but the simplest answer is that this is a foreign imposed war was made possible by the US and their allies.. mainly Israel/KSA/NATO/UN.

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