Weapons of Self Destruction: The Internet and Misinformation

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
IMHO the internet is simply a tool, like any other, that can be used or abused, just like TV or any other medium or media - caveat on the user.

As a kid, if my interests veer towards politics or porn, I guess that's for me to learn, differentiate and discern what serves me and what doesn't (I too have been through these evolutions) - attentive (permissive) adult guidance might be ideal, but seems rare.

Live and learn, live and let live, the cat's out the bag, and round and round the spiral we go!

FYI - just in case you should be interested in feedback - had to scan most of your article as it is dense and ranges across topics within longass paragraphs rendering it semi-impenetrable as a casual read. I'd break it down cause your voice is wanted ;)

Thanks for the input, and I agree this one kind of got longer than intended. I think I may focus on smaller themes in the future.

Well, I dunno - if it's a subject you feel passion for, wax on, but refining the craft is where it's at so your voice can carry!

I could probably write a novel about my issues with healthcare. Vaccines come in government shipped boxes from the CDC with mercury warnings and other soft metals. Insurance companies basically tell the doctor how they can treat you, where, and when. The United States is falling behind in research and new treatment methods. Mental healthcare is the biggest joke of all and some insurances don't even consider it medical. I tend to have quite a few passions when it comes to understanding how the "system" functions.

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