Witnesses Needed For “Conviction”. Where did that come from?

in #politics6 years ago

It came from the Bible actually. Deuteronomy was written by Moses, the leader of the Israeli people circa. 1504 B.C. and I quote: “One witness is not enough to convict anyone accused of any crime or offense they may have committed. A matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.” (Deuteronomy 19:15) It is also just common sense. This would mean the accuser and one other testifying to support the accuser. You can’t just accuse someone of some offense and then penalize them for that offense. Well, you can, but doing so means you have moved from a place of reason to a place of emotion. Emotionally driven mobs have ignored common sense and anything approaching rules when it comes to getting what they want. The rule of law and adhering to it is what separates intelligent thoughtful people from barbarians. Think about it. Criminals find the rule of law REALLY problematic. Same situation with the US Constitution. Some politicians find it problematic when they are prevented from governing the American people the way they want to. The thing to remember about the rule of law is that it was developed over time in a democratic way. It prevents democracy from becoming a mob driven by an emotion-fueled majority vote.

The United States has something called The Constitution that outlines the structure and limits of the government and protects the people from government overreach. It was designed to not be easy to change and for good reason. I have heard politicians say that the Constitution is a “flawed” document and wish it was different. That’s fine, but when that same person reveals that it prevents them from governing the way they want to govern I thank God for the document because as far as I am concerned that politician is thinking like a criminal. Thinking outside the law is something we all do, but acting outside the law is for only the most selfish among us from the street thug who robs a passerby to the politician thinking he knows how we should all live and works to force us to do so.

In the last week we have been spectators watching an emotional mob in Washington DC where the rule of law was in the way of what they wanted to accomplish. This time an emotional mob did not rule the day. God help us if they ever do.



"It is better that 100 innocent men be convicted than for one guilty man go free" Vladimir Lenin.

Vladimir Lenin? I thought that quote was from Chuck-U Schumer.

I'm working on a post to match up the quotes of Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler with our favorite trio of Democrats Chuckie, Nancy, and Barracky. It'll be a while.

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