This is Why There Are Climate Change Deniers

in #politics6 years ago

So many ridiculous claims have been made by climate change activists that have never come even close to being true. If people want to be taken seriously they should stop acting like Chicken Little making wild claims that the sky is falling. The track record of climate change predictions is far less accurate than Punxsutawney Phil!
Earth, Globe, Water, Wave, Sea, Lake, Setting


I think scientists should be honest. Most of them are. However, random media stories are rarely if ever honest. They get ahold of the science and misrepresent it. Or they will take the words of some Internet crazy and make it out to be like it is some scientific work. In any case doesn't do science or climate change anyfavors.

Another thing I have found that is dangerously out of bounds is the research industry in the US. Too much buying of influence. I'll bet you could find a research firm that for the right amount of money could prove beyond the shadow of doubt that you can be bitten by a shark while sitting on a toilet!

Most of the influence comes from our Federal government that gives billions out in support of scientific research. The proposal for the grant is written to be awarded to those that support man made global warming.

The claim of 97% of scientists believe in man made global warming came from only scientist that did research in global warming, not all scientists. In other words 97% of scientists that get paid to support man made global warming believe in it.

Skeptical well supported facts are available, but you have to look for them. There is also a lot of common sense WTF counter information out there as well.

Religious zealots have been making end of the world predictions for hundreds of years and every time they do they discredit themselves and the religions they espouse. Another thing that reduces credence of climate change activists is calling everyone who doesn't believe them stupid or ignorant. It's as silly as half of the US being democrat and the other Republican, but they each call the other stupid or evil. Zealots are always so certain they are right. Wisdom is in high demand, but short supply.

If you get caught fudging the numbers (the emails revealed they were), you should lose your title as scientist.

  • If Mars has roughly the same climate change as we do (and it does) perhaps the climate change is not man-made, but something else, like the sun!

Yes, that's why my comment that climate alarmists and Punxsutawney Phil have something in common.

Yes, I discovered that information several years ago. I'm sure, however, that with a continuation of data manipulation they can blame it on Martians burning fossil fuels.

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