Free-Will is so ANNOYING!

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

If you are a control freak free-will is your enemy and worst nightmare. People running around doing what they want to do without your omnipotent consent is maddening! How can people be so stupid as to do things like eat food you think is unhealthy, or align with a political party that you think should be outlawed. I’m sure there are businesses that you think should be burned to the ground and religious followers that should be forced into hiding using every tool of persecution available! You know exactly how everyone should live and you are willing to take steps to force them by any way possible to bend to your will.

People who use free-will to make decisions that are not sanctioned by the people who wish to control them risk being hated, persecuted, rejected, or otherwise ostracised. This psychological condition is the disorder of people who must be in control of their surroundings including people else they feel extreme anxiety and fear. The pathological term for a control freak is as a facet of narcissism. So you want the power of God, and are filled with anger because you have to work so hard at controlling others.

Control Freak (Narcissist) Symptoms:
You think people who support president Trump are idiots.
You think people who think Hillary Clinton should be president are idiots.
You think Christians should be persecuted.
You think Muslims should be persecuted.
You think Jews should be persecuted.
You think religious people are all stupid.
You think atheists are all stupid.
You think the way you load the dishwasher is the way your spouse should and s/he is an idiot for not following your instructions.
You think your spouse must stop squeezing the tube of toothpaste in the middle and do so from the end of the tube.
You pray that people would do what you tell them to do so that your life could be better!
I think everyone of my neighbors who shot off fireworks last night after 11:00 PM should get life in prison for disturbing MY peace.

If God Can Tolerate Free-Will, I Guess So Can I!

Trying to control others isn’t love, it’s control.

Seven Signs of a Control Freak:

Are You a Control Freak (Test):

Underlying Causes for being a control Freak:



cute gurl..nice frown.
I'm a control freak's worst nightmare.
I got kicked out of sunday school.


and sent home from third grade.
haven't changed much since.
I don't get along with rules.

I was expelled from 5th grade for my 6th trip to the principles' office. I remember the reason well. I was sliding down the big kid's playground slide standing on my feet. It was a rainy day and I muddied the slide. I could have killed myself that day. I too was kicked out of Sunday school. I was showing a classmate how to "sew" his fingers together. Remember that mime? my norm is basic adherence to rules seasoned with moments of what the hell was I thinking?

I got kicked out for arguing with the teacher.
I knew the material better than the teacher did.

Few people understand the Bible well enough to put what is says into the context (2000 years ago) in which it was written, including the political climate, and then fast forwatd what they meant to today's circumstances.

no one does.
the bible is a collection of stories that was written down thousands of years ago AFTER being passed down for hundreds of generations as an oral tradition.

Correcrt for the first 5 books. Christians mostly focus on the New Testament hence my 2000 year look-back comment. Taking my grandson fishing today. Take care, sir!

Have a read of "Vision of the anointed" by Thomas Sowell.

Thanks for the suggestion. I checked it out and you're right I think I need to read it!

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