Are you a Victim of Voting Bondage

in #politics6 years ago

Are you afraid of voting for “the other guy” or for someone in another political party because you fear what they will do once in office? If so, you could be a victim of voting bondage. If the party or person you have always voted for has demonized his political adversary or his party to the point where you’re afraid of them you need to ask yourself a simple question. Is it based in reality or is s/he using fear of possible change to keep you in this form of mental bondage. If you think about it people in general don’t like change. Whether it’s buying a different brand of a commonly used product like cars or toothpaste, we don’t like change. Voting for the other guy isn’t easy when you are afraid of change and especially when you have a politician claiming that dire consequences await those foolish enough to vote for his opponent. Politicians use this tactic because it works especially to control people who start thinking about who to vote for on the way to the polls.

So you have been driving a Chevrolet for many years and you’ve had the usual costs of maintenance and repairs and it has never stranded you yet, but it’s time to buy a new vehicle. Go with another Chevy or should you buy something else. Your neighbor drives something else and never has anything nice to say about his choice. You talk to others and do some research, but with Chevy you know what you have. You find in your research that there are other excellent quality vehicles out there and that your neighbor’s choice is even rated very high, but then you think at least with Chevy “I know what I have”. You say to yourself, “I’d like to try another vehicle, but at least with Chevrolet I know what I have”. This is the bondage mentality. Fear of change is powerful, but prevents us from experiencing something better. Yes, it could be worse and you might regret your decision, but at least you freed yourself from this mental bondage. Hopefully, come November you will do as much research into who you vote for as you would for buying a new vehicle. I posted this article because I’m sick and tired of politicians using fear to exploit ignorance to get re-elected. Please, if not for yourself, then for your children and grandchildren, pay attention for whom you cast your valuable ballot.

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