What is Trump's MAGA and is it good or bad? part 4 of "10 WAYS TO UNDERSTAND TRUMP AND STOP FEARING CHANGE"

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

4. Trump and his MAGA what does it mean?


    The short answer is that MAGA means Make American Great Again. But to really 
    know the significance of the phrase, a quick history lesson is in order. 

    Since the end of the second World War in 1945, America, was the pre-eminent 
    nation.  The British Empire was bankrupt by 1945, its industrial base was in
    ruins, she owed enormous sums to the US and was simply unable to afford
    to maintain it's empire.  America with it's economy on a  war footing, 
    undamaged but swollen with over capacity was about to go through it's 
    golden period as millions of de-mobilized soldiers met the industrial 
    overcapacity and created the worlds biggest cashed up 
    consumer market.

    What happened next is open to debate. My view is that America's remaining 
    'gilded age' oligarch families with adult male heirs, primarily the Rockefellers, 
    then secretly corrupted and rigged almost every institution and market. That 
    these same families had profited from both sides in both World Wars, gives you
    some idea as to their loyalty beyond profits to themselves. As the wealthiest 
    people in the strongest nation they felt entitled to secure themselves spoils  
    acquired from the US 'empire'. 


    These families had already used their charitable Foundations, political think 
    tanks and discussion groups to secretly gain enormous control over almost  every 
    institution in America. They controlled the medical profession and caused it to 
    dispense with centuries of natural remedies and become an offshoot of their 
    monopoly pharmaceutical industry. They controlled education and curriculum 
    and used academic tenures and financial rewards to have history re-written 
    to better suit the control and monopoly worldview they held. 

    As well they held tight controls on what was and wasn't taught in each level of 
    education. Vocational training was their masterstroke in creating a mass of
    uniformally trade driven and uninquisitive population of workers. 
    Add to them middle managers educated in the narrowest possible skillset and 
    professionals educated through tightly controlled and vetted Universities with 
    oversight by equally controlled professional standards societies. The result was 
    a new class system called Egalitarianism, you see everyone has an equal 
    opportunity, only if you can afford the university fees and professional 
    society fees.


5 Rockefeller Sons. One of the wealthiest American Oligarch families.

    The mega rich family oligarchies were able to use their knowledge of secrets
    and influence of all levels of Government to ensure themselves greater profits. 
    They knew for example, that the colonial powers - Britain, France, Portugal, 
    Holland and Belgium would all face civil unrest from their colonies after the 
    Second World War ended. Independence movemements were spreading 
    and soon Colonies would fight for their freedom. Empire was a dirty word. 
    Therefore the  new  American pre-eminent power would use the concepts of 
     'democracy' and freedom in place of empire. The vast wealth of the oligarch 
    families and military power of the US would ensure compliance. Empire by
    another name. 


    With America, itself the product of armed rebellion, many of these former 
    colonies looked for support and encouragement for their independance 
    movements. But the America of 'we the people' had long since been bought 
    and sold. The oligarch families were firmly in control of politics and the two 
    parties. America was being run as a corporate monopoly while outwardly 
    pretending to be an entreprenuerial free market and democracy. Make no
    mistake, colonialism was rejected by the US. But the independence groups
    found very quickly that civilian Americans with deep pockets had arrived, 
    the CIA. These deep pocketed Americans encouraged the former colonies
    to break away from their colonial masters. Towards US style democracy 
    and free markets. Particularly as the cold war with the Soviets started in   


    The reality for newly independant nations, was that US money flowed to 
    compliant locals who then ran for political office. When these surrogates 
    won power, the new nation would be flooded with US companies looking 
    for resource leases or buying up local Companies that had declined in the
    turmoil of independance. With the loot pouring in from around the globe,
    the financial operations in New York were fast becoming the new financial 
    world capital with London in decline. Often enabled by sophisticated 
    Agreements and concessions, it took decades for these post colonial nations
    to understand how they had become so economically chained to the  

    The oligarch families by the 1960's were third and fourth generation and 
    had evolved. No longer where they ‘the elite families’ their influence
    became much harder to identify, because elite family money had 
    become International bankers and financiers.

global logos.jpg

    Donald Trump's formative years were 1955 to 1962. The absolute golden 
    peak of American power. A generation of new families and their children, 
    the baby boomers contributed to a massive economic expansion. Much 
    like China has shown in the last fifteen years. Is it any wonder that Trump 
    is fixated on Making America Great Again? When as a growing young adult
    it seemed as if anything was possible and every year brought new wealth 
    and abundance. President Kennedy, the youngest ever White House resident 
    announced his policy that there be a manned space mission to the moon by 
    decades end. Even the stars would be conquered by American greatness.


    But America by the 1960's was no longer a nation ruled by Democracy and 
   'we the people'. The Presidency was an expensive but visibly necessary 
    competition to maintain the fiction of representative democracy. From 
    Kennedy onwards each President required more money to win and came
    increasingly burdened by the expectation, demands even of their donors. 
    Some have theorised that President Kennedy's father Jack burdened him
    with arrangements (he would never honour) to  unions and mob bosses.  
    Kennedy only defeated Richard Nixon in 1960  by 100,000 votes in total 
    across the nation. So the Chicago union and mob bosses believed Kennedy
    owed them.

newspaper kennedy win.jpg kennedy chicagoc.jpg

    LEFT: Headlines announce Kennedy's razor thin win against Nixon in the 1960 
    RIGHT: Kennedy at a Chicago rally during his campaign, with Mayor Daley.

    Kennedy wasn't quite the legendary figure that's been created. However 
    he was an inspiring speaker who dreamed big and sought to improve life 
    for everyone. He also had the balls to stand up to militarists like General 
    Curtis Le May who during the Cuban missile crisis was almost taunting the
    President he wasn't man enough to launch a full nuclear strike. Kennedy 
    instead stared the generals down and correctly assumed that a personal 
    communication to the Russian leader could diffuse this potential ‘end of 
    world’ moment. While it may have saved an unnecessary nuclear exchange and 
    millions of innocent lives, Kennedy had made important enemies amongst 
    the military. Prior to this incident he’d been mislead by the CIA  and fired 
    it’s head Allen Dulles, a legendarily corrupt founding member of the 
    intelligence community. He’d stated his intention was to 
      “…break the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the wind”.

kennedy lemay2.jpgKennedy-Dulles-McCone.jpg kennedy-motorcade.jpg

TOP: Pres. Kennedy and Air Force Chief General Curtis Le May no love lost between
CENTRE: Pres. Kennedy with CIA Head Allen Dulles and Former CIA Head John McCone.
BOTTOM: Pres. Kennedy in the motorcade Dallas Texas. He has less than half an hour to live.

   In the end, I speculate a combination of overlapping interests like the
   Rockefellers, the CIA, the military and the arms manufacturing
   corporations and international bankers decided Kennedy had to go. 
   They also decided to make it a public display, future Presidents take note. 
   Whether it’s all just a coincidence or proof of the very controlled manner 
   of US Presidential elections, how is it possible that as well as Vice President, 
   soon to be President Lyndon B Johnson was in Dallas that day, but so was 
   the next President after Johnson, Richard Nixon? As well as George Herbert 
   Walker Bush and his son future President GW Bush? Kennedy’s public 
   execution would have been very real to four future Presidents, it's message 
   crystal clear: do not ever go off script.

bush nixon composite dallas2.jpg

   The public assassination solved a problem for the special interests but it 
   traumatised the nation for forty years.  Like everyone who can remember it, 
   Trump would have been profoundly affected by Kennedy's assassination. Is it 
   any wonder he has ordered the release of all remaining Government documents 
   on the Kennedy assassination? 

   Since 1963 and the Kennedy assassination a shadow passed over America. 
   Something fundamentally changed. It seemed like the Presidency became a 
   commodity. Bought and sold by the power elite, Presidents acted primarily for 
   their patrons and Kennedy provided an example of what happens if they don't. 
   Time and again in speeches, Presidents explained how enacting the policies 
   their donors asked for, would eventually benefit the people. It never happened. 
    It turns out the International Financiers had rigged the economics too. Creating 
    the Chicago school of trickle down wealth theories (never ever worked) and
    austerity budgeting for social welfare, which did work, to the detriment of life 
    in US cities. 

detroit explainer.jpg

    In the 1970's as heavy industry relocated to Japan, then China and US inner 
   cities became run down crime zones, no-one could yet see the peril in the
   economic theories boosted by the oligarch families and given respectability by 
   Universities themselves financed from oligarch family trusts. The central 
   plank of the Chicago school of Economics was belief that loosening 
    taxes and laws on big business would result in bigger profit and a subsequent 
   ‘trickle down’ effect to eventually increase wages and wealth of the middle and 
   working class. How the elites and oligarchs must have laughed when nations 
   around the globe accepted this poisonous society - destroying economic 
   hocus pocus.

   After loosening taxes and regulations, corporations posted huge profits 
   and then simply moved their factories and operations offshore to low wage 
   counties. The Corporations then got their second gift of lower  taxes for their
   increased profits. The whole charade was just cover for the blatant wealth 
   transfer from the middle class to Wall Street. It was a masterful slow motion pick 
   pocketting of the wealth of ordinary  Americans. Most revealingly it was planned 
   and obvious to insiders that these policies would have exactly this result.

  Meanwhile by the late 1980's the Internationalist Bankers and Financiiers we  
  once knew as the elite oligarch families had gone global. Nations were no longer 
  of interest unless they could be exploited.  America only existed in order to 
  funnel wealth upwards and out in the form of investment. Other developing
  nations were far more attractive to deal with. Their leaders easily bribed to keep 
  low wages, low taxes and few regulations to worry about. Corporations were 
  producing goods for next to nothing and gaining  massive returns on the finished 
  goods when sold back to American consumers. Many of whom by now were 
  maintaining their lifestyle via low interest and almost  unlimited credit.  

c6e1a9d31b126fbe97c1926c2d6487a8--trickle-down-economics-political-memes.jpg b975a96d3ac9d2dc01f7414c16397b41.jpg

  After 1990 the Globalists had new territories to exploit in the post communist 
  countries. America was no fun for business, too regulated, too unionised, 
  too expensive, too many rules about environmental and pollution issues.

  For the Presidencies of Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2 and Obama,  just reread the 
  last sentence but end it with the words "so they de-regulated as much as 
  they could get through". In truth, each of these Presidents where just part
  of the giant donor/patron money laundering scheme that Washington had 
  become. None of these Presidents cared in the slightest bit how American 
  people were being fleeced. They had a job to do, which was please their 
  donors, keep up the facade of democracy, smile and keep the wheel turning.


  The stripping of American wealth and it's eventual upwards mobility to 
  fewer and fewer people was an exponential phenomenon. It was impossible 
  to detect for many years, then as people first began to notice, become concerned 
  and then wonder why no action was being taken we had 0.1% owning more 
  than 90%. 

    In 2017 The 3 Richest Americans Hold More Wealth Than Bottom 50% Of The Country


 Enter Donald Trump. His messaging and his methods woke up American voters.
 People started to see how Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama and potentially 
 another Clinton was like fixing a toothache with a shotgun. Not only was this 
 no way to run a democracy, it was no way to run an economy. Trumps 
 basic message made sense to those who felt as if they were becoming less wealthy 
 each year. In the end with nothing to lose, how could they vote for more of 
 the same with Clinton?

 Trumps policies for MAGA are simple. Restore America to a time when it 
 was economically ascendant, when there were no rigged markets or globalists hollowing 
 out the nations wealth. Politics was about policy not money, immigration was 
 controlled and supra national institutions did not have rule over and above 
 national laws.


Trump faced unprecedented opposition during his campaign and after winning 
the election. Maybe you can begin to see why. Big established power centres, 
elite oligarch families, wall street and bankers has become used to always 
running the country how they see fit, regardless of who is the President. 
But in November 2016 for whatever reason, they lost control of the narrative.

Trump is the real deal. He fully intends dismantling the globalist strings that
impede MAGA. He still has many who oppose him, but is sytematically upending
traditional playing fields and established methods of solving problems.
Trumps creates his own paradigm and his own field of battle. Opponents scramble
to catch up and usually falter by displaying overconfidence or being far too cautious.

For the other posts in this multi part series;

PART 1. Brainwashed by Media, This the starting point for an expose on the anti Trump media.

 For Part 2 learn how Trump has prepared for his Presidency for 25 years.


PART 3. Looks how Trump was accused of being racist, sexist and fascist, all of which he  denies

    Trumps 100 day contract is here. It was very ambitious, for an outsider who faced opposition from BOTH 

!![Trump 100 days.jpg]!()


I enjoyed the post. You have some good points and I enjoyed the historical viewpoint. I completely understand and agree that money has seeped too much into politics. I have a very similar historically minded macro approach. (Feel free to read one). Anyway, where I think your trust is misguided is in Trump. As much as I agree someone is needed to grind against the status quo, he is ill fitted. I will ignore any of his other controversial actions or ideologies and focus squarely on MAGA and bringing wealth back to the middle and working class. He is not smart and has no grasp on policy or the multilayered complexity of issues. Whether it be healthcare, taxes, trade, etc. Read some of his interview transcripts when he is asked questions. It is embarrassing how little he knows and the shallowness of his insight. How can a leader direct of tackle a complex conglomerate with his intelligence? I could go on for pages and pages of examples if you really need. He doesn't know how trade works, what the nuclear triad is, that the virgin islands is a u.s territory, that the increase in the stock market does not decrease the national debt. He didn't even know what the European Union was! Besides that he is extremely unlikable for anyone who doesn't support him immensely. I don't know anyonewho likes a narristic, compulsive liar, that insults anyone he doesn't like and brags about himself constantly. If someone is going to tackle the system and really bring about change, they have to be likable and trustworthy so the American people can get behind them. Third is his ego. Time and time again, Trump shows he often only thinks of himself. A egocentric mindset like that and limited peripheral knowledge about others is not a recipe for revolutionary social and economic change. He can be manipulated like no one I have ever seen. His opinion changes at the drop of a coin, which is true of most politicians, but Trump is truly special in that category.


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Spot the puppet - it's name is chump and it has a kick arse comb over..

Have you ever stopped to consider that you are completely on the wrong track?
If you haven't, I invite you to do so.

Because, having read some of your comments elsewhere, I think you are doing yourself a grave disservice and are on the road to destroying your own credibility.

Clearly you have things you want to say. You want to engage. This is a very good thing to do, engagement is the key to a healthy democracy. But, what is it you are trying to say? What engagement are you expecting? Are you looking for confirmation of how astute you are posting public photo of Trump and Netanyahu? Do you have inside knowledge of what was agreed to? Do you have any concept of how the middle east has already transformed since Trump was elected?

There are many narratives and positions about the middle east that are now redundant. The whole Jew/Arab/Christian/Muslim/Sunni/Shiite divide is redundant. You just don't know about it, because you are stuck in that old and now irrelevant paradigm.

Consider me to be a person from the near future telling you all this. Consider I am travelling a short distance back to today and I am giving you a chance at redemption. Because in less than a year all your beliefs about the middle east will be proven wrong. You will be proven so wrong and reality will be so at variance with these current beliefs that you will struggle to deal with it.

A year from now you will see a peaceful middle east with Arabs and Israeli's living in harmony, working together on regional goals and moving amongst each other as brothers.

Now you've read the future consider how your beliefs will stand up under this new reality.

Jeepers - OK we'll revisit this in a year then!

One wonders what you will do when faced with the reality, which is so very different from how you portray it.

I am correct, there is no question of it. So indulge me as a fellow steemian, assume that all the arab nations and Israel are alllies. That the Arab nations have been allies with Israel secretly since 2015. They have also invested 2 trillion dollars into Israeli weapons research industries to develop a whole generation of super weapons. All are designed to be targeted, directed energy weapons to minimize collateral damage and civilian casualties. In fact these weapons were used to kill all the Hezbollah, Al Quds and IRG officers and commanders in Syria between 2016 and today.

Qatar play acted as Irans ally, sold them weaponry which was electronically de activated. Advanced electronic warfare aircraft flying near Irans borders deactivated any remaning offensive capability. No war, no fighting.

They perform a regime change in Iran remove the mullahs and allow proper elections, which results in a democratic moderate Government.

All is revealed, the middle east, allowed their full rein by Trump solved their own problems. They federate into a loose EU style group allowing free trade and movement.

Hamas are told they are no longer required and to either disarm or be eliminated. Free elections in Palestine. Palestine rehabilitated and offered provisional entry to the Arab/Israeli federation within 5 years. Massive Arab investment into Palestine.

So, assume those events have ocurred. Tell me if that changes anything for you? If so what exactly.

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