PROMOTICS vs POLITICS = Promticians vs Politicians!!

in #politics5 years ago

Vice President Pence Paleface Pink-Skin speaks with ‘forked-tong’: Damned Devil's demons deceptive double-talk. Accordingly as: “American businesses”; “Every American can do their part”; “For most Americans” “Any American who can get home...”, “No American” ”for the American people”, “we’ll get through this as Americans together”, ...” bringing Americans back from China… to bring home about 3000 Americans”, ”we encourage any American looking on from overseas”, “to work diligently to get our Americans home”, ”The Great American Healthcare System”, “using a creative means of the American industry”...” around America”; “American Clinical Laboratory Association”, “the President brought together the top pharmaceutical companies, in America and the world...”, "The American public", "The American people", “The mainstream of American testing”; “Over 195.000 people in America have completed their testing...”, “more Americans stepping away from electrical surgery...we’re urging all dentists to look at their medical supplies...”, “for Americans”, “around America today”, “the American people are all doing this now...”, “The great American healthcare industry”,… “therapeutics for Americans struggling with Coronanvirus”, “On behalf of the American public”, “buy America doesn’t apply to the Stafford-Act”; "the American president". Now next nationalized namely “Negro”- ”Negroid” branded “black conservative and alleged assumed as an Afro "African-American" male, step up to the podium and as a “Colored boy” minor monkey see monkey do, and trained chimpanzee, parakeet repeat after me Poly wanna Cracker. Ben Carson, he says: “And I also want to thank the fellow task force members who’ve been working around the clock, in very patriotic ways, to serve their fellow Americans...Ya know part of the American dream…, for American citizens...”; U.S. President Trump takes back the podium and he says: “large portions of the country, middle America...” >>> Each one of these treasonous traitors trying to impress upon our civic consciousness, MENTAL VIRONS = "MIND-VIRUSES", in vicious villainous viral violations of THE LAW OF LOVE & THE LAW OF THE LAND & LAW OF TRUTH!!!
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Yes Y'all Yo: Just simply look and view and hear how many times they use the above-aforementioned acronym, Americans and America. It should ring a loud bell in our hardheaded United States Citizens as a collective 'conscious community'. In fact of reality and actuality; AMERICA is not the United States, one is a continent and the other commonly called country. Namely, a nation having a nationality. Nor are they interchangeable. You personally take precious time out to get yourself a global geographical world map. Look closely at the land-locations and their terrestrial terrains, thus territorial turfs too. Making my contentions and civic case crystal clear and concisely clarified. AMERICA comprises continental South - Central - North. And apparently, the United States is inside and within this mass of ALL ALPHA AMERICAS.
ADVANCED PSYCHOLOGY: = Public Peoples Psychological Programming and planned poisoning and polluting proper perceptions and perspectives. Although unfortunately approx amounting and accounting about 88% to 90% of our Childbirth certified citizens of the United States, totally trust these treacherous predatory profiteer psychopath politicians propaganda. And believe bogus broadcast brainwashing by brazen bribery by bull baloney bunk. They can no longer discern truths from errors and, longstanding lies of lost loser leadership liars!
Fortunately: Another approx about 10% to 12% U.S. Citizens carrying Childbirth Certificates; live loving lifestyles, hereon, NORTH AMERICA. Trust not in none of these tyrants, thus tricksters. Pretentious parasitic politician psychopaths. Intelligently informed individual, know that they're untrustworthy and never again to be totally trusted to tell the truths. WE THE PUBLIC PEOPLE, plan to positively purify + purge planet MOTHER EARTH, of psychotic personages purposely playing prejudicial party politics. Producing pathological plaguing pandemics, particularly pathetic politicians. Particular people pose problems!
PROMOTICS vs POLITICS!! = PROMACRACY + PROMOTICIANS: Righteously replaces and postpones Politicians + politics. Planetary public peoples producing prosperity and purity of profits = $$$

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