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RE: A Relatively Brief Recollection of Events and Experiences Responsible for Shaping My Current Political Affiliation

in #politics7 years ago

You keep repeating that I don't have reasoned arguments, even though I keep arguing and stating my reasons.

I didn't call you a racist, but if the shoe fits...

Yes, Having money, a home, and a passport makes me free. That's how it works here on Earth. What planet are you from?


None of what you've presented qualifies as reason.

The shoe does not fit, you wear it.

Natural rights and the responsibilities that go with them are what makes one free, not some crumbs that the establishment allows you to have as long as you are a good little slave.

If nothing I have presented qualifies as reason, why do you feel the need to respond?

I know you are, but what am I?

Natural means anything that occurs in nature. A can of high-fructose corn syrup can proclaim itself "natural" so long as the ingredients come from this planet. "Natural" is a very loaded word, and it can be twisted and re-interpreted by any idiot trying to sell poison to the unwary.

I was a soldier once. My body was the property of the government, and I had no freedom of movement or self-determination. That is the closest thing to slavery I have ever experienced, but I still wouldn't actually call it slavery. If you had any empathy or respect for the people who have been harmed by actual slavery, you would not be using that word so casually.

Everyone has their own version of what they believe to be true. Personally, I find more profound truths come from those who speak from the heart. You can believe what you want, but arrogance and ignorance go hand-in-hand. I believe compassion and humility are the best indicators of a person who speaks wisdom and truth. You have neither of those attributes.

The more you flail, the more material I have to demonstrate how to remain enslaved by ignorance.

You clearly don't have any comprehension of the criteria required to define slavery.

Get over your emotions and learn how to reason.

Continue flailing. I'll have enough for a book soon.

Who is flailing. I'm just talking shit at some troll for nickels.

If you had any idea what it meant to be a slave, you would feel some guilt and shame for your misuse of the word.

I'm an emotional guy. That is a reason in and of itself.

Put any of my material in a book, and my attorney will be in touch.

Good luck with any of that.

Your lack of comprehension is staggering.

Words have meanings, learn some of them.


  1. a person who is the property of and wholly subject to another; a bond servant.

Nobody owns me. I am not a bond servant.
My five-year old daughter acts like she owns me, but like everything else in my life, the choice is mine to make freely.

You really shouldn't go around calling everyone slaves. It doesn't really help anyone, and it makes you look like a delusional conspiracy theorist.

Your endless invective demonstrates that you are, indeed, a slave. Your mind has never been free if you actually believe the things you say. The use of the term slave is not simple name calling, but is a observation based in logic.

Anyone with reason and logic can readily see from your endless name calling, and total lack of argument, that you've fallen for the establishment line that you think you've rejected.

I'm just trying to get a grasp of this new definition of slavery that you invented. If I have a passport, and the ability to change my nationality, how am I still a slave? Do I need to become a billionaire astronaut to no longer meet your newly concocted definition of slavery, or are you just peddling a bunch of metaphysical nonsense?

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