@gamer00 Has Offered Me 1000 Steem if I Can Post 1000 Stories About Racist Policing in the U.S. (pt 2)

in #politics7 years ago


Here are 100 more examples of racist policing in the U.S.

  1. Pinellas County, FL: A Pinellas County deputy has resigned after offensive content was found on his personal cell phone during a separate investigation into an alleged extramarital affair with a corrections deputy. Shawn Pappas, 46, was employed with the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office for 10 years before he resigned at the end of February. He became a corporal approximately 3 years ago. The content on his phone was racist, sexist and pornographic in nature. There were dozens of pornographic photos of women and offensive memes that were sent and received while Pappas was both on and off duty. One of the memes mocked the Women's March in D.C. and said "In one day, Trump got more fat women out walking, than Michelle Obama did in 8 years." Another showed a white child next to a monkey and reads "Stop Racism, black children and white children are the same." There were also memes sent that mocked people with Down Syndrome, gay men and American Indians. Investigators also discovered videos Pappas made while on duty. When Pappas was confronted about the content, he resigned from the Sheriff's Office. Investigators say they would have fired him, had he not resigned.
  2. Columbia, TN: Brian Acton was reportedly naked, drunk, and attempting to assault an acquaintance when police captured him, subdued and handcuffed him. He stopped breathing shortly thereafter.
  3. Hagerstown, MD: Police responded to a call of a man attempting to break-into a house. Police claim Darrell Brown made an "aggressive stance" toward them and tased him an unknown number of times. He became unresponsive and was put in an ambulance and died at the hospital early the next morning.
  4. Houston, TX: Police tried to initiate a traffic stop due to "suspicious activity." Frank Shephard, 41, got out of the vehicle and then appeared to reach back into the vehicle when the two officers fired on him and killed him. No weapon was found in the vehicle.
  5. North Charleston, SC: Walter Scott was pulled over by North Charleston police officer Michael Slager for a minor traffic violation. Scott fled but Slager caught up with him and attempted to deploy his Taser. The Taser was not effective and as Scott ran away, Slager opened fire. The final altercation was caught on video. Officer Slager has been charged with murder for killing Walter. A mistrial was declared. Officer Slager later pled guilty to federal prosecutors for violating Walter's civil rights.
  6. Albany, NY: Officers questioned Donald Ivy, a paranoid schizophrenic with a heart condition. He fled down Second Street. Officers chased Ivy, shooting him with a Taser at least once. The Taser failed to subdue Ivy, whom they chased and handcuffed. When he stopped breathing, officers attempted CPR and called for help. Ivy died at Albany Medical Center.
  7. Tulsa, OK: Eric Harris fled an arrest after he sold a gun to undercover officers working a sting operation. He was caught by officers and shot by a 73-year-old part-time reserve deputy, who said he intended to use a Taser. Harris told officers 'I'm losing my breath,' to which one replied: 'Fuck your breath.' Deputy Bates was charged and convicted of manslaughter for killing Eric. He was sentenced to 4 years in prison.
  8. Vineland, NJ: Phillip White became unconscious as police attempted to take him into custody after reports that he was screaming. Officers allege White tried to grab the arresting officer's gun. Video shows White, clearly dazed, flailing on the ground as an officer strikes him and orders a police dog to attack. The hacker group Anonymous threatened the Vineland Police Department over the incident.
  9. Culpeper, VA: An officer saw Dominick Wise, 30, “acting erratically by walking in circles in the middle of the street.” The officer chased and confronted Wise and tased him an undetermined amount of times, killing him.
    Ceres, CA: An off-duty police officer and a woman were in a park at night, and Jason Moland approached them. There was a confrontation in which Moland pointed a BB gun, and the off-duty police officer shot Moland to death.
  10. Washington, DC: Metro train operator noticed a man inside one of the tunnels and alerted Transit Police. Bobby Gross allegedly walked toward the female officer with two large sticks, and she opened fire and killed him.
  11. Bayshore, NY: Denzel Brown, 21, was suspected of shoplifting from a Best Buy. Police responded and found him hiding in the parking lot. Denzel attempted to open car doors in lot. Police claim he tried to steal a car from a couple with children in back seat. Officers shot and killed him.
  12. Cleveland, OH: Officers reported that they responded to a robbery call at Parkwood Grocery early in the morning when the store was closed. Accounts vary about the time of the shooting. Officers say they had a scuffle with Brandon Jones, who had a bag, and they shot him to death. There was no weapon found on Jones. Officer Alan Buford was charged with negligent homicide for killing Brandon.
  13. Rome, GA: Askari Roberts, 35, was showing signs of paranoia and thought a gang was coming to kill him. His wife pried his hands away from his son and police arrived and Tased him two or three times until he became unresponsive and died at the hospital.
  14. Mansfield, OH: Police say Terrance Moxley was displaying "violent behavior" at a community service location. Police tasered him, he broke free and they tasered him again. He went into medical distress and died at the hospital.
  15. Chamblee, GA: Police were responding to complaints about a naked man knocking on doors in an apartment complex. A deputy said Anthony Hill ran at him several times and ignored demands to stop. Officer Robert Olson was charged with murder for killing Anthony.
  16. Atlanta, GA: Bernard Moore was crossing a highway to get to the store where he worked when he was struck by a police car. Surveillance footage from a gas station showed the police car did not have its lights or siren on. Moore's family have accused the officer of speeding. The officer was charged with misdemeanor vehicular homicide. A mistrial was declared and the officer has yet to be convicted.
  17. Aurora, CO: Officers say Vincent Naeschylus was wanted for violating parole. A SWAT team officer attempted to arrest him, ending up shooting him to death, claiming he didn't realize Naeschylus was unarmed.
  18. Madison, WI: Police claim unarmed Tony Robinson attacked an officer who responded to calls for help from friends and nearby residents over his "erratic and aggressive behavior". The officer shot him seven times. Robinson's family filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the officer and the city on August 12.
  19. Los Angeles, CA: 4 - 5 police officers are seen on video surrounding Charly Leundeu "Africa" Keunang on the ground and wrestling with him. Whether or not he actually reached for an officer's gun is unclear, but there are at least five gunshots heard on the video.
  20. Oklahoma City, OK: Police responded to a disturbance call about a man breaking things and "fighting with the air." When they arrived at the scene, Darrell Gatewood started fighting with them. Deputies tased Darrell an unknown number of times and he went into cardiac arrest and was pronounced dead at the hospital.
  21. White Plains, MD: Deontre Dorsey lost control of his car, coming to rest against a tree in a median. Witnesses called 911 saying Dorsey was “flopping like a fish.” After Dorsey, who was having a seizure, rolled on his stomach and reached for a firefighter’s leg, police ordered him to put his hands behind his back. When Dorsey failed to comply and tried to stand up, police tasered him in the back several times. Dorsey was later handcuffed and placed in leg shackles at the scene and stopped moving or breathing. He was a father of four.
  22. Wellston, MO: An officer pulled over a vehicle driven by Thomas Allen for a traffic violation. While questioning Thomas, a passenger got into the car and attempted to drive away. The officer fatally shot Thomas who died in the hospital the next day.
  23. Miami Gardens, FL: Lavall Hall's mother called 911 to report that her schizophrenic son had awoken in a rage. Multiple officers responded at about 5am, were confronted with Hall holding a broomstick. Well aware of his mental illness, they promptly shot him to death. The family has since filed a $10M wrongful death suit.
  24. Coconut Creek, FL: Police said they found Calvon Reid injured and in an 'agitated, combative state' in a gated retirement community. He was tasered at least three times and went into cardiac arrest, according to lawyers. Authorities did not disclose the death until witness accounts were published by the media. Coconut Bay's police chief promptly retired. Medical examiners ruled the death a homicide by electrocution.
  25. Pompano Beach, FL: Deputies stopped Gerdle Moise and another man on their bicycles near midnight. Moise bolted on foot. Deputies Tased him, then Moise ran away, reaching a drainage canal. He was found dead in the canal soon after.
  26. Tulsa, OK: Deputies responded to a call from casino security saying Terry Price, who was banned from the premises, was there and needed to be removed. The subject fled the scene and then returned. He ran into the woods where police tasered him. The subject collapsed and died.
  27. Fairfax, VA: Police used a stun gun on Natasha McKenna, who had schizophrenia, claiming she "refused to comply" with deputies’ commands and "physically resisted" them as they prepared her for transport to Alexandria to face charges there, the sheriff’s office said.
  28. Tallahassee, FL: An officer responding to a burglary call at an apartment complex encountered Jeremy Lett, and the two entered into a physical confrontation. The officer claims to have tried the Taser, but in the rain he only shocked himself. The officer claims Lett had the officer pinned to the ground when the officer shot and killed him.
  29. Chicago, IL: An unmarked Chicago police car hit and killed Kevin Garrett while he crossed a street that did not have proper streetlights.
  30. San Bruno, CA: Alvin Haynes, an inmate, died after deputies attempted to search him at San Francisco County Jail No. 5 in San Bruno. Deputies claim he had an envelope in his hand that the deputies were trying to examine and "a confrontation ensued".
  31. Strong, AZ: Police responded to a burglar alarm at a pharmacy. The deputy struggled with Artago Damon Howard and then shot him. Artago allegedly fled but was caught outside where he later died while awaiting an ambulance.
    Sierra Blanca, TX: Tiano Meton drove through a West Texas checkpoint without stopping and drove 30 more miles before he stopped. "Four agents approached the vehicle and one of them yelled 'gun,'" the AP reported. Two of the agents fired their weapons at the vehicle. A toy gun was found in Meton's vehicle.
  32. Norfolk, NE: An officer responding to a disturbance call at a Super 8 Motel struggled with Andre Larone Murphy, using a taser against him. Murphy died soon after at Faith Regional Health Services in Norfolk, NE.
  33. Knoxville, PA: Marshals went to serve a warrant on Leslie Sapp. They shot and killed Leslie, claiming he pointed a toy gun at them.
  34. Los Angeles, CA: Brian Pickett's mother called police to report he was under the influence and had threatened her. When police arrived, Pickett allegedly charged at them and was tased by a deputy. He stopped breathing when the paramedics arrived and was pronounced dead at an area hospital.
  35. Pittsburg, PA: Frank Smart allegedly had a 'medical emergency' after being handcuffed and shackled when jail employees responded, according to jail records. 'Physical restraint' was listed as a 'significant condition' in his death by the medical examiner.
  36. Savannah, GA: Matthew Ojibade's girlfriend called 911 to ask police to take him to the hospital because he was having a manic episode (he had bipolar disorder). Instead, they arrested him and took him to the Chatham County Detention Center. The Sheriff's Office claims that he fought officers, so they put him in a restraining chair. He died in the restraining chair. Deputy Kenny was convicted of cruelty to an inmate and Deputy Evans was convicted of public records fraud and three counts of perjury for killing Matthew. Deputy Kenny was sentenced to 1 year in jail - to be served only on weekends - and 3 years probation while Deputy Evans was sentenced to 6 years probation.
  37. Cleveland, OH: Tamir Rice was in a park playing with a BB gun. A caller reported that a male was point a pistol at random people, stating twice that the gun was "probably fake". Police pulled up within 10 feet from Tamir and shot him two seconds later in the abdomen. Neither officer administered first aid, instead arresting Tamir's sister who rushed to his aid. Tamir didn't receive first aid until four minutes later from a deputy who was nearby. He died soon after. He was 12 years old.
  38. Baytown, TX: A woman called 911 to report that Jarrod Gregoire had kicked in her back door, which may have been his own residence, and attacked her with a pole. He reportedly left and returned again. Deputy Bradley Hasley spotted Gregoire exiting the house and tasered him. Gregoire fell, reportedly removed the probes and then allegedly "charged" Bradley, who then tasered him again. When EMS arrived to treat the woman, Hasley says he noticed Gregoire appeared "unresponsive." He was transported to the hospital where he was pronounced dead.
  39. Baltimore, MD: George King spent the night in the hospital for a reaction to dental work medication. After an unknown procedure, and possibly taking Keppra the next day, King allegedly became "agitated and combative" about not being immediately released. Two officers arrived and tasered King once while 5-10 hospital workers tried to secure him to a gurney. He resisted, was drive-stunned four times, and was given a sedative. He suffered a cardiac arrest, went into a coma and died 7-8 days later. He was 19 years old.
  40. Chicago, IL: Police pursued Dominique Franklin after suspecting him of robbing a store. They tasered him twice, causing him to fall headfirst into a streetlight. Franklin died several weeks later.
  41. Alexander City, AL: An officer responding to calls of a fight at a local restaurant found Emerson Clayton in his car and revving the engine. The officer fatally shot Clayton, and was later cleared of wrongdoing by a grand jury despite significant protests. He was 21 years old.
  42. Ardmore, OK: Police were called for a domestic assault. Lamar Hornbeak was arrested and was transported to jail. Upon arrival Hornbeak was unresponsive.
  43. Imperial, CA: Five California Highway Patrolmen pulled Tommy Yancy over for a missing front license plate. They attacked him with a K9 unit, tasered him, and then beat him to death.
  44. Barnesville, GA: An on-duty officer struck Justin Sullivan and Quentin Byrd as the two were crossing a highway around 1 a.m.
  45. Bastrop, TX: Bastrop deputies responded to a 911 call regarding gunshots. Yvette Smith was shot when coming out the door at the direction of the police. They may have believed she had a gun, though she did not. The Sheriff's department initially claimed that she was disregarding officer commands, but later retracted that statement. The officer has been indicted.
  46. Beavercreek, OH: John Crawford was killed after police were called into a Wal-Mart for reports of a man walking through the store with a rifle. It wasn't a real gun but a BB gun from the store. He was 22 years old.
  47. Birmingham, AL: Ricky Hinkle, a Jefferson County jail inmate, died after a sheriff's deputy used a Taser on him when he allegedly became combative with officers.
  48. Bridgeton, NJ: Jerame Reidwas exiting car with his hands raised when he was shot multiple times by police. The incident was caught on dash cam video.
  49. Chicago, IL: Wally Flex was killed as the passenger of a Monte Carlo chased by local plainclothes police in connection with gang activity. His neck was broken in the crash, leading to his death. He was 16 years old.
  50. Bunnell, FL: Corey Tanner was being served a warrant. Marshals entered Tanner's room and shot him. During the shooting, four children were at the house ages 8 through 12.
  51. Cleveland, OH: Tanisha Anderson suffered from schizophrenia, and officers agreed with the family that she should be taken to a medical center for evaluation. When officers cuffed Anderson and tried to place her inside their vehicle she allegedly resisted. Officers then tasered her and tackled her to the ground, forcing her head onto the ground. Anderson became unresponsive and was pronounced dead at the hospital.
  52. Columbus, GA: Campus police received reports that Zikarius Flint was seen loading a gun. Officers responded and Flint fled on foot. Officers fatally shot him in the back and the back of the neck. Flint turned out to be unarmed. He was 20 years old.
  53. Compton, CA: Antoine Hunter refused to pull over after possibly driving intoxicated. He then reportedly grabbed for a gun. Officers then shot and killed Hunter. Later, it was found that Hunter did not shoot a gun but rather the officer did, prompting another officer to shoot Hunter. "He didn't carry a gun and he didn't deserve to die like this," said Hunter's mother, Martha Willis.
  54. Cypress, TX: Off-duty deputy constable Francisco Ruiz was working security for his apartment complex and encountered Charles Goodridge, unarmed and walking on the property where he had lived for nine years until recently evicted. Ruiz says he attempted to arrest Goodridge for allegedly trespassing. Witness David Hall says that Goodridge pushed Ruiz away. The deputy says he chased him and there was a scuffle. He then shot Goodridge twice in the stomach.
  55. Dallas, TX: Jason Harrison was mentally ill. His mother called 911. Video footage shows Harrison's mother opening the door to the awaiting officers while Harrison appears behind her twiddling a screwdriver. The officers immediately demanded he drop the tool and within seconds fired several shots, killing Harrison before he was able to react.
  56. Delray Beach, FL: Deputies in Florida shot Anesson Joseph after he beat several victims. Deputies tasered Joseph, but he continued "ranting and raving". Joseph was naked. One cop opened fire and shot Joseph in the torso and twice on his lower body. He was taken to Delray Medical Center where he later died.
  57. Chicago, IL: An officer returning home from shift very late at night spotted Steven Isby, a homeless man, near a construction area. The officer approached Isby, and identified himself as a police officer. At that point, the officer saw something "threatening" in Isby's hand, causing him to fire several shots at Isby. The item in Isby's hand turned out to be a screwdriver.
  58. Duncanville, TX: Juan May was shot by an off-duty police sergeant after the two got in an argument and then a fight in the parking lot of a restaurant. The shooting is still under investigation, but the sergeant has returned to work.
  59. East Point, GA: Officers responded to a domestic dispute at the home of Gregory Towns' ex-girlfriend, leading to mile-long foot-chase that ended with Towns laying on the ground, out-of-breath. Two officers began tasering Towns in an attempt to get him up, tasering him 14 times while he was handcuffed. Towns death was ruled a homicide due to the use of Tasers, and the two officers either resigned or were terminated by the police department.
  60. Fayetteville, NC: Christopher McCray ran into the road on the highway around 8pm and a trooper hit him with his car.
  61. Barnesville, GA: An on-duty officer struck Justin Sullivan and Quentin Byrd as the two were crossing a highway around 1 a.m.
  62. Ferguson, MO: Even after a grand jury hearing, details are unclear. Michael Brown had either battered a police officer, or was innocently walking down the street with a friend. Witnesses say he was unarmed, with his hands in the air, and the officer shot him more than eight times.His death touched off months of protests around the United States. He was 18 years old.
  63. Flint, MI: An officer was in pursuit of a suspect when he ran a stop sign and collided with Jacqueline Nichols' vehicle, killing Nichols.
  64. New York, NY: Police said that Ronald Singleton was acting erratically in a taxi July 13 when officers responding to a 911 call restrained him, placing him in a body wrap. They put him in an ambulance and decided to take Singleton to do a psychiatric evaluation. Singleton suffered a cardiac arrest and died in the ambulance, while wearing handcuffs. Singleton's widow claims the police failed to give him the medical attention he needed, saying that the police "didn't pay attention to him when he was crying for help, someone having a heart attack has different signs than someone just bugging out."
  65. North Augusta, SC: Officer Craven chased Ernest Satterwhite for 9 miles beyond city limits to the man's driveway in Edgefield County. After Satterwhite parked, the officer repeatedly fired through the driver-side door. The officer now faces up to 10 years in prison if convicted of the felony gun charge.
  66. Greensboro, NC: Florence White was crossing the street around 2am when a sheriff struck and killed her with his car.
  67. Hallandale, FL: A confrontation ensued while police were serving a narcotics search warrant. A police officer became scared and discharged his weapon, hitting Howard Bowe twice. Bowe died eleven days later.
  68. Hapeville, GA: Vernicia Woodard was fatally shot multiple times by her former boyfriend, an Atlanta police officer named Tahreem Zeus Rana. After being caught trying to fly to Mexico, Rana faced charges of murder, kidnapping, and a charge of arson for setting Woodard's dead body on fire in an attempt to obscure evidence.
  69. Hazel Park, MI: DeAngelo Woods died after a high-speed police chase on southbound I-75 at two in the morning. Police allege DeAngelo stole a Jeep, prompting the chase. He was 17 years old.
  70. Hialeah, FL: Police said they responded to a 911 emergency disturbance call in the area of East 7th Avenue and 24th Street and found Treon Johnson was beating two dogs. Johnson allegedly resisted arrest and was shot with a Taser. He died later after several hospital transfers.
  71. Gretna, FL: Kaldrick Donald's family called 911 for assistance with getting him into a mental hospital under Florida's Baker Act. Responding police could not control him; Donald reportedly said he "didn't want to be bothered." Local officers tasered him then shot him to death with three bullets in front of his mother and pregnant sister.
  72. Homer, LA: Robert Baltimore, an inmate at David Wade Correctional Center, was placed in restraints. He was found dead soon afterwards. The Louisiana State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigations are jointly investigating his death.
  73. Houma, LA: Police received call that armed individuals had entered an abandoned house. When they knocked on the door, Cameron Tillman, a high school freshman and talented athlete with a 3.7 grade point average opened the door and was shot four or five times. The local sheriff said Cameron came to the door with a gun in his hand, but that was later changed to say a BB gun was found "in close proximity" to his body. The teens say the BB gun was on the table. Cameron was alive for at least 45 minutes, according to the family's lawyer. But the police offered no medical assistance. The investigation is ongoing, but two months on, the four other boys in the house say they still haven't been interviewed. He was 14 years old.
  74. Houston, TX: An officer saw Jordan Baker riding his bike through Northwest Houston strip mall parking lot and looking into local businesses. Mistaking him for a robber, the officer approached Jordan and asked to see his identification. Jordan allegedly 'scuffled' with the officer and ran away. The officer chased Jordan, cornered him in an alley and then shot and killed him claiming Jordan had charged at him.
  75. Houston, TX: Hallis Kinsey was stopped by police after he allegedly tried to rob a motel patron, and was found making boxing motions in a nearby street. After struggling with Kinsey, the officer shot and killed Kinsey claiming that he charged at him. Hotel guests say the man was standing around for hours and didn't seem a bother to anyone. They wonder if whatever happened here could have gone differently. "He was just cold and homeless and innocent. I'm thinking he was really mentally ill," said eyewitness Robbie Meraz.
  76. Houston, TX: Kenneth Lucas allegedly disabled a smoke detector and became disruptive. The Specialized Emergency Response Team Unit of the Harris County Sheriff’s Department extracted Lucas from his cell. Lucas,was then placed in a holding area and put in a restraint chair. Thirty minutes later, Lucas was found unconscious with no pulse in the restraint chair and was transported to the medical center where he was pronounced dead.
  77. Humboldt, TN:Eddie Epperson was allegedly intoxicated and running through the streets when police attempted to detain him. Police struggled with Epperson for some time, prompting Epperson to suffer a fatal heart attack.
  78. Detroit, MI: Police chased a suspect with his girlfriend, Asia Roundtree, and his 9-year-old brother in the car. The chase led to the crash of his white sedan into a tree so hard that it split. His girlfriend, Roundtree, died at the scene. The 9-year-old emerged with painfully damaged legs.
  79. Jacksonville, FL: David Scott was shot 21 times after he came out of an apartment building holding what SWAT team members thought was a gun. Officers say the object David Scott was holding was actually a box stuffed in a black sock.
  80. Kansas City, MO: Police officers tasered Eugene Williams, who was reportedly naked at the time. When EMS arrived, Williams was cuffed and had no pulse. He was 38 years old.
  81. Jersey City, NJ: A pair of Jersey City police officers from the Emergency Services Unit spotted Lavon King on Kearney Avenue. One officer chased him while another followed in a police vehicle. King was tracked to an Ege Avenue backyard, where he entered an unlocked shed. As one of the officers entered the shed with his firearm drawn, King allegedly struggled with the officer. At that point, the officer fired one round, striking Lavon in the chest. Witness could hear Lavon say 'Why did you shoot me?' after being shot. He was 20 years old.
  82. Kansas City, MO: Officers stopped Craig McKinnis’ car on a traffic violation and found he had a criminal warrant. McKinnis allegedly resisted arrest and tried to flee. "After a brief struggle, officers realized the man needed medical attention and called for emergency responders." He later died at the hospital.
  83. Las Vegas, NV: Officers responded to call about a man walking along the freeway holding an assault rifle. Officers arrived and shot John Wilson in the back. It was later learned that the victim was holding a pellet gun. The details of the shooting remain "sketchy," according to Wilson's family.
  84. Liberty City, FL: Willie Sams was visiting family members when he got into a confrontation with Miami-Dade police. Police tasered Willie and he died soon thereafter. He was 21 years old.
  85. Little Rock, AR: Police responded to a call that Robert Storay was causing a disturbance on a city bus. As the officer escorted Storay off the bus, Storay allegedly hit him with a cane. The officer responded by shooting and killing Storay. Storay was a disabled Army veteran who required the cane to walk. Storay had experienced police violence before. In 2011, Storay filed a lawsuit against the North Little Rock Police Department after three officers assaulted him.
  86. Los Angeles, CA: LAPD says that two anti-gang officers shot Ezell Ford after a struggle ensued during an "investigative stop" and Ford allegedly tried to grab one of their firearms. Witnesses, family and supporters say Ezell was complying with officer's demands and was on the ground when he was shot in the back. The autopsy confirms that Ezell was shot three times including once in the back.
  87. Mesquite, TX: Eric Ricks was suspected of having drugs in his system when he was allegedly combative with officers. Officers tasered Ricks repeatedly, claiming the tasers did not have an effect on him. Ricks died by the time he arrived at the Balch Springs Jail.
  88. Miami, FL: Officers pursued Cedric Stanley after a hit-and-run incident. He fled the area and hit a pedestrian with his car. Then he crashed and fled on foot. When an officer tried to apprehend him, a struggle allegedly ensued. Another officer shot and killed Stanley.
  89. Moss Point, MS: Emanuel Jean-Baptiste was shot and killed by police after, according to police, he exhibited "bizarre behavior" and confronted police officers.
  90. Natchez, MS: Tyrone Davis was died after being shocked with a stun gun by an Adams County Sheriff's Office deputy during a traffic stop for reckless driving.
  91. Iberia, LA: Victor White was apprehended for fighting and for possession of illegal drugs. After being transported to the parish sheriff's office, he refused to exit the vehicle. Deputies and State Police claim that White - while handcuffed - produced a pistol and fatally shot himself in the back. An autopsy from the parish coroner's office released in August 2014 reveals that White was shot in the chest, contradicting the police report. Only the first page of the autopsy report was released to the public.
  92. New London, CT: Gilbert, while in an 'altered state of mind' and 'speaking in a bizarre manner,' allegedly attempted a carjacking. Lashano Gilbert reportedly told police he was hearing voices and, claiming he was acting in a 'threatening manner' toward them, officers used the stun gun on him. He was taken to a hospital and treated, then taken to a New London police station. Police say while in a holding cell Gilbert began twisting his pants as if to make a noose. He allegedly rushed police when they opened the cell to take the pants. Police tasered him another time. He was rushed to the hospital again and died.
  93. Staten Island, NY: Eric Garner, a father and grandfather, died after Officer Daniel Pantaleo put him in a chokehold and other officers slammed his head against the sidewalk, video of the incident shows. Garner could be heard saying "I can't breathe" repeatedly while the officer continues to apply the chokehold, eventually killing him. The police officers suspected him of selling untaxed cigarettes.
  94. New York, NY: Akai Gurley was in stairwell of his building. He was shot by a rookie cop who was not supposed to be patrolling that building. The cop entered stairwell with gun drawn although there had been no threat to him from anyone. The officer has since been indicted.
  95. North Brunswick, NJ: David Yearby, a Piscataway High School graduate and detainee at the Middlesex County Adult Corrections Facility, was pulled out of his cell and forced into chair restraints. He died of a cervical fracture of the spine soon thereafter.
  96. Omaha, NE: Cortez Washington was allegedly holding up a Wendy's with an Airsoft replica gun when an Omaha Police Department unit fired at least 30 shots into the restaurant. Washington exited the building and fell to the ground.
  97. Oakland, CA: Alameda County Deputy Thoms fatally shot Jacorey Calhoun after Calhoun allegedly fled from an Oakland police car stop. Officers had tried to stop Calhoun because he was allegedly driving a Volvo that was connected to a home-invasion robbery.
  98. Ocala, FL: Latandra Ellington, an inmate at the time, turned up dead 10 days after writing a letter to her aunt that detailed how a Lowell corrections officer she knew only as “Sgt. Q” had repeatedly threatened to beat and kill her.
  99. Pine Lawn, MO: A Pine Lawn police officer pulled over a car for a wanted person alert. At that point, Christopher Jones took off in his vehicle. The officer pursued the suspect who crashed on Interstate 170 at the 70 interchange and then took off on foot. When the officer caught Christopher, he tased him three times and tried to put him in handcuffs. Allegedly fearing for his life, the officer shot and killed Christopher.
  100. Perry Hall, MD: Following a car chase, deputies used tasers on Arvel Douglas Williams "in an effort to safely place [him] under arrest." Williams was in handcuffs, police said, when he "suddenly began to have a medical emergency. Police removed the handcuffs, rendered first aid and called paramedics, they said. William was taken to a local hospital, where he was pronounced dead shortly after 9 p.m.
  101. The murders of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner, also known as the Freedom Summer murders, the Mississippi civil rights workers' murders or the Mississippi Burning murders, involved three activists that were abducted and murdered in Neshoba County, Mississippi in June 1964 during the Civil Rights Movement. The victims were Andrew Goodman and Michael "Mickey" Schwerner from New York City, and James Chaney from Meridian, Mississippi. All three were associated with the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO) and its member organization the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE). They had been working with the Freedom Summer campaign by attempting to register African Americans in Mississippi to vote. This registration effort was a part of contesting over 70 years of laws and practices that supported a systematic policy of disenfranchisement of potential black voters by several southern states that began in 1890. The three men had traveled from Meridian, Mississippi, to the community of Longdale to talk with congregation members at a church that had been burned. The trio was thereafter arrested following a traffic stop outside Philadelphia, Mississippi, for speeding, escorted to the local jail and held for a number of hours. As the three left town in their car, they were followed by law enforcement and others. Before leaving Neshoba County their car was pulled over and all three were abducted, driven to another location, and shot at close range. The three men's bodies were then transported to an earthen dam where they were buried.

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