First Post/2016 Presidential Endorsement

in #politics8 years ago

So the other day I saw a bumper sticker on a rusty old Ford pick-up. It said "Life's a bitch, don't elect one." For just a moment, I forgot about Bernie Sanders, and imagined how incredibly angry this stupid redneck was going to be in November.
Today Sanders endorsed Hillary, and publicly encouraged all of his supporters to do likewise. After he did this, Hillary denounced the TPP, promised tuition free college for all families making less than $125k/year, offered to ad a public option to Obamacare, and basically just promised to do almost everything that Sanders was campaigning on. Was it just lip service and empty promises? I'm not sure. Maybe she will keep some of these promises, maybe she won't. Who knows.
Earlier today one of the last red state hicks remaining on my friends list posted a picture of Hillary shaking hands with Osama Bin Laden. You may have seen it if you have conservative relatives that like to post things without checking sources. She was clueless to the fact that it was an obvious photo-shop job. It made me think of that Ford truck with the misogynist bumper sticker. So much ignorance proudly on display. Seems like there is a lot of that going around lately.
After I voted for Ralph Nader, I watched Bush destroy our economy, and vowed never again. For me, registering as a Democrat and voting for John Kerry wasn't about settling for the lesser evil, it was about unifying against the greater evil to achieve the greater good.
I went "Bernie or Bust" when I saw how the Democratic party conducted themselves during the primaries. They tilted the table against Bernie in every way they possibly could. I am still pretty disgusted, and I am seriously considering changing parties, but with the possibility of a Trump presidency in play, I will force myself to overlook the fact that she cheated.
So here it is folks. Here is my reluctant endorsement of a candidate that I hate, because people that I hate more than her, hate her even more than I do. I'm with her, not because I like her, but just to piss those people off.


I think that's pretty much how both sides feel this time around.

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