Happy Anniversary 9-11

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

Never forget the lengths the government will go to take away your rights.


There used to be actual privacy in this country before the patriot act & homeland security took it all away.

What has we the sheeple population done about it? How many of us know the official twin towers story is bullshit & have done nothing? What can we do? How do we remove power from the people who lie & murder to manipulate the masses?

Be on the lookout for government fuckery today. Maybe it will be a chemical attack in Syria, maybe worse, maybe nothing, be prepared & alert

Supreme leader Trump is heading to the Pennsylvania 9-11 memorial seen above. Looks like another expensive symbolic distopian structure sitting on a lot of expensive land.


Elton John (singer of “rocket man”(trumps favorite name for Supreme leader Kim)) will be performing in Pittsburgh. Do you think the “farewell yellow brick road” title is significant? Maybe a cryptic connection to economic shifts on the horizon or, lifting the veil of truth.

Can’t put anything past the kind of people who would destroy entire buildings with innocents inside. The debt levels are imploding quickly, there are economic changes coming soon. Hopefully the government won’t use murder & terrorism this time to cover up their financial crimes.

Be safe today & everyday, talk to people close to you, build strength in numbers & organizationally.


Yellow Brick Road is from Wizard of Oz and represents the path to a gold standard etc. I'm sure you already know that but some readers might not.

I like the idea of the farewell to the path to the gold standard & hello gold standard 🙏

Didn’t even notice it’s at the Wells Fargo Center! Good ol warren Buffett’s dirtiest business is putting it on, always so many funny connections

Lots of coincidences (and not coincidences) to notice if you care to : )

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