The Dangers of Activism in Ecuador

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

When environmentalists and alternative health conscious pioneers think of Ecuador, there are many misconceptions that foreigners have about this country. One is that they will come to no harm if they move to Ecuador and start practising their alternative health services, or their environmental work. Ecuador is a hazardous country in both cases.

me and the shiwiar.jpg
Me working with the Shiwiar in 2012 for biodiversity conservation, we spent three weeks living with them and learning how they survive in the heart of the Amazon rain forest, amazing people.

Many often think back to 2008 when Ecuador became the first country in Latin America to recognize the rights of nature in its constitution, however, very little has been done since then to recognize the rights of indigenous people and their wishes to stop the exploitation of natural resources on their ancestral land in the rain forest and surrounding areas. Ecuador has continued to violate indigenous peoples rights continuously, year after year things have worsened for indigenous people due to mining and oil extraction. It was around the time of José Isidro Tendetza's murder in November 2014, that I had to go into hiding, I had been working on biodiversity conservation projects in the Amazon until 2012 when things had escalated and the government had been auctioning off chunks of the Amazon rain forest including Yasuni National Park to Petroleum and mining companies.

Map courtesy of Pacha Mama foundation Ecuador, showing area of oil and mining company exploits.

I was unable to leave the country to return to the west back then so I fled to the coastal rain forest and spent an entire year in voluntary solitude after writing about these exploits. Jose Isidro Tendetza was an indigenous activist who planned to head to the Peru Climate Talks to denounce the Chinese mining activities that were destroying his ancestral home in the Amazon Rain forest near the border of Peru.

Tendetza's body was later found in one of the Amazon rivers after being tortured, tied and murdered, it was believed he was killed by members of the mining company that he had bravely spoken out against, there was very little done to investigate his death. Around the same time, I had other foreign friends who had had their NGOs dismantled by the authorities and were forced to leave the country. After I spent an entire year in the coastal jungle, in 2016 I emerged from hiding.

I moved to Quito at the beginning of 2017, where I took a teaching job at a private English school, but I knew that my time and work was now limited here as I could no longer write about the petrochemical companies with them closely monitoring watching journalists and activists.

At the English school I met Petronio another new teacher, he was a tall young charismatic man and we fell in love very quickly. He told me about his previous work with a South African man we will call Peter Sully, Peter had established a company that sold Amazon Herbal medicine, he was a leading pioneer in alternative health resources and had done a great deal of research and work in EDTA chelation, colloidals, plasma healing, silica as well as raising awareness about the danger of vaccines on babies and children. Petronio was a great advocate of Peter's work , he would say that Peter taught him that we live within a giant electromagnetic, hyper-dimensional, quantum virtual reality matrix that responds and plays back to us through our spirit, mind, and body, determining and regulating a person’s hormones, chemical and chemical-electrical responses, and producing that which we are.

''We choose either a Positive Polarization or a Negative Polarization by the thoughts that we think and the behaviour we manifest, thereby determining the health that we possess. Yes, health is not just left up to genetics, but is greatly influenced by the character that we possess, the thoughts that we entertain, and the way that we treat God, others and ourselves'' .

Petronio had worked with Peter helping him develop alternative medicines as well as on various high profile public campaigns as an interpreter for Peter's anti-vaccine work, they had given several high profile public interviews on Ecuadorian television broadcasts, warning the public against the dangers of vaccines, especially H1N1, which at the time was being given a lot of media coverage worldwide. Eight months later, Peter died in hospital after an operation went wrong on September 21 2011 leaving behind a wife and 9 children. Petronio was given a warning pass by government agents. Six years later, Petronio, like me, was struggling to survive and the job at the school was his life line.

Over the past few years, Ecuador has been subject to new experimental tropical diseases that some vaccine producers were getting rich from by peddling new vaccines on the market to combat these newly emerging tropical diseases, the latest lab based diseases that had been unleashed on the coastal Ecuadorian population, we had several new devastating diseases being spread by laboratory engineered mosquitoes, the vectors for Chikungunya, a devastating and debilitating illness, allegedly Chikungunya arrived in Ecuador from Africa, though it could have been produced in a microbiology laboratory closer to home. Chikungunya has spread along the Ecuador coastline very fast and is similar to Malaria and Denge but leaves the victim suffering from severe muscle pain for 6 months to a year after they recovered, and the Zika virus which has had a lot of debate around its true origin and its links to the Monsanto agrochemical industry has grown in the number of cases here very quickly, every new tropical illness is a new niche for new vaccines or pharmaceuticals to become available on the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical market, especially in developing countries.

At the same time, there has been a great deal of prejudice spread via various groups over the years against natural medicine despite it being popular with many indigenous cultures here in Ecuador and Peru. The preservation of medicinal plant knowledge is extremely vital, with the growing pressures of the powerful pharmaceutical industries and their mafia agents taking over alternative medicines; as indigenous populations are displaced and cultures dissolved because their land is taken via oil companies . Medicine men are being systematically targeted and eliminated in Peru and Ecuador, therefore its an important time to record and preserve their medicinal plant knowledge in as many ways as possible. Mark Plotkin wrote about this problem some years ago in his book ''Tales of a Shaman's Apprentice''.

One of Peter Sully's projects was research on a black fish in the Amazon that he discovered had some incredible properties, its body produced chemicals that could combat any disease and Sully was working on it to be used as an alternative to modern vaccines. Peter had discovered this knowledge via local indigenous people and was working on advancing treatments based on this Black fish species. *"I have no choice but to fight. The big pharmaceutical corporations and interests don't take a break in trying to destroy and limit the potentials of our health, so why should I take a break?" * Peter Sully's work was clearly an obvious threat to the vaccine and pharmaceutical industry globally.

What makes Petronio´s activism work with Peter particularly potent is that Petronio´s father and mother were doctors, before they were killed in a car accident ten years ago, his father was a plastic surgeon and his mother had been a military doctor who then specialized in alternative medicine, so this added weight to his work and conviction of support that he had provided Peter with.

Peter Sulley was not the first pioneering alternative health doctor that Petronio helped. Back in 2006, Petronio was assisting Dr. John Myers, an MD who had developed work based on Radionics and Dual Harmonic Frequency medicine to cure cancer, he could cure children of brain cancer as well as many other illnesses. Petronio had access to several prostigious hospitals that his father had worked at and had shares in and he wanted to help Dr, John Myers set up a healing programme there to introduce him the medical society in Cuenca.

On the 5th of April 2017, Petronio didn't return home after work. The next day I went looking for him around places where he would usually be on his routine. I found him drugged and unconscious in the salon of his German school at 8am the next morning. I took him to Emergency at a nearby hospital, he had an MRI scan and blood tests to test for drugs, the conclusion that we came to with a Swiss doctor was that he had been drugged with Scopolamine, though its not traceable through the blood work, Petronio showed all physical traces that are left after this drug is used, a very common non traceable drug that makes one lose their memory and allows one to become easily controlled by others. I recognized his symptoms immediately since I myself had bee a victim of Scopolamine in the past. Blood shot eyes, terrible headache, dizziness, nausea and confusion. It is made from the pollen of the Detura flower that commonly grows everywhere in Ecuador.

After we returned from the hospital, Petronio asked me to regress him as I am a licensed hypnotherapist and the details that came up from his subconscious memory were alarming, not only did he remember specific details about the kidnapping such as the four agents were involved in his kidnapping, he had also been taken to a special compound near where some politicians live but also there are deeper layers to this story which involves multi-generational mind control in Petronio´s family. During his hypnotherapy regressions, we discovered he has been programmed since he was a child to be a Monarch agent, due to his families elite military background, his great grandfather was a German Nazi who escaped to Argentina after the Second World War, the Nazis were specialists in mind control. Petronio, also has various relations involved in government secret service work in the USA. The US government use multi-generational Monarchs to control elite families that in turn control the major natural resources and industries in South American countries, such as forestry, pharmaceuticals and the petrochemical Industry, in addition to some of these elite families controlling drug trafficking routes from South America to North America. Petronio also has a photographic memory, he has been trained and used by various factions to store codes, he has various abilities, he speaks four languages fluently, he is able to remember codes up to 60 digits long, he has a photographic memory, as well as being trained at Georgia tech university to hack computer systems, and carry out tasks for government agendas. Where this story twists is that Petronio was sent to check on me, as I was named as a risk factor due to my environmental reporting and rain forest activism in one of his relatives who works in the Petrochemical industry, as I was in a risk assessment files in 2011.
Therefore the kidnappings that took place are what can call accessing points, from the information gathered from his hypnotherapy regressions, where he is accessed for information by different agents (handlers) and he is reprogrammed using torture based mind control methods. However, his handlers never expected he would promote the alternative health industry which has been a major contention in his surviving family and the cause of events that unfolded in the last few months have put both of our lives at risk.

One week after Petronio's first kidnapping, he went missing again, this time for four days, the police were very reluctant to file my report. On the 15th of April, Saturday afternoon, I had a knock on the door and I was in total shock as Petronio showed up in early morning wearing hospital clothes that he had escaped in, asking me to pay for a taxi that was waiting at the door. I paid and came rushing back to see what state he was in, he had been seriously traumatized, and very confused, he also had torture marks all over his body, especially his wrists which were black and blue from being tied down. He had bruises where he had been injected on his arms and legs and torture and electrocution marks on the back of his neck where his head had been held in a clamp and he had received a series of electric shocks, the kind used in the Monarch trauma based mind control. Recently, an article has been published in the Indian Times about Torture Clinics in Ecuador, Petronio had been taken to one of these places.

Petronio was only with me for a few days in this traumatic condition before he disappeared again and this time he had been taken by plain clothes military, ten hours drive south to the city of Cuenca, a week later, we did manage to get him out of the facility under Habeas Corpus considering that the doctors in this psychiatric unit had no idea what he had been through before he was forced into the facility, however he still remains in a very fragile state mentally as he has the mania aspect of bi- polar which happened after the death of his family ten years ago, he has had a serious mental breakdown due to these ordeals he has been through and is in need of a great deal of therapy and healing and when he is well again he will need asylum in another country where he can be left to live his life in peace. The ordeal has been very traumatic.

Medicinal plant identification with the Shiwiar, Ecuador, photograph by Carlita Shaw.

Ecuador is not a safe place for alternative health pioneers or cancer cure doctors

While I have been living in Ecuador over the last six years, I have interviewed a lot of foreign health pioneers and doctors who came here to Ecuador because they thought it would be a safe refuge to practice their alternative medicine and research and provide a service to others seeking cures in alternative pioneering treatments that Western medicine rejects and have made illegal elsewhere. Unfortunately, some of these pioneering doctors and therapists have come up against severe resistance in a country that should have been a haven for their work, but now due to the huge pharmaceutical industry and interests these people's lives have been destroyed, or they have been driven out of the country again, one such contact of mine, Greg Caton, had even been taken by the FBI from Ecuador and transferred to a US prison where he was held for a few years, because he makes and sells alternative medicines to combat cancer.

As things are presently, both Petronio's and my positions in Ecuador are very volatile due to our past activism here in environmental and health industries, we are subjected to ongoing surveillance and at times even physically followed and photographed. I have to leave urgently because my involvement with Petronio has put me under his remaining families radar and I am in danger here.

I have rescue pets with me, two dogs and two cats and this is the main thing holding my much needed exit from the country back because I lack the funds to complete the veterinary paperwork that is necessary to transport my pets out of the country with me, its very difficult to rehome animals where stray dogs are in abundance in the street and where most people are very poor.

If you would like to support my cause to help fly my pets and me to Safety out of Ecuador, you can support via upvoting and sharing my story and or by donating to our crowdfunding page. With deep gratitude I thank everyone that has supported us so far

Written by Carlita Shaw

Some names have been changed to protect the persons involved.

Author of

The Silent Ecocide- A crisis of human consciousness
Available in Paperback

Note to Steemit Monitors, a version of my story has also been published on Natural News

My Crowdfunding Page
Safe Passage out of Ecuador for my Pets and Family

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