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RE: Why Banning Drugs Doesn't Work and Never Will

in #politics8 years ago

War on drugs is all about $$$, the Government doesn't like people cutting in on their action. It's got nothing to do with the welfare of people; have a look into how Portugal legalized all drugs and how that is going for them. Drug addiction is down and drug addicts are treated like patients and not like criminals. Good on you for posting and educating the steemit populace.

To finish I'd like to quote a fantastic book I read on the subject a few years back: "Prohibitions, the lines that throughout history have been drawn around bottles and behaviors, powders and plants, are tools of power. The drive toward sexual pleasure; the urge to temporarily escape day-to-day consciousness through intoxication; the questioning of the value of one’s existence, particularly when it seems too painful to endure -all are part of what it means to be human. The way we address these powerful and primary questions of identity defines our individuality. By circumscribing them with taboos and prohibitive laws, society denies its members self-knowledge and allocates itself punitive power over sexuality, consciousness, and self-determination -the most intimate domains of individuality.

It was not for nothing that Islam was built on prohibition against wine and gambling, and just about every major faith on proscribing certain types of sexual pleasure. Nor should it be seen as an accident that in the Judeo-Christian tradition, the archetypal humans were warned to stay away from forbidden fruit: the absurdity of picking a harmless apple (though it may well have been a pear, a fig or a pomegranate) says a lot about how power likes to assert itself through arbitrary prohibitions. It was the serpent, the tempter to knowledge, who invited humans to their first picnic. As Mark Twain put it : “Adam was but human -this explains it all. he did not want the apple for the apple’s sake, he wanted it only because it was forbidden. The mistake was in not forbidding the serpent; then he would have eaten the serpent.”


Yes. Actually I have heard others say that too. The war on drugs is to protect the business model of agencies like the CIA who use drugs as a way to raise money for covert operations.
I'll see if I can find that book sounds like a fantastic read.
Agree about religions:)
Thanks for your very intelligent input:)

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