Renegade Rants Episode 4: Social Insurance and Gun Control

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Every once in awhile, I hear someone make a stupid argument to support their Statist position that doesn't even make any sense. I think to myself, boy that is a stupid argument! Unfortunately, the person I am talking to usually can't grasp why their position is so weak. Often, they are just parroting talking points they heard in school or on television.

Of course, I am a reasonably polite person and don't want to alienate friends and relatives so I usually just bite my tongue. These rants, however, are going to be a place where I can express my raw and uncensored honesty.

I originally planned to cover four topics in this rant but I got a little long-winded and I decided to split it into two separate rants instead.

In this rant, I discuss Social Insurance and gun control.

The main rebuttal I hear when I voice my disdain for Social Insurance is, People are too lazy and irresponsible to save for their own retirement. The government needs to save for them so they don't end up destitute in their old age. This may very well be the most ridiculous argument for a statist program I have ever heard. It's no secret that the government has blown the majority of the money they've collected for Social Insurance over the decades and on general spending no less.

They are basically using the money they collect today to pay those who have already retired. They never invested the money either! The program is a joke, really. I mean, if anyone is going to blow the money it may as well be me. At least then I could enjoy it!

The gun control issue is a complicated one and truthfully it deserves it's own full rant or series of rants. However, I heard one particular argument recently that always gets under my skin. To summarize, the argument was that only trained experts should be allowed to use guns.

Meme Source / Image is a screen capture from Schindler's List.

What the people who make this argument don't realize is, the gun training police and armed security guards take in order to be able to carry a gun in Canada is really easy. The training is much like obtaining a drivers license, in that almost anyone that takes the course would be able to pass. Their competency level isn't what distinguishes them from normal gun owners, their special government granted status is.

Well, those are the two topics for today and if you are triggered or offended I don't care; life is much easier to navigate when you don't care what others think about you. Stay tuned for the next rant where I discuss raw milk and home schooling.

Sources: - I said the police shot 11 people, it was actually 11 total shot, 9 innocent bystanders by the police.

Thanks for reading/watching everyone! Please upvote, follow and resteem to support this work. As always, comments are welcome and I would be more than happy to discuss these issues with you.


▶️ DTube

I loved your rant and you are so right. I was just scratching my head how I haven't found you sooner...Following. The only thing I would like to add is even though I love the example you used for a world where only the police and military have guns, there are many more stories like that. The thing is, the more we know, the more we have to question. The example for Schindler's list was from a movie...made in Hollywood....Just sayin' 😉What a great idea by the way to rant about it here. I can feel very frustrated sometimes at how people think.

I mean, if anyone is going to blow the money it may as well be me. At least then I could enjoy it!

So true! Haha!

I feel for you Canadians, I truly do. I hope our country doesn't ever make the same mistake when it comes to the right to bear arms. To tell a man he can't carry a weapon to protect his family is just dumb.

It's so dumb, but honestly from what I can see the majority of Canadians support it. I guess they are going to have to learn the hard way.

I'm regretting I don't have enough power to upvote you 100% at the moment.
Nice gif :)

That's Ok, thanks for stopping by. Yeah I thought the gif was funny. I don't take myself too seriously. 😀

100 points for the video title alone :D Loved the rant! That gif tho!

What's weird is that I just changed the title in Steemit because I felt that people were overlooking this post. But then a bunch of votes came in. I am not sure if people were just busy all weekend and looked today or if there was a glitch in the blockchain or something. Now I am wondering if I should change it back...

I liked it better that way :^)

New follower here. Great rant. I agree 100 percent. You have to get of TV reception range to find folks that are not "Programmed" to be good slaves.


It's sad, most people whip out these counter arguments without even realizing it is programming and not their own thoughts that it is coming from.

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