Why Isn't the Trump - Kim News Making Headlines Everywhere!? 😕😮

in #politics6 years ago

Yesterday, the world saw an event that was completely unexpected and unprecedented: President Donald Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un met face-to-face for the very first time.

Say what you want about Trump or North Korea -- I don't particularly care for the meeting as I believe hidden political undertones exist. However, it is a monumental event, similar to the Reagan - Gorbachev meeting, if not even more important.

So why isn't this news on the front page of every platform?

Case in point is MSN. Supposedly on "My Feed," they give me what they believe is the most important news that I'll find important.


Why would I care about some guy going to jail?

I don't listen to this Slash fellow, nor do I follow him.

I could give a flying crap about the royal family, and I can say the same thing about Tiger Woods.

A headline dominating Yahoo News is an awful, horrific tragedy involving a famous athlete. And yes, I'm sure you can make an argument that it should be news, but it's not more important than the U.S.-Noko summit.

Tragedies happen all the time. Just because the rich and famous are occasionally impacted doesn't make them more significant -- just more "newsworthy" due to our celebrity-obsession.

Here, we have the most important event so far in the 21st century, and the mainstream media doesn't really seem to care too much!

I stopped asking why the msm does certain things. Of course I believe if the meeting didn't go so well it'll be all over the news by now

They do not want peace, they want war so they have some more garbage to fill American's minds with.

Talk of war keeps the defense and weapons' makers' stocks up, who the corporate media is in bed with.

Peace on the other hand implies hope and change....two things that they cannot have American's considering is a possiblility....

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