Airbnb Attacks and Censors Alt-right Supporters, or Why America Needs to Grow a Pair of Balls!

in #politics7 years ago


Fascist Airbnb arbitrarily cancelled reservations for people planning to attend an alt-right convention in Charlottesville, Virginia. Hosted by controversial white nationalist Richard Spencer, the event has ZERO connection with Airbnb. Thus, no grounds exist for attacking alt-right members' freedom of speech.

It matters not whether you find white nationalism, white supremacy, or racial realism offensive. So long as they are not violating your rights, you have no grounds to violate theirs. Spencer obtained a legal permit to host his alt-right event; that being the case, no other entity can impede upon that event taking place.

Much like the Steemit "flaggots" who downvote content that they and only they determine as offensive, Airbnb conflates running a business with imposing social mores. Airbnb only has the legal right to enforce anti-discrimination laws on actual infractions that occurred within their operational jurisdiction. Merely the intention of attending a "racist" convention is NOT a crime in America.

Airbnb claims that they request all of its community members to sign a "diversity" pledge of sorts. The reality, though, is that Airbnb is the true racist entity. More often than not, violent perpetrators of racism are blacks, Hispanics, and Wahhabi Muslims. White racists hurt our feelings. The other mentioned racists put us in body bags.

And for the record, Airbnb -- an attack on one of our rights is an attack on ALL of them!


Honestly I'm not sure what to say.

The last time I read an article of yours it was about the rights of a business to deny a sale.

Remember the gay ladies and the Christian cake shop?

You seemed very pro on a business' right of refusal.

Now that there are white nationalists involved it seems very different.

I'm sort of confused. Does your opinion on a business' right of refusal wane depending on whom was refused?

Personally I think it's idiotic for any reason.

I don't give a fuck if the guy killed my grandmother with a screwdriver, I'll still take his dollar. And eventually I'll see him around, if you catch my drift.

Interesting bit of hypocrisy here in my opinion.

Keep writing my friend.

Rather different situations. Airbnb is cancelling reservations which hurts their actual customers, those who are renting their properties. They are inserting themselves between the client and the renter. It would be like Visa cancelling your transactions because they don't like what you are buying.

That's true I didn't think of them like an intermediary when I posted this.

Valid point.

Specific circumstances are very different -- the lesbian couple deliberately targeted a Christian business to initiate a bad-faith discrimination lawsuit. I was defending a Christian business's right to affirm its faith, as promoting gay marriage would violate its principles.

Airbnb is a lodging services provider without any upfront religious or political affiliation. To my knowledge (and this is what I used for my argument), Airbnb accepted the reservations, and then somehow found out that white nationalists were involved, and thereafter, canceled the reservations.

If Airbnb was public, this might constitute a breach of fiduciary duty to shareholders, since they are actively leaving money on the table to impose their personal morals.

Who makes a call like cancelling these reservations, a CEO?

Right, Airbnb was not asked to pick a political affiliation or violate their principles of providing housing! In fact they violated their principles by rejecting a housing sale

My point is it should be a two way street.

It really is just a matter of ideology.

Maybe I see it differently because I view both racial division and religion as a distraction from the things humanity needs to focus on.

I'm not trying to attack you my friend. We just don't agree on this issue. And that's fine. Intellectual and honest discussion is imperative to understanding each other. I look forward to reading your work and having more discussion like this because our viewpoints are obviously different. If we keep the communication open minded it is almost guaranteed that one of us will learn something that wasn't easily seen from our own perspectives.

Sorry if I seem abrasive.

I'm no longer religious but one of the more important passages from the Bible to me was the story of the Tower of Babel.

Gen 11:6

And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

I truly believe there is truth in this piece of scripture. Division is what I'm against because it suppresses progress.

But if it is okay for one business to refuse service it should be okay for all to do so equally. IMO

I'm an anarchist though and believe law should be extinguished and judgement left in the hands of individuals.

I say let the "free market" of the human condition set the price. Eventually it will all even out.

If you read below you'll see I didn't think of them as an intermediary service that is hurting an invidual by denying business to them. Maybe the owner of the facility had a problem with it?

I don't take any offense at differing points of view. However, you called me a hypocrite, so I responded with why I viewed the two issues as different matters -- the right to religious freedom versus imposing arbitrary and ambiguous moral principles after the point of sale or contract.

You seem, in my opinion, surprised that I responded to your accusation, but surely, you must have known I would? Not only did you call me a hypocrite, but you also used foul language and a bizarrely violent hypothetical scenario about grandmothers being murdered with screwdrivers. In a follow-up post, you throw in a verse from Genesis?

If you genuinely want a proper discourse, you should avoid the ad homonym and unnecessarily violent depictions. Certainly, you should avoid lecturing me about "intellectual and honest" discussions when you came after me guns blazing.

And for the record, my friends don't use accusatory language -- they just address points of agreement or disagreement.

I feel that it is hypocritical.

This is mainly because in my opinion religion is a set of arbitrary and ambiguous moral principles.

You can't argue with how I feel/felt.

The only reason I have changed my mind on this at all is the fact that airbnb is an intermediary denying money to an individual who may or may not want that.

I've also brought up the point that maybe the individual didn't want their property leased to these people as well, and that airbnb is acting upon their behalf.

I was obviously trying to disarm the conversation with my follow up comment.

How could you expect a post written with incendiary commentary to be greeted with anything resembling cordiality?

P.S. It's "ad hominem".

I can't argue with how you feel? By that logic, then you can't argue with how anyone feels! And by further logical extension, my commentary is only incendiary -- a quite ludicrous descriptor -- to YOU!

I'll reiterate that I don't care that you disagree with me. What irritates me is your lack of conviction. If you want to come at me, then come at me. I respect that, irrespective of differences of opinion.

What I do not respect is your hedged commentary, where you attack me while calling me a friend. Like I said, just attack me. I respected you for your original comment (outside of the "my friend" business).

Your second post is where I lost a measure of respect, first with the reiteration of "my friend" nonsense, and patronizing me with your "honest discussion" diatribe (particularly as YOU are the one calling me out).

Finally, I don't believe that inclusion and tolerance is sacrosanct, as who we are asked to include, and what we are asked to tolerate, are increasingly antithetical to conservative principles. Perhaps THIS is the root of your disagreement with me.

Whatever it is, my real friends know full well my beliefs so none of my commentary is a surprise to them as it apparently was to you.

In full disclosure, my generally conservative outlook is unlikely to change. If you had a different idea of who I am, then be forewarned that you may find my future work to be offensive. However, I will not back down and I will continue to exercise my free speech as I choose.

If that's fine with you, then welcome aboard! If not, I'm sure there are plenty of accounts that suit your ideological tastes ... they outnumber us conservatives, that I'm certain.

The troll in me loves this.

Of course I'll be back.

Religion and politics shouldn't though be the only reasons on which you can pick your customers based on. Religion and politics don't deserve special treatment and we all should be able to choose customers we'd like to serve.

We need to start organizing and boycotting these intolerant communists.

As Obama might say, "Yes we can!" We also need to stop demonizing Whites and Asians (and by Asians, I don't mean peaceful practitioners of the religion of peace) because let's face reality -- all societies would fail without these two groups working overtime to keep the lights on!

I agree 100%! A recent comment about the religion of peace triggered a Mohammad who downvoted me the other day. These snowflakes are hilarious. Boycot them back!👌

Lets fight the battle for free speech here on steemit. Those of us who hold freespeech dear must be united and back each other. Im hoping we can create a solid community for that. Could we use a certain tag?

My brain is mush right now so I don't have any tag ideas, but I'm all in for the free speech unity!

And kudos to you for being awake to this madness. I was beginning to think that literally ALL Scandinavian men lost their minds (and their balls). You give me hope that we can stop the demographic suicide that is "cultural enrichment."

Thanks :D I honestly don't believe norwegian and danes are among the "worst" most cucky men in western Europe. My ranking would be from Cucky to non-cucky; Sweden, Germany, holland, france, denmark, norway, england. I'm not sure if Italians and spainards are cucky or not. They sure let a lot of immigrants come there, so I suppose they are quite cucky. Eastern europeans are of course the least cuckified.

There is an important difference between sweden and norway (and denmark I guess) In Sweden the public debate is destroyed and the leftists and feminists have a much larger voice. In Norway we have a big "reasonable centre" resistance to pretty much everything. The public debate usually laugh of insane feminist opinions, and it is after all not norwegians that are the most "progressive" (regressive) when it comes to adding a hundred different genders, toilets for mentally ill 70 year old men who identify as 5 year old girls etc. We don't have that debate (YET)

But of course, you have to thread careful with opinions like mine. But unless you are very radical you'll keep your job etc. The only thing you must accept is being shamed. Most people in norway love to virtue signal and they are extremely scared of uttering their opinions. If you're against fortune seekers from the third world you're a lower class redneck living in your mom's basement. A popular norwegian "rap"-group called Karpe Diem even wrote a whole album about "losers in the basement" and "white men pushing 50". It went viral and was probably number 1 for a long time.

Especially women in Norway hate "white racists men" so much that they actually seem to prefer to join islam out of spite. Luckily I'm happily married to a smart woman, so I couldn't care less :D

There was a popular tv series called "skam" (shame) that was the most viewed tv series in Norway ever. (I believe it was exported to 50 countries or so) It's the perfect multicultural propaganda show. I watched a couple of episodes and it was utterly insane. A gay guy and a "proud" muslim girl are the protagonists. And everyone looks up to the "strong and proud and non-dirty" muslim girl. A lot of teenagers virtue signal by being friends with muslims (especially girls) and you much more often these days see one white girl with multiple muslim friends. Also, more and more norwegian girls and women seem to like islam, and of course, even though it is relatively rare still, more and more people convert to Islam. Our Western culture is so evil and promiscious. Norwegian girls dont even shower naked with other girls anymore after gym class or swimming. Then perhaps Islam sounds pretty good after all right? This is regressiveness. :)

One of the three ruling parties in Norway right now has a leader (Siv Jensen) who has been talking about islamification of europe and norway for decades etc. So we're pretty used to rethorics like that. Unlike Sweden, where the party SD has grown from a bunch of nazis and nationalists to perhaps the biggest party in the next election.

There is a huge resistance even in Sweden, and I'm not associated with certain groups, but trust me, there are quite a lot of nationalists in Sweden and Norway. Travel a few hours out of the cities and you'll struggle to find anyone supporting multiculturalism. They don't however have a saying in the public debate other than on Facebook (where you see peoples real opinion), but you can see it when they vote. This years election is going to be quite different from all other elections. Libertarian parties and nationalistic parties are on the rise.

/rant off :)

Still feel as though you're protecting the righteous defenders of free speech?

First off how pig fucking dumb do you have to be to voice your support for a Civil War statue commemorating a general who lost a war and betrayed his country. Its not about preserving history, its about bitter sore loser white nationalists. Where else in the entire world do the erect statues of generals who lost wars?
I love air bnb, going to keep using it. You know why? Cause im not going to go a white supremist protest to voice my ignorant beliefs at an event that, although legally should be allowed to happen, also became a very obvious danger to everyone surrounding it. Smart businesses avoid dangerous shit shows.
Dont businesses have the right to deny service to whoever they choose? I thought it was a conservative view that businesses should have the freedom to deny gay wedding cakes to gays and what not. I say let Air Bnb kick anyone they want (not on the basis of race, but on saftey concerns, these people are sharing their homes! ) as long as its done in advance. Fuck your identities on both sides. If you identify as any thing but a person jumpoffacliff.

Hello Piggy:)) Hello white dumb piggy!!Lol:) How U Doin?Lol!

good, whats up? do you have any real thoughts in your skull?

so angry piggy..... don't worry... everything will be just fine:)

Good point, you have allot to contribute

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