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RE: Restricting Access in Society via a Social Credit System

in #politics6 years ago

Fortunately society has a built in way of fighting this.

The black market.
The outcasts.

If society becomes an us vs them situation, you end up with a seedy underbelly. A group that is much more prone to violence. And everyone in the community knows this and feels it.

Instead of making a utopia, such social manipulative thing will destroy the society. Either everyone will ignore this system, or the society is doomed.

If you try to control people by limiting their food,.. well, when a person gets hungry enough the will steal and kill for food. So, quickly it becomes less about control, and bluntly about killing all the dissidents.

In a police state, the police always end up dead.


Indeed, after enough chaos, chaos teaches, and people see it for what it is, and finally stand against it. When in early limited chaos, it's less visible, and less will to stand against it because it's more "tolerable" so it persists and grows...

"In a police state, the police always end up dead."

When it dawned on me that this isn't mere hyperbole, but is actually true, I felt the shiver of an historic revelation. Did you just write this here, or is this a quote?

It was a comment from someone else who did the whole history thing, analyzing what happened. I do not remember who, but it always stuck with me.

It is why i have penned some comments saying, please cops, listen to me, because where this is going you all end up dead.

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