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RE: Trump-triggered

in #politics4 years ago

I have a lady i do work for, and every time i go to her house its always how "Trump is sooo dumb." ("IQ 85")

Now, this would be ok, accept that she praised Obomba for all that he did.

I remember everything, but cannot speak well.
So, it is hard to explain things like, you are blaming Chump for what you praised Obomba for doing.

It ends up being a one sided conversation with her just airing out all the frustration CNN has put into her head.

Really annoying.

All the presidents between Regan and Trump should be hung by the neck until dead. (That is the way the constitution says to kill a president when found guilty of treason)

I do not know about Regan and Chump. Verdict is still out.
However, i am REALLY glad that Hitlery is not in.


Are you saying that I am stupid?

I can say that if you would really like me to, but I feel that it's little bit negative, tbh....

I am not especially attracted to being called stupid, however if I say something that people disagree with I always appreciate learning other peoples perspectives.
Given the situation we find ourselves in I am finding quite difficult to be hopeful about our collective future. I am horrified by the passivity I see all around me and admiration poured out for the people who seek to enslave us.

...even if they're stupid perspectives?

ah I just added an edit to my previous comment.
I am not sure that there is such a thing as a stupid perspective.
Any genuinely stated perspective has not evolved in a vacuum. It will be a reflection of the totality of their experiences and conditioning.

Any genuinely stated perspective has not evolved in a vacuum.

But an insane asylum filled with patients, does not a good perspective of reality, make.
Modern monetary theory?

@lucylin rests his case...

lol are trying to get out of sharing your own perspective?

I was managing an NGO in the mental health sector, I finished nearly 8 years ago. The point being, I have spoken to many people incarcerated in mental hospitals. Some make perfect sense : ) some speak more sense than the psychiatrists treating them. I went to a meeting one day and there was guy there who I assumed was a mental health patient. It turned out he was the head psychiatrist lol
So come on I want to hear your criticism, I have very thick skin and i promise not to cry or have a tantrum : )

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