A Corrupt Tree Cannot Bring Forth Good Fruit. Govern-cement IS Corrupt to the Core.

in #politics6 years ago

A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit,
neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

- Matthew 7:18

A govern-cement or a corporation owned / run at the top by a group of psychopaths, will only produce harm.

Coca-Cola, a supposedly decent corporation takes all the water from a small town, and sells it back to them. It sells battery acid in aluminum cans. They use HFCs... because its easier (and cheaper because of govern-cement subsidies). The sell a product that is not good for you to drink. And they market the crap out of it. Make deals to be the only drink in restaurants. Tie up all ad revenue and destroy any supposed competition. Without Coca-Cola, there wouldn't be a Monsanto. And this is a supposedly good corporation.

So, we look at The US govern-cement. Which is supposedly by and for the people, who have, to almost 100% enacted laws against the people. If it was stupidity or random chance, then you might get closer to 50/50, with half of the laws being for the people. But, there is a direct, discorrelation between what the people want / demand and what gets passed.

And, even if The US govern-cement wanted to be good, to do the right thing, they couldn't. They would never be able to recognize right, just, fair, balanced. They can only talk about these things.

As an example, when they enacted the "affordable care act" it turned out to be anything but affordable or care. And this is true of all the laws they have passed. What it says on the wrapper, is negated by what is inside. The self interest of the politicians and those who pay them the "lobbyists" always supersede the needs of the people.

Houses for the poor, actually means paying "our friends" to build "cheap" housing.
Keeping america safe, actually means Keeping The US safe, by keeping lists of whoever might rise up against the regime.
Making sure everyone follows the law, actually means Making sure to fine as many people for as many petty code (not law) violations as possible, increasing revenue.

We must realize that the psychopaths we have been electing as "leaders" cannot ever give us fair and just laws. They are incapable of it as a baby is incapable of reasoned communication about its needs. They do not know what love is. They do not know what caring for others is. And recognizing this shortcoming is indeed the first step in building a government that is not straight out, against the people.

It is very much true that a bad tree cannot produce good fruit. Even when a con man is making a deal for a good friend, people are getting taken advantage of, and that sours the entire transaction. The con-man can't help it. It is how they see "doing business".

- - - - - - -

Good people, no matter what they do, will always make a good deal. It can't be helped, because both people are getting a better deal. The farmer is getting a cow. The rancher is getting some grain. Both of them have gotten more from the trade than either one of them could get alone. The exchange is not 50/50, it is more 65/65 or even 100/100.
And even if the deal is a bit lopsided, than you will find that it ends in more than 100%. Only a govern-cement, heavily taxing each transaction can reduce it to less than 100%.

Good people have to actively be repressed in order for the economy to not get better every year.

If we the people concentrated on building everyone a house and providing food for life, we would have to work a mere 5 years of our lives. The rest of our time is sucked up the govern-cement, to keep us in a perpetual rat-race.

The end result is that good people will perpetuate and enhance good, while evil (corrupt / psychopathic) people will only cause harm. No matter how much they try. You reap what you sow. And when you try to pass a good law, with a few riders, and a few kickbacks it ends up becoming pure evil.

So, we the people need to make sure the laws that are passed are good laws. And this may take removing the middle men from the process. If we cannot elect good people, and weed out all the evil ones, then nothing is left but to get rid of the entirety. Because, they are not causing more harm then good, they are only causing harm and more harm.

- - - - - - -

Quote in this post are my own original creation.
Coke image from: The Soft Drink That Conquered the World


Unfortunately people don't wake up until they are hungry and cold. As long as they have "bread and circus" they will not even realize how bad the situation is.
Interestingly poverty is the factor that started to wake up America. Hopefully this is the turning point in history for you. If that is true, there is steel hoop for Europe too.
God help us all!

Agreed. Until such time as they are personally held accountable for their crimes nothing will get better.

Holding then accountable will be a great step. I don't think we can make it.
I feel we will bury it in the past and choose to do something here forward.

But, then again, i hear tales of military tribunals. I don't know whether to be scared or hopeful.

I don't think we can make it.

Unfortunately if we don't they will keep up with their evil ways that poison everything. It will come down to the military one way or the other. It always does. Laws look good on paper, but at the end of the day it is the soldiers who decide what paper will be honored.

That's why they feared Gen. Washington so much. Had he wanted, he could have established himself as king. The soldiers were not big fans of the Congress who gave them little in the way of weapons and food. Nor were they fans of the corrupt merchants who would ride ahead of them and buy up all the supplies to resell to them at a very high markup.

It always happens that those that want to be in power are the exact people that should never be in power.

Because those that want power over others should never have it.

Maybe we should have wrote that into the constitution?

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Governcement
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