in #politics6 years ago (edited)


When I was still a child a renowned criminal was released from Robben Island. To become president. It puzzled my young mind how a murderer could lead a country. It was not a matter of black or white. It was a matter of right or wrong. I distinctly remember the "Kill the Boer. Kill the Farmer" cry of a fanatic black group at the time. It alarmed me but didn't mean too much more to a little child. Life was wonderful. Safe. Theft, rape, murder in the 1990's, was very far from our home borders. The racist card was thrown around as an excuse for a lot of the changes back then. The true agenda was, as yet, unknown.


Over the years, like the proverbial boiled frog, we in South Africa have slowly become numbed to the escalating atrocities of black on white. Hijacking, rape, armed robberies, farm murders are a tragic part of living in this beautiful country. The criminals roam free and the innocent live behind high walls, burglar guards and expensive alarm systems. As long as we and our loved ones aren't personally affected we have continued our lives, more or less, peaceably. But in the recent years one can no longer continue with our heads in the sands. Children are going missing. Teenage girls are kidnapped off the street. Farm murders are increasing. And the leaders are unashamedly shouting from parliament: "One Boer. One Bullet" as the radical rebel group did only a couple decades ago. The government is corrupt. So, on the whole, is the police force. In our little farming community we have lived in relative safety for years. And then yesterday we were awoken to the news. One of us had had stock theft during the night.


My husband and I plus our immediate neighbour (a police captain from pre-ANC days) rushed the 5km down the road. We arrived as the police did. The farmer is away for a week and thieves siezed the opportunity. At their leisure they selected out 4 of the ewes and butchered them. They were in the process of slaughtering a fifth, as evidenced by her slit throat. Something must've spooked them because she escaped, injured but alive. The 4 carcasses were dragged to their waiting vehicle for the getaway. All that remains is plenty of tracks, lambs covered with the blood of their mothers and the entrails of the slaughtered sheep. Death has finally reached our borders and it is a scary wake up call to our peaceful valley.


It appears this farmer in particular has been targeted. The history behind the farm is a very colourful one. It is difficult to sift truth from wild rumours. The farm is a very large one and part of a very large family estate. For years it remained uninhabited as family battles continued over the will. A black man moved into the main farm house. He is believed to be an ANC representative, sent as a forerunner in the "land grab". He was one of the first doing test runs on white farmers. He was unopposed and has lived in the house, running huge flocks off the land for a couple decades. Two years ago one of the farm beneficiaries moved onto the farm to contest the ongoing will and the family illegally living here. It has not gone as he has planned. This is probably why is is now the first to suffer stock theft.


Having a few sheep stolen does not mean the start of some sinister attack in our quiet farming community. But the blatant butchering of sheep on a property that is caught up in legal and racist battles is a clear warning to us. What this means I can't say for sure. But it is a sobering thought that we are no longer safe in our country home. It is scary to realize that we have received our first "warning". The international media who claim that white South Africans are only "getting what we deserve" have no clue of the truth behind the twisted information that they are being fed. Scripture says that a day will come when "they call good evil and evil good". With the wicked being protected and the innocent fearing for their lives, that day has arrived.



I came here fast and read your post hastily. It's strange, they're talking about y'all on the news right now which is the first I've seen on our state run media.

Do you guys need anything from individuals here? What can we do besides pray? Prayer doesn't work on communists.

I don't know how it's not been seen and anticipated, as your model is closely following that of Rhodesia. Are there any foreign states aligning with the murderers and rapists, or is it just Al Sharpton and his filth so far?

It's about time the international media reported about it! You are right, it is exactly following the Rhodesia tragedy. While we were watching that meltdown years ago, we kind of knew we were next but very few people did anything. There are a couple South African Boere groups that are travelling overseas trying to raise awareness and finances (for us to defend ourselves and flee to places of safety if necessary). Their efforts seem to be encouraging certain countries to open their borders but we really don't want to have to leave South Africa! I'm really not sure how to answer you about help @nateonsteemit. Pray definitely. Even for communists. The Most High in His Word promises "the fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much". He is mightier than communists. We believe that He has removed His Hand from this country because of it's wicked practices, blatant rebellion against Him, murderous intentions, and also the opposition to Israel.

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What a sobering reality. I imagine some of the farmers fight back? But are there just too many of them? I, too, believe we have to be getting close to the end. The world is just going crazy so fast for it not to. I pray for your safety and protection.

It IS getting crazy! You known @hebrewhousewife, I have such mixed feelings about how close we are. Under these circumstances I think it has to be close! Surely Messiah's return is imminent. But then I look at Scripture and it seems so much must still happen - unless we are only seeing through a glass darkly. Either way I pray that ABBA protect and provide. And that His Name be glorified no matter what!

I think madness will take over in South Africa my friend.
Running away to fight another day has it's merits.

I see no 'good' short term scenario's for the white farmers there at the moment., I'm afraid..

Good luck, and stay safe.

Sadly it does seem that madness has taken over. Tragic. There are those that will stand and fight and those that will flee. I'm not sure where we currently stand....

I can fully understand both of those positions...I'm more of the 'stand and fight for what's right'...
..but when the government is on the side of the criminals, a pragmatic perspective has to come into it..
(One girl I know, has moved to Oz a few years ago, because of what she saw coming..)

Best of luck mate..
Keep us up to date, I'll follow you.

My husband and I are also more inclined to fight back, but our children and aging parents live with us so we have many to consider. Thanks for your imput

I am so sorry you had to wake up to that. It sounds horrifying. I truly wish you and your family safety and peace.

I'm so sorry, @buckaroo...and that last statement is becoming alarmingly true around the world. We are becoming increasingly unsafe because it is considered acceptable for white folks to be attacked and killed by other nationalities because they're only retaliating for what was done to them, the narrative goes. Nevermind that if we wanted to play that game for real, it justifies every evil action down through the centuries. My ancestors used to be seized as exotic slaves by powerful African nations like Egypt and Ethiopia, so should I then say I have the right to retaliate by burning down my neighbor's house? And so it goes.

There was a chance for this kind of thing to be fought. But the chance is disappearing. I don't know that we will ever be able to overcome the bitterness between tribes; and maybe that was part of the curse of Babel, that Mankind would never truly be able to overcome their family differences and work together.

@lturner I always love your responses. You write with such passion, insight and kindness. What you say is true. We can justify every evil action through the ages

Wow. Thank you!

I enjoy your posts. And we are praying for your safety and for there to be an end to the terror building in your country, for everyone's sake.

It saddens me that this has arrived in your neighborhood. I can never understand how people can blatantly commit crimes against any beings, people or animals and then have the media say something like "the white will get what they deserve" Please keep safe and may you and your household be well and happy.

It's the nature of man. We justify anything. I think it often happens so slowly and the crime is so far fetched, to begin with, that nobody believes it. So by the time you're in the thick of it there's no rescuing the situation or fighting the evil. I agree with you about it being blatantly against people or animals. When this happened in Zimbabwe. They butchered thousands of the wildlife, giraffe, zebra, buck. It was horrific. We fear it'll be the same here. Thank you for your kind words @porters

it is a sobering thought that we are no longer safe in our country home. It is scary to realize that we have received our first "warning".

This is alarming. There are so many conflicts in the world that are unspoken of or muddled by the mainstream media and it seems like we only hear an accurate report from eyewitnesses. Praying for your safety and security. @ironshield

Muddled is the right word. Thank you @ironshield

Do local farm communities carry some weaponry to protect themselves? It really looks like the wild west out there, and I don't mean the fun kind we watch in movies. The dangerous kind that ends in tragedy and never gets its story told.

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