Vertical Politics is the Only Future

If you are a Republican you are controlled and part of the problem. If you are a Democrat you are controlled and part of the problem. If you believe in Lazy Fairy economics you are controlled and part of the problem. If you believe in big s Socialism you are controlled and part of the problem. Almost everyone with a great interest and enthusiasm for politics is controlled and part of the problem. If you are Labour, if you are Tory, you are part of the problem. If you are political you are controlled and part of the problem. You are controlled by the system and you are playing by the rules of the system and you obey the system. All politics that can fit into the left vs right political schema, all politics which can fit into a political spectrum stretching horizontally is controlled politics, is obedience to the system. Nothing done on the horizontal political spectrum can improve the world or end the system or disobey the system. If it can be categorized as left or right it is controlled. No matter how much the left and right hate each other they are each other, mirror twins. No matter how much the left and right hate each other they are both the problem, they are both the enemy. All horizontal politics, all politics on the left vs right spectrum, is the system and thwarts every worthy goal of the human race.
All western political parties are imitations of Labour and Tory. This is less obvious to westerners than to all others, Yoweri Museveni has spoken at length and with great insight as to how tension between Labour and Tory is what keeps western democracy alive yet this tension can not exist in poor countries where poor vs rich politics would be 99% against 1%. Yet to westerners themselves the predictable unoriginality of western political parties often seems invisible to all but a clever few. All western political parties of any importance are either Labour or Tory, though an American might think of them as Democrat and Republican, merely newer names for the same thing. Even as children we quickly grasped what these terms mean and quickly apply them to foreign countries when studying their politics. Our minds almost instantly grasp that Likud=Tory=Republican and that Labour=Labour=Democrats. We instinctively try to discover which foreign party is the Labour of the country, which is the Tory. We all do this unconsciously, the clever do it consciously. But cleverness is not enough to break the system. There is something deeper.
Museveni speaks insightfully about how all western political parties are Labour or Tory and that Labour promotes the poor and Tory the rich and that in Africa that would mean 99% against 1% and the balance of power necessary for democracy would not last. But Labour represents the rich. Almost all rich are Labour or Democrats or whatever term you use. The clever can see that all western political parties are Labour or Tory. But go deeper, almost all rich people are Labour. Tory at this time is a middle class movement. Labour is an alliance of the rich and poor against the middle class. Museveni is clever, all parties are Labour or Tory and that would not work in Africa. But there is more to it. Almost all billionaires are Labour, or Democrats as Americans would call them. There is more to it.
The majority see nothing, the clever see a pattern. But the deeper pattern is Labour wants to equalize regard across all identities while Tory wants to concentrate regard on one identity. This is horizontal politics. The spectrum from right to left is not an income spectrum with the lowest incomes on the furthest left and the highest incomes on the furthest right. It is a spectrum of regard assigning schemas, the further left you go the more you want to equalize regard across all identities. The further right you go the more you want to concentrate regard on one identity. This is why Likud is Tory despite having an economic and social program to the left of any elected Democrat. The horizontal political spectrum is not a mirror to income. Almost all billionaires are Democrats or Labour or whatever name you choose. The horizontal political spectrum is not about income, it is about regard. The further to the left the more you want to equalize regard across all identities and the further to the right the more you want to concentrate regard on one identity. The majority see nothing, the clever see a pattern, but underneath is the true pattern.
If you are a Democrat you are controlled, if you are a Republican you are controlled. If your politics is on the horizontal line you are controlled. Because if you try to equalize regard across all identities it is because you think regard matters. Labour and Tory are not two ideas, the are one, the idea that regard matters. Left and Right are not two philosophies, they are one, the philosophy that regard matters. If you think regard matters you are controlled. And the more you hate the other side of the horizontal line the more controlled you are. What matters isn’t whether your plan is to concentrate regard or to equalize it, what matters is that you think regard matters. Schicklgruber killed millions and Stalin killed millions. Labour/Democrats kill no one but mismanages affairs, Tory/Republicans kill no one but mismanage affairs. The further to the extremes you go the more likely you are to kill and once past a point it is just a question of how many will you kill. Closer to the center you won’t kill anyone but you will mismanage affairs, even if its in different ways. The problem is always the same, you are on the horizontal line. If you are going to be on that line please be in the non violent region near the middle, thank you. But if you are on the line at all you are part of the problem. If you think regard matters you are controlled by the system, if you think regard matters you work for and obey the system.
Left and Right are barely even opposition to each other but to the extent they are they are controlled opposition. Uncontrolled opposition is the vertical line. The starting point of human nature is to follow evolved instinct and believe regard is the mystical life force and the source of all success. To rise above this is advancement, this is civilization on the group level and enlightenment on the individual level. The starting point is a human nature which evolved in a world where all wealth comes from nature and man is amethodical and the many will always defeat the few or the one. Groups are held together by the regard they are held in, the likelihood of their future success, and so regard is the source of success itself. To rise about this is to understand in practical affairs the Fundamental Act of Human Intelligence, using regard to choose between methods rather than people, and the Fundamental Moral Choice between self interest and universal moral concern alone with no particular moral concern possible. To understand these two thinks is to rise about the natural system and understand regard as the natural man’s currency in the world he evolved in, yet having no reality or use once understood. The vertical line is advance beyond the starting point. The further one has moved beyond thinking regard valuable the higher one as gone on the vertical line. This line is the only true opposition in this world, the only uncontrolled in this world. If you are not on the vertical line you are controlled and part of the problem. If your politics are left and right you are controlled. Only the vertical line is free.
Only vertical politics changes the world. Whether you are Left/Labour/Democrat or Right/Tory/Republican your efforts are futile, they system wins and you lose. The system is saying regard matters, only denying this changes the world. Vertical politics is the only real politics, the only uncontrolled opposition. If you are not vertical you are not changing anything. Human advancement at both the group and individual level comes from moving beyond the natural system and that means moving beyond regard. If you are not going up you are not going anywhere.
Most people are moderates or we would have destroyed the world already. Roughly 20% are left wingers, 20% are right wingers and 60% are moderates. If either of the wingers were in the majority the world would end. But most people are moderates and want to live in peace, this fact is all that is holding us together. The moderates have the numbers too, they outnumber the wingers and so should be running the democratic countries. But they are not. Moderates hate both extremes, hate even having conversations with extremists. When you see someone like this, someone who doesn’t even want to talk to both extremes, count yourself lucky to have met a real human being and not some political robot. Moderates instinctively know the extremists of both sides are the problem. On this they are correct and the moderates are the world’s only hope. The problem is always the same, the moderates want to bring peace by splitting the difference between left and right. They want to stop the fighting by taking half of one side and half of another and mix it together into something which will bring peace. The moderates have been trying this since time began, peace never comes. The moderates are mistaken. If they were not mistaken than after all this time they would have been able to make use of their greater numbers.
The moderates are mistaken, the way to peace is not splitting the difference between opposing sides. The way to peace is vertical politics, to rise above the belief that regard is the mystical life force, the currency of success. The way to silence the extremists is not to buy them off and buy off both sides through compromise. The way to silence the extremists is to make them irrelevant by rising above any political system which values regard and replace the horizontal with vertical politics, instead of movement left and right on how regard should be distributed movement upward toward denying the importance of regard. It is vertical politics which will finally make the moderate majority the rightful power in democratic politics.
Vertical politics is a threat to the entire establishment. If you are leftist you are not a threat, if you are rightist you are not a threat. If you deny the importance of regard you are threat to the entire establishment. Acknowledgement explodes the system. To openly speak of regard and the natural system is to destroy the natural system. No war is needed, mere acknowledgment explodes the system. But to acknowledge the system is to become the enemy of the establishment, the entire establishment. Because vertical politics is uncontrolled opposition to the entire establishment. Vertical politics is thus the only politics that matters.
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