Trump Smashed SOTU Speech! #winning

in #politics5 years ago (edited)

American politics and news media has never been at a lower point in history than right now. So much fake information and propaganda from both sides makes our political system almost laughable at times. The Presidential State of The Union adress was widely watched not only in America but all over the world tonight.
Once again, I voted for Trump....and I LOVE his presidency so far but, I am still keeping an eye on him because I have been fooled before. I think Trump did a great job tonight, it was maybe his best and most unified speech since he has been president of the country. Actually watching gross Nancy Pelosi lick peanut butter off her teeth all night and continue to pick up an “important stack of papers” like she was actually reading something was the only thing that America could be laughed at tonight. Trump was bi-partisan on many issues and gracious in every way to hero’s invited to the SOTU.
Watching fake news CNN right after the speech was the cherry on top. To see those CIA fake news reporters get triggered so bad that they described his speech as “low energy” “fake facts” was a great comedy ending to the night. None of the news on TV is any good, they all have a spin, but CNN is so far gone left it’s actually comical and embarrassing to those who support it.
Trumps border security and fair trade deals will get done before he is up for it! The fact is he got voted to office to do this and he is a man who will Finnish the job that Democrats have always said they would do but never acted. All lies.

It’s time to buy American made goods even more than ever before, force these companies to return to the USA and continue to add jobs and Make America Great Again. I thank GOD Hillary Clinton nor Socialist Bernie Sanders is no where near the Oval Office! #Trump2020


Great analysis Mr Nuts. Just watched it from Koh Phagnan Thailand. As a world traveler spending most my time outside of my own country; I'll just say this. Holly Sh*t, I've never seen such division in my life! As you once mentioned before, the political arena these days is the greatest reality show on the planet, and seeing the people dressed in white, the NWO crowd, Polosi, the corrupt scumbags, watching them not applaud as Trump says "Lowest black unemployment.....North Korea no longer an issue".......and one common sense accomplishment after another was insane! It's like they are rooting for our country to fail. Well, then again they are aren't they?

Some of them looked so disgusted with trump....well, they look like they want him dead! It's quite obvious, quite scary.....JFK

Hope you have been well!


Maganificent!! Best speech I've heard from him.

I love how people on the right-wing are throwing names without doing research.
"Satan Hillary" was never my top choice for president, and I hurt when I had to vote for her.
"Socialist Bernie" - well, there are many worse things you could have called him. Had you done your research, you would have learned that Bernie was a supporter of Democratic Socialism - aka, we get the benefits of socialism (affordable healthcare, affordable education, etc.) Without the power trips seen in traditional socialism. We would still have our democracy and be able to have a true say in what happens. By the way, did you or children go to public schools? Yeah, that's socialized education. It's already a part of us, we might as well embrace it. Under his plan, we could also go to college just as easily, instead of being in debt for the rest of our lives.
Bernie also supported equality. Equality for people of all races. Equality for people of all genders. Equality for the LGBT community. As it is, we are ridiculed and oppressed every single day under Trump. Sorry, but I went from living in a country where I could be proud of myself, to living in a country where I fear for my safety if I act as myself.

Posted using Partiko Android

You know socialism has never worked in the history of the world??? It's been tried many different ways in many different countries. How is socialism working in Venezuela? History repeats itself so please do some research on the history of socialism. You use public schools as your example here as a "successful" socialistic program? Is this a joke? The United States is ranked 27th in the world in education, this is good to you? Just another example of how big government is ineffective and inefficient.

Notice I say Democratic Socialism, not traditional Socialism. Also, I never said it was the most successful, only that a majority of the country uses it without batting an eye. Please, do not twist words...

Posted using Partiko Android

Not trying to twist words. Just stating that your example is extremely flawed in support of your argument. Traditional socialism or democratic socialism, or ANY socialism will ultimately fail miserably and impoverish the people you think it will help. Lucky for us we have history to show us and prevent us from stepping in this bear trap again, but only if you choose to pay attention. steem on

Here's the thing about Democratic is still a Democracy. Its name has unfortunate ties to bad histories. It uses elements of socialism. But, it in itself is not "really" socialism. It just enables more people to have access to things like public education, health services, public transportation, fire/rescue, etc without having to worry about an insane bill. Personally, I would happily pay slightly higher taxes if it meant I could afford college and going to the doctor. It would require great cooperation to come up with a successful system. But when done correctly, the pros can vastly outweigh the cons, especially for those of us who can barely support ourselves under the current system.

Posted using Partiko Android

Also don't be afraid to spread some of this socialism of yours in the way of an upvote on this conversation. I mean we aren't animals are we?

Certain benefits of it can be seen in other countries, where healthcare is accessible and affordable, public transportation is cheap and effective, etc. It has been proposed many times in this country, but never gets the vote, because people are too afraid of a word to do research behind the proposal itself.

I will be happy to upvote every comment you have made, but it doesn't currently hold much value.

Posted using Partiko Android

I agree that things need to change for the people. I heard several issues addressed last night from Trump that I haven't heard him say the way he did last night. I only hope this is him trying to work with the Dems for the betterment of our country. Enough fighting and grandstanding lets get down to business. I hope there is truth and action in what was talked about last night and the left will take a similar road for the sake of this country.

Sounds great. Please give me an example of this socialistic system that is working so well? I would love to have all of these things as well. Where is this at?

Yes,Trumps border security and fair trade deals will get done before he is up for re-election.

Win so much you may even get tired of winning and you'll say please, please, It's too much winning! I can't take it anymore!

Many thoughts about Donald Trump's speech, he talked about the security of the country that spoke differently at different times.

Through the CNN news, I would like to hear various types of Donald Tomp's talk and talk about the security of that country.


The current political scenario is full of chaos

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