in #politics6 years ago


Arise o', Compatriots Nigeria, call Obey.

The above is the first line in the first stanza of the Nigerian national anthem. It says arise compatriots,when Nigeria call, kindly obey.

But Politics here has turned it to something else, politician now do whatever they feel, the wrongs are now the trending new right.

What am trying to explain here?

Since the inception of the President Mohammed Buhari's administraton, the respect for the rule of law, which the former president late Umar Musa Yar'adua brought is now at its poorest state. Since 2015 the All Progressive Congress, came into power its been one case of disobedient to court orders amongst other violation of laws.

If we recall, that there has been so many court orders being violated by this administration making a mockery of the judicial systems in the country.

As a nation such disobedient and incessant violation of the rule of law, breeds greater evil if not tackled now, will result to a sorry state in years to come. Politicians in this administration disobey court orders at the expenses of getting what they want or how to eliminate you, as your being considered as a threat to them.

Earlier in the year, was a case between the Nigerian senate summoning the comptroller of custom, instead of appearing before them in the Nigerian custom uniform, which represents his agency, he appeared in ceremonial outfit. The senate asked him to appear before them in customs uniform but he vehemently refused and it even resulted to trades of words between customs and the senate.

Another was a case of a senior civil service worker, who was dismissed by another administration before the #APC administration, who later was reinstated by the same administration even though there were substantive evidence and court rulings which proved he was guilty of the crimes. If not for the intervention and wailing by Nigerians, maybe today he would have still been made head of civil service, without taking the evidence against him serious.

There are a lot of them happing, and this is not good for democracy, it makes democracy looks bad to the people. If this trend continues, i fear that the nation may soon become a lawless country and i know we all know what is, if it happens so.

All necessary stake holders, must come together and address this situation before it gets out of hand, as it is still fresh and has not been blown out fully. We must not fold our hands and pretend it doesnt concern us, if it doesnt today, it will tomorrow and the after effect has never been positive case.

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