West Coast states to Join Canada?

in #politics8 years ago

Okay another article I read basically outlined the circulating idea of California, Oregon and Washington leaving the states and joining Canada. I think it's a great idea. We already import a ton of food from down south in California and it would cut down on import taxes. Yep they do have a lot in common with the generally socialist Canadian public (oy va) but I do think there are a few things they need to consider.

  1. There will NEVER be mandatory vaccines in Canada. That is hardwired in our constitution. Being able to consentually opt out of any medical procedure is a constitutional right in Canada. You can check the B and A act. So people like Pan would gain no traction here.

  2. More draconian gun laws. But also a different concept of weapon laws in general. Anything that is being used as a weapon is considered to be a weapon. So it's more about intent. If a gun is being used as a tool to hunt game it's less of an issue than a lead pipe used to smash someone over the head. Of course that doesn't negate laws that regulate the ownership of firearms and such but you get the idea. Your gun rights would kind of go poof. (Weird thing is though there are actually more gun owners in Canada than there are in the U.S. and we get on just fine with one another.)

  3. There might be some significant implications to patants and corporations. There are some significant corporations and patents based out of the western states, especially California. Also we're a bit more stringent in our food laws here.

  4. While Trudeu did promise to make medical marijuana legal he's been resisting the process and it looks like it's going to be a highly regulated process. Also even the legal dispenseries that have opened have been harrassed by the RCMP. So it's not perfect and there's a lot of work to do. A large influx of marijuana supporters would indeed help with that (voting demographic ) but it's not going to change overnight.

All that being said I'd say that if Cali and the western states joined Canada it would have a significant impact on politics. Canada does a lot of importing from Cali as I said so import export laws become an issue. If they however were part of the same country it would be less of an issue. Also geographically speaking having those western states as part of Canada would open up a nice trade corridor down to Mexico I think, or at least make it a lot easier. Just because the states don't want to trade with them doesn't mean the rest of the world doesn't. How would #Calexit affect the computer or entertainment industry? How would it affect agriculture for both countries?

Another important point to consider is there's been talk in Canada for the western provinces breaking off and forming a "Western Republic" of sorts. Something like the prairie provinces westward so with Calibreaking off it might just trigger something like this and the formation of a new country if we were to collaborate on both fronts. Of course the guy heading up that western republic idea is ex prime minister Stephen Harper so perhaps we all need to be careful who we put in charge of all this if you know what I'm saying. I doubt Californians and friends want to go from Trumpland to Neo Harperland.

Anyway these are just some of my thoughts on the subject.


I am sure you are aware there is no chance of this ever happening. The US will never let any state secede. It doesnt matter what those states vote, in order to secede it would take a constitutional amendment. To pass a constitutional amendment they would need 2/3 support in the house and senate (wont happen) and approval from 38 states (also wont happen).

Lol much like how Quebec keeps bitching and threatening to secede from Canada but in reality it would never really happen. Yeah I know it's mostly just empty threats but it's an interesting little drama none the less. Then again a lot of people thought Trump would never be President and here we are.

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