Compilation of CNN Cutting Guests Mics to Protect Hillary Clinton

in #politics8 years ago

Probably not a big deal...

CNN should look into putting all of their interviews on a blockchain :)


Great work blakemiles, please make a post about the electoral fraud thats took place in the favor of Clinton. Your doing a great job, hope this goes far!

Like this story (Clinton rigging)

This story needs to be told.

Preferably by a swarm of anonymous super-hackers. You know... so they don't end up "robbed" too.

Classic CNN. I remember this one:

Interview and discussion about NSA, then breaking news!

I must admit, their blatant bias towards Crooked Hillary is amazing. When watching CNN recently, I look around and ask, "is anyone seeing this?"

wow that is hilarious and horrifying.

I'm from Belgium and i hope Trump will win . Hillary will kill us and is a danger for Europe also

LMAO, Stop stop stop stop, That's not fair.
Typical maistream media response. We have the same crap happening here in the UK.

Im all for journalists and news networks joining steemit, infact I highly encourage it. I however hope CNN is not one of them, There reports are not worth the paper there printed on. Just yesterday they reported that the secret service was questioning Donald Trump over his comments, Today we know thats not true with an official statement from the Secret Service saying that it never happened. CNN has no integrity and no accountability.

Imagine the Mainstream Media joined Steemit... what would happen?
What if CNN joined, bought a shit load of steem power among a large group of people, and went around steemit and started downvoting Crooked Hillary posts. Could that happen?

Hah. The democratization of 'truthiness-rewards' :)

Plot Twist: Trump planned the interchange and fabricated the sourced report to CNN to create that mishap.

I think that he has the ability to pull something like that off, but I dont think he would. CNN is there own worst enemy.

Did Reuters just call them out over saying the secret service was in contact with the Trump campaign over second amendment comments?

Yep and then the secret service released an official statement and confirmed the Reuters report is correct, That it never happened.

I hate CNN.

You know doesn't hate CNN? Airports. Can't fly without your obligatory dose of HNN or CNN :D

I from Canada and you can't get away from them in airports here either lol

wow this just gets me mad, i'm not going to watch anything related to politics. i can't handled it.

Sorry, but you are wrong. If you do not participate, THEY will win!
Such things only occur because people do not participate activelly in politics.
Politics IS our daily life. It regulates ALL.

It's like the quote about war... and one of the few times I've agreed with the likes of Trotsky --

“You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.” ― Leon Trotsky

I dont understand americans. They now she commited felony and sher runs for president with so much support?

There are enough Americans that literally do not pay attention or when they do, it is via tightly controlled sources (like CNN).

The stranglehold is degrading, but may not matter depending on who's allowed in to the country without tighter voting restrictions.

All part of the plan...

@blakemiles84 Thanks for the support. I just hit the up vote and the follow button. Thanks again.

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