You saw the US Presidential debate, right? I knew it would be bad but good Lord.....

in #politics3 months ago

I had been looking forward to this for quite some time because I expected two things to happen: One was for Biden to be incomprehensible and the other was for Trump to lose his cool and ramble on. Out of the two things the first one was extremely evident while the second, I think Donald was coached to attempt to make himself more likeable to the public.

After watching about 30 minutes of it I actually started to feel a level of cringe that I have not felt in a very long time. This was an embarrassment for the entire world to see. I don't think that anyone can look at that, even the highlights, and feel as though Biden is at all capable of doing anything. Objectively speaking, I think that a lot of people already suspected that Joe wasn't really in charge of anything and can't maintain a clear train of thought, but this proved that. This was difficult to watch.


Call me a pessimist if you will but I kind of presumed that since this was being hosted by CNN, a news organization that apparently despises Trump, that the entire debate was going to be heavily skewed towards helping Biden look good. Well, that might have been the case and I can only point out a couple of instances where this appeared to be happening, but in the end it doesn't really matter because Joe seriously struggled to maintain a coherent statement throughout the entire thing. This is not me being biased, which I will admit that I am, this is just a fact. Biden trailed off in his statements, started mumbling and changed directions multiple times mid-sentence. If he was in-fact attempting to remember prepared statements, he did a terrible job of that.

At one point in time Trump was given an opportunity to respond, as is tradition in debates, but just said " I don't know what Joe just said, and I don't think he knows either."

There was no crowd allowed at the debate, but I am sure that would have gotten a laugh response because it wasn't mean like you would expect from Trump, it wasn't poking the tiger, it was just a fact. There were some moments of lucidity from Biden but they were few and far between. Gaffes were expected from both men and of course the "fact checkers" were very busy attacking Trump whenever they could. I am quite certain that he stretched the truth many times but at least he was understandable in what it was that he was talking about!

At one point, that even MSNBC and CNN had to admit was a massive fail, Joe was asked about abortion, which is an easy topic for Democrats to emerge on top of, and Joe shifted what he was talking about mid-sentence and started talking about a woman who was killed by an illegal immigrant or whatever the PC version of that sort of person is called now. Are you kidding me? You took one of the strongholds of your party, a topic that should be a home-run and somehow managed to point out the one thing that is seen as the weakest part of Joe's administration.

There were times that I felt as though this could very well be a setup. That Joe's handlers knew he would muck this up so that they would finally have the ammunition that they need in order to remove him from re-election and replace him, at the last minute, with someone else. The thing is, who will that be? It can't be Kamala, she is less popular than Joe is. As crazy as it would sound for the DNC to just hot-swap someone else into that position without a primary, I mean, I think that is legal, right?


This debate performance was so devastating to Joe, that his MSM allies didn't even try to spin this in his direction. There was no way for them to possibly do so. Even Joy Reid and Rachael Maddow admitted, even though they HATE Trump, that Trump won that debate.

When I saw the above poll that a friend sent me, I responded that "those 33% would have said Joe won the debate if Joe hadn't turned up for the debate." and honestly, Joe really should have just not showed up for the debate. He would have been a lot better off if he had used his Covid campaign strategy of just staying out of the public eye as much as possible.

I wouldn't say that any of us who watched this actually learned anything other than the fact that Joe is seriously not all there. Trump on the other hand managed to not ramble on too much and didn't get angry or abusive which is something he has made mistakes with in the past. Now, will anyone decide to vote for Trump because of this? I doubt it. I think the political tribalism is so deeply entrenched that there is really nothing either of these guys could possibly do to sway any voters right now. The people who have supported Biden in the past 4 years have mainly done if from a "at last he isn't Trump!" point of view but honestly folks, after seeing that pathetic display of.... jeez, I don't really even know to call it, how can anyone genuinely think that Biden is the person for the job.

A friend sent me this and I presume it is from Twitter


With even the most stalwart networks like MSNBC and CNN claiming this was a complete disaster for Biden, with no way of spinning it any other way than to talk about how petty it was for golf scores to come up, I kind of wonder if Biden will back out of the 2nd debate. Apparently he prepared for a full week for this one and that was the best he could do?

At this point I think that all Democrats would celebrate if Joe backed out and let someone else have a go but who could that be at this point? This is the strangest election that I have ever been witness to in my entire life by far.

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